Acer aspire switch 10 recovery

Let me know if you can get one to work and what you did, if you would So, I deleted my recovery partition to try to reclaim some of the tiny hard drive on this thing, without reading into it Stupid, I know and I ended up bricking the windows install. For windows 10 you can simply add bootmgr. Hair is being pulled and at the moment I think the only option is to send to Acer. At the login prompt there should be likely at bottom left of the screen an option to sign in with a different account.

Supplied in ISO format by download and by mail on DVD or bootable USB.

Acer Aspire Switch 10 Recovery Disk Table of Contents. Acer, AcerNote, Anywhere, Aspire, Chromebook, Extensa, Ferrari, Gateway, Iconia, Predator, Quanta, Timeline, TimelineX, TravelMate, Veriton and more that are not yet listed here. In the next paragraph some of the varied Aspire Switch 10 drivers and hardware configurations are shown. To overcome this we also supply, with every order, an agile driver recovery disk, which will carry out a live scan and replace and update any old drivers.

Remember that a valid product key found on the Aspire Switch 10 COA is required to use the system recovery service. The edition required will be on the list below. Do not worry if you get this wrong, customer services can change this, after your purchase, if required. Alternatively information, instructions and software regarding how to convert an ISO to a physical DVD or CD is here. Please remember that we have a comprehensive, easy to use, FAQ and help page here which can guide you through many of the frequently asked questions, with a live help desk and lots of videos.

It is more reliable, has more driver support and is faster than the 64 bit version. This driver disk will also supply you with all the very latest drivers available as it also incorporates an automatic update system that will go on-line, update, replace and remove any old or broken device drivers. As an added bonus you can use this disk up to three times on three separate computers.

The version required can be found from the list below. After you have re-installed the operating system on your Acer Aspire Switch 10, things like your sound or graphics will not be working correctly. This is because the operating system would of set-up your computer with default or generic drivers that are designed only to operate at minimal levels or may not work at all. Some form of driver is required for the hardware to operate in any way.

These are not optimized for the Aspire Switch 10 and are very very slow. In cases where the computer is using a default display driver, you will not even be able to see the full screen resolution. Our Aspire Switch 10 compatible driver disk is one of the most versatile ever released.

We think that a driver disk full of compressed, out of date and hard to install driver files is just not good enough. Once the disk has automatically set-up your network drivers, and if you have internet connectivity, the system will then also update, replace and remove any old or broken device drivers. It does not matter if your system is using a RAID or SATA or IDE, it will work with all storage device hardware.

With an easy to use quick mode the hard drive or SSD can be searched for pictures, videos or any documents. Due to the many requests we have now written an easy step by step guide, with everything you need here How To Make A Bootable Windows USB From An ISO. Conversely you can use the Microsoft tools as described below. There are lots of tools around to convert an ISO file to a bootable USB key this.

Acer Aspire Switch 10 Recovery Disk ISO: Page Last Updated 01 July All logos and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners. Available by download, disk or bootable USB key.

Acer Aspire Switch 10 Recovery Disk ISO & Drivers

acer aspire switch 10 recovery

Leolipop June 23, 1: Supplied in ISO format by download and by mail on DVD or bootable USB. Thanks for the help. Notebook, Android, SSD hard drive. As many updates and releases take place in those time periods the original OEM disks will contain a very old edition of the operating system and out of date drivers. I have the same issue with this crappy ACER Switch After setting the "Supervisor Password" in bios, all greyed out options including secure boot settings are available! Newsletter Sign Up Invalid Email Address.

Can you share this ISO again? This is a mandatory field. Join them; it only takes a minute: Resources Register Predator Next Acer. Same issue here, wiped the recovery partition and rebooted to be greeted with Recovery Your PC needs to be repaired.


Booted a MSDaRT Microsoft Diagnostics And Recovery Toolset disk from USB. Windows 8 is a pain in the ass. A bios update will give you the legacy boot option.

Clayto February 15, 1: Same issue here, wiped the recovery partition and rebooted to be greeted with Recovery Your PC needs to be repaired. Check if you can boot to desktop. Yay, I let 8. Clayto February 15, Aspire Switch 10 Factory Recovery Backup. Can you share this ISO again?

Remove Apps and Settings in ACER Aspire Switch 10 - Refresh Windows

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