After some digging we ended up on this Stackoverflow post that offers a variety of potential solutions to the problem. Note that the ActionBar continues to work and if all you need is a static bar at the top that can host icons and a back button, then you can safely continue to use ActionBar. If you want the status bar to be entirely transparent for KitKat and above, the easiest approach is to:. If you were using AppCompatActivity and have gone down the path of not using it, because you wanted to not get the automatic ActionBar that it provides, because you want to separate out the Toolbarbecause of your Material Design needs and CoordinatorLayout or AppBarLayoutthen, consider this: I also want to give my colleague Sasha a hat tip here because when I say that "we" went through some pain here, I mostly mean her.
This is an archived post. You can also use that in Fragments that are attached to ActionBarActivities you can use it like this: A task is the sequence of activities a user follows to accomplish a goal.
Refer to this stackoverflow post for more details. Previous Next Get started Next classNext class.
How do I make that icon take you back to the previous screen? First, make the application icon clickable using the following code in the activity whose title bar you want to have a back button in:. After you have added the above code you will see a back arrow appear to the left of the application icon. Second, after you have done the above you still have to create code that will take advantage of the click event.
To do so be aware that when you actually click on the application icon an onOptionsItemSelected method is called. So to go back to the previous activity add that method to your activity and put Intent code in it that will return you to the previous activity. To go back to it write the method as follows:. In the Android developers API it recommends messing around with the manifest and adding stuff like android: The above is simpler and more reliable.
Sign up for our newsletter and get our top new questions delivered to your inbox see an example. However, using navigateUpFromSameTask is suitable only when your app is the owner of the current task that is, the user began this task from your app.
If you are using the new support library for 5. Nothing more to do, See Add up action. See Specify the Parent Activity. Then you have to overwrite the method onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem and look for the android. Then you know the user has clicked on that back button on the actionbar.
Light-weighted version without using ActionBarActivity that still has the same bahaviors here:. Put new ToolbarConfigurer this, Toolbar findViewById R. The simplest way and best practice as google explains in here:. You can also simply put onBackPressed in your onClick listener. You need to add the below mentioned code in the manifest file. Search for the activity in which you want to add the back arrow functionality.
If you find the one then fine or create the activity. If your activity extends AppCompatActivity you need to override the onSupportNavigateUp method like so:.
Handle your logic in your onBackPressed method and just call that method in onSupportNavigateUp so the back button on the phone and the arrow on the toolbar do the same thing. It can also be done without code by specifying a parent activity in app manifest If you want a back button in Activity B which will goto Activity A, just add Activity A as the parent of Activity B in the manifest.
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Drew 2, 5 27 There are two simple steps to creating a back button in the title bar: First, make the application icon clickable using the following code in the activity whose title bar you want to have a back button in: To go back to it write the method as follows: Moreover, you should do that only if item. Did you find this question interesting? Try our newsletter Sign up for our newsletter and get our top new questions delivered to your inbox see an example.
Please click the link in the confirmation email to activate your subscription. This is the correct answer!! Lucy Fair 4 9. Thanks for introducing the NavUtils! Adding the parentActivityName to my manifest did the trick! Paul Thompson 1, 1 18 Light-weighted version without using ActionBarActivity that still has the same bahaviors here: Mygod 1, 1 9 This fits with the new Toolbar widget that is included in the support library. The simplest way and best practice as google explains in here: Add a parent for your childActivity in the AndroidManifest.
Activate the back button in your childActivity: That is the case for me. If your activity extends AppCompatActivity you need to override the onSupportNavigateUp method like so: Ruzin 3 8. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Trends in Cloud Computing: Who Uses AWS, Who Uses Azure? Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Then you know the user has clicked on that back button on the actionbar share improve this answer.
Navigation with Back and Up | Android Developers
![back button toolbar android back button toolbar android](
Adding Wearable Features to Notifications. Overview Toolbar was introduced in Android Lollipop, API 21 release and is the spiritual successor of the ActionBar. Moreover, you should do that only if item. Despite having set the color filter earlier, we found that it was being lost and defaulting back to black. Artemiy 1, 10 This doc is hidden because your selected API level for the documentation is.
To use Toolbar as an ActionBar, first ensure the AppCompat-v7 support library is added to your application build. If you want to change your language preference later, use the language menu at the bottom of each page.
You can also simply put onBackPressed in your onClick listener. However, a notable exception to this occurs when browsing between related detail views not tied together by the referring list—for example, when browsing in the Play Store between apps from the same developer, or albums by the same artist.
How to get the Android ActionBar Back/Up button to work like the Android back button |
Trends in Cloud Computing: How to show back button in toolbar. Toolbar , then you should add the following code to your AppCompatActivity: You can access the TextView inside your activity with:. If you are using an ActionBarActivity then you can tell Android to use the Toolbar as the ActionBar like so: What are you interested in? With ActionBar , I call mActionbar.
Twitter integration in android. The resulting code boils down to something like this: Post response using retrofit. The resulting PendingIntent specifies not only the activity to start as defined by detailsIntent , but also the back stack that should be inserted into the task all parents of the DetailsActivity defined by detailsIntent.
Does not try to collect the terminal data this app. Android - Back button in the title bar Ask Question. Pagination for spinner dummy. Add me to the mailing list. One of your Play Store app URLs. Assistive Touch - Easy Touch Cam-Technology 1. Back dismisses the pop-up notification.
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