Backbox linux описание

Дистрибутив базируется на Ubuntu - ядро Linix kernel 4. Secondly, Ubuntu had learned from the mistakes of other similar projects and avoided them from the start - it created an excellent web-based infrastructure with a Wiki-style documentation, creative bug-reporting facility, and professional approach to the end users.

In order to meet the needs of Linux and Windows users, in the system selection, Pocket will provide Ubuntu Beginner-friendly; excellent central configuration utility; very good out-of-the-box support for dozens of languages; installable live media Cons: Contemporary Cryptography A FREE page ebook intended for computer scientists, electrical engineers and mathematicians both in research and practice.

It lists 10 Linux distributions plus an honourable mention of FreeBSD, by far the most popular of all of the BSDswhich are generally considered as most widely-used by Linux users around the world.

As for input, we adopt ergonomics. Только на нашем сайте вы сможете выбрать ту сборку, которая вам нравится и скачать её через торрент. Advanced Package Tool APT with mintInstall using DEB packages compatible with Ubuntu repositories Available editions: About DistroWatch Contact Us DistroWatch Wiki Page Hit Ranking Page Hit Trends Advertise With Us Frequently Asked Questions Contribute Donate Our donations Programme CryptoCoin. Следующее Предыдущее Главная страница.

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Even if you forget to bring a mobile phone, you can communicate with any corner of the world through the Skype Internet phone, which is so cool! Several years and development releases later, PCLinuxOS is rapidly approaching its intended state. At the same time, Pocket also provides a USB Type A interface. For example, despite frequent calls for a bit edition, the developers held off producing a bit build until fairly recently.

Its founder, Ian Murdock, envisaged the creation of a completely non-commercial project developed by hundreds of volunteer developers in their spare time.

With sceptics far outnumbering optimists at the time, it seemed destined to disintegrate and collapse, but the reality was very different. Debian not only survived, it thrived and, in less than a decade, it became the largest Linux distribution and possibly the largest collaborative software project ever created! It is developed by over 1, volunteer developers, its software repositories contain close to 50, binary packages compiled for 8 processor architecturesand it is responsible for inspiring over Debian-based distributions and live CDs.

These figures are unmatched by any other Linux-based operating system. The actual development of Debian takes place in three main branches or four if one includes the bleeding-edge "experimental" branch of increasing levels of stability: However, this lengthy and complex development style also has some drawbacks: Those users who prefer the latest packages and technologies are forced to use the potentially buggy Debian testing or unstable branches.

The highly democratic structures of Debian have led to controversial decisions and gives rise to infighting among the developers. This has contributed to stagnation and reluctance to make radical decisions that would take the project forward. Very stable; remarkable quality control; includes over 30, software packages; supports more processor architectures than any other Linux distribution Cons: Conservative - due to its support for many processor architectures, newer technologies are not always included; slow release cycle one stable release every 1 - 3 years ; discussions on developer mailing lists and blogs can be uncultured at times Software package management: Advanced Package Tool APT using DEB packages Available editions: Arch Linux an example desktop.

FreeBSD an example desktop. Make money with Binary Option Robot automated trading software and find the best brokers at 7binaryoptions. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this copyright notice is preserved. Packages We Track Package Management Package Releases Compare Packages Across Distros.

Search For Distro Major Distributions Waiting List Submit New Distro Show Random Distro. Search For An Article Questions And Answers Columns Tips And Tricks Columns Myths And Misunderstandings Columns Glossary Of Common Terms Simplified Manual Pages.

Other Operating Systems Compatible Hardware Security Advisories Torrents Upload Torrents Distro Signing Keys Visual Distro Family Tree. About DistroWatch Contact Us DistroWatch Wiki Page Hit Ranking Page Hit Trends Advertise With Us Frequently Asked Questions Contribute Donate Our donations Programme CryptoCoin. This is why this page was created. It lists 10 Linux distributions plus an honourable mention of FreeBSD, by far the most popular of all of the BSDswhich are generally considered as most widely-used by Linux users around the world.

There are no figures to back it up and there are many other distributions that might suit your particular purpose better, but as a general rule, all of these are popular and have very active forums or mailing lists where you can ask questions if you get stuck. UbuntuLinux Mint and PCLinuxOS are considered the easiest for new users who want to get productive in Linux as soon as possible without having to master all its complexities.

On the other end of the spectrum, Slackware LinuxArch Linux and FreeBSD are more advanced distributions that require plenty of learning before they can be used effectively. CentOS is an enterprise distribution, suitable for those who prefer stability, reliability and long-term support over cutting-edge features and software.

Linux Minta distribution based on Ubuntu, was first launched in by Clement Lefebvre, a French-born IT specialist living in Ireland. Originally maintaining a Linux web site dedicated to providing help, tips and documentation to new Linux users, the author saw the potential of developing a Linux distribution that would address the many usability drawbacks associated with the generally more technical, mainstream products.

After soliciting feedback from the visitors on his web site, he proceeded with building what many refer to today as an "improved Ubuntu" or "Ubuntu done right". But Linux Mint is not just an Ubuntu with a new set of applications and an updated desktop theme. Since its beginnings, the developers have been adding a variety of graphical "mint" tools for enhanced usability; this includes mintDesktop - a utility for configuring the desktop environment, mintMenu - a new and elegant menu structure for easier navigation, mintInstall - an easy-to-use software installer, and mintUpdate - a software updater, just to mention a few more prominent ones among several other tools and hundreds of additional improvements.

The project also designs its own artwork. Perhaps one of the best features of Linux Mint is the fact that the developers listen to the users and are always fast in implementing good suggestions. While Linux Mint is available as a free download, the project generates revenue from donations, advertising and professional support services.

Linux Mint does not adhere to the principles of software freedom and it does not publish security advisories. Advanced Package Tool APT with mintInstall using DEB packages compatible with Ubuntu repositories Available editions: A "Main" edition with MATE and Cinnamon"Community" editions with KDE and XfceLinux Mint "Debian" edition with MATE or Cinnamon Possible alternatives: Ubuntuelementary OSZorin OSLubuntuXubuntuPeppermint OS Linux Mint.

The launch of Ubuntu was first announced in September Although a relative newcomer to the Linux distribution scene, the project took off like no other before, with its mailing lists soon filled in with discussions by eager users and enthusiastic developers. In the years that followed, Ubuntu grew to become the most popular desktop Linux distribution and has greatly contributed towards developing an easy-to-use and free desktop operating system that can compete well with any proprietary ones available on the market.

Secondly, Ubuntu had learned from the mistakes of other similar projects and avoided them from the start - it created an excellent web-based infrastructure with a Wiki-style documentation, creative bug-reporting facility, and professional approach to the end users.

And thirdly, thanks to its wealthy founder, Ubuntu was able to ship free CDs to all interested users, thus contributing to the rapid spread of the distribution. On the technical side of things, Ubuntu is based on Debian "Sid" unstable branchbut with some prominent packages, backbox linux описание, such as GNOME, Firefox and LibreOffice, updated to their latest versions. It uses a custom user interface called "Unity".

It has a predictable, 6-month release schedule, with an occasional Long Term Support LTS release that is supported with security updates for 5 years, depending on the edition non-LTS release are supported for 9 months. Other special features of Ubuntu include an installable live DVD, creative artwork and desktop themes, migration assistant for Windows users, support for the latest technologies, such as 3D desktop effects, easy installation of proprietary device drivers for ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards and wireless networking, and on-demand support for non-free or patent-encumbered media codecs.

Fixed release cycle and support period; long-term support LTS variants with 5 years of security updates; novice-friendly; wealth of documentation, both official and user-contributed Cons: Lacks compatibility with Debian; frequent major changes tend to drive some users away, the Unity user interface has been criticised as being more suitable for mobile devices than desktop computers; non-LTS releases come with only 9 months of security support Software package management: Advanced Package Tool APT using DEB packages Available variants: At the time it was just a fork of Red Hat Linux with KDE as the default desktop, better hardware detection and some user-friendly features, but it gained instant popularity due to positive reviews in the media.

Upon finding themselves without work, they decided to form Mageia, a community project which is a logical continuation of Mandrake and Mandriva, perhaps more so than Mandriva itself.

Mageia is primarily a desktop distribution. Its best-loved features are cutting-edge software, superb system administration suite Mageia Control Centreability to attract a large number of volunteer contributors, and extensive internationalisation support. It features one of the easiest, yet powerful system installers on its installation DVD, while it also releases a set of live images with either KDE or GNOME desktops and comprehensive language support, with the ability to install it onto a hard disk directly from the live desktop session.

The unique Mageia Control Center continues to improve with each release, offering newcomers to Linux a powerful tool for configuring just about any aspect of their computer without ever reaching for the terminal. Also, it lacks the buzz and infrastructure accompanying some of the bigger and more profligate Linux distributions.

Beginner-friendly; excellent central configuration utility; very good out-of-the-box support for dozens of languages; installable live media Cons: URPMI with Rpmdrake a graphical front-end for URPMI using RPM packages Available editions: OpenMandrivaROSA Mageia.

Although Fedora was formally unveiled only in Septemberits origins effectively date back to when it was launched by two Linux visionaries -- Bob Young and Marc Ewing -- under the name of Red Hat Linux.

In later years, Red Hat standardised on a regular, 6-month release schedule. Injust after the release of Red Hat Linux 9, the company introduced some radical changes to its product line-up.

It retained the Red Hat trademark for its commercial products, notably Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and introduced Fedora Core later renamed to Fedoraa Red Hat-sponsored, but community-oriented distribution designed for the "Linux hobbyist".

After the initial criticism of the changes, the Linux community accepted the "new" distribution as a logical continuation of Red Hat Linux. A few quality releases was all it took for Fedora to regain its former status as one of the best-loved operating systems on the market.

At the same time, Red Hat quickly became the biggest and most profitable Linux company in the world, with an innovative product line-up, excellent customer support, and other popular initiatives, such as its Red Hat Certified Engineer RHCE certification programme. On a negative side, Fedora still lacks a clear desktop-oriented strategy that would make the product easier to use for those beyond the "Linux hobbyist" target.

Highly innovative; outstanding security features; large number of supported packages; strict adherence to the free software philosophy; availability of live CDs featuring many popular desktop environments Cons: YUM graphical and command line utility using RPM packages Available editions: Korora live DVD with GNOME, KDE, LXDE or Xfce Suggested Red Hat-based alternatives: CentOSScientific Linux Fedora.

The beginnings of openSUSE date back to when four German Linux enthusiasts -- Roland Dyroff, Thomas Fehr, Hubert Mantel and Burchard Steinbild -- launched the project under the name of SuSE Software und System Entwicklung Linux. In the following years, the developers adopted the RPM package management format and introduced YaST, an easy-to-use graphical system administration tool. Frequent releases, excellent printed documentation, and easy availability of SuSE Linux in stores across Europe and North America resulted in growing popularity for the distribution.

SuSE Linux was acquired by Novell, Inc. Major changes in the development, licensing and availability of SUSE Linux followed shortly after the first acquisition - YaST was released under the General Public License GPLthe ISO images were freely distributed from public download servers, and, most significantly, the development of the distribution was opened to public participation for the first time.

Since the launch of the openSUSE project and the release of version Today, openSUSE has a large following of satisfied users.

The principal reason for openSUSE getting high marks from its users are pleasant and polished desktop environments KDE and GNOMEexcellent system administration utility YaSTand, for those who buy the boxed edition, some of the best printed documentation available with any distribution.

Although Novell has downplayed the deal and Microsoft has yet to exercise any rights, this issue remains a thorn in the side of the otherwise very community-friendly Linux company. Comprehensive and intuitive configuration tool; large repository of software packages, excellent web site infrastructure and printed documentation Cons: YaST graphical and command-line utility using RPM packages Available editions: The KISS keep it simple, stupid philosophy of Arch Linux was devised around the year by Judd Vinet, a Canadian computer science graduate who launched the distribution in the same year.

For several years it lived as a marginal project designed for intermediate and advanced Linux users and only shot to stardom when it began promoting itself as a "rolling-release" distribution that only needs to be installed once and which is then kept up-to-date thanks to its powerful package manager and an always fresh software repository. As a result, Arch Linux "releases" are few and far between and are now limited to a basic installation CD that is issued only when considerable changes in the base system warrant a new install media.

Besides featuring the much-loved "rolling-release" update mechanism, Arch Linux is also renowned for its fast and powerful package manager called "Pacman", the ability to install software packages from source code, easy creation of binary packages thanks to its AUR infrastructure, and the ever increasing software repository of well-tested packages.

Its highly-regarded documentation, complemented by the excellent Arch Linux Handbook makes it possible for even less experienced Linux users to install and customise the distribution. On the negative side, any rolling-release update mechanism has its dangers: As such, Arch Linux is a kind of distribution that requires its users to be alert and to have enough knowledge to fix any such possible problems. Also, the infrequent install media releases mean that sometimes it is no longer possible to use the old media to install the distribution due to important system changes or lack of hardware support in the older Linux kernel.

Excellent software management infrastructure; unparalleled customisation and tweaking options; superb online documentation Cons: Occasional instability and risk of breakdown Software package management: XZ packages Available editions: Launched in lateCentOS is a community project with the goals of rebuilding the source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL into an installable Linux distribution and to provide timely security updates for all included software packages.

To put in more bluntly, CentOS is a RHEL clone. The only technical difference between the two distributions is branding - CentOS replaces all Red Hat trademarks and logos with its own.

Nevertheless, the relations between Red Hat and CentOS remain amicable and many CentOS developers are in active contact with, or even employed directly by, Red Hat. CentOS is often seen as a reliable server distribution. It comes with the same set of well-tested and stable Linux kernel and software packages that form the basis of its parent, Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Despite being a community project run by volunteers, it has gained a reputation for being a solid, free alternative to the more costly server products on the market, especially among experienced Linux system administrators. CentOS is also suitable as an enterprise desktop solution, specifically where stability, reliability and long-term support are preferred over latest software and features.

Like RHEL, CentOS is supported with approximately years of security updates. Despite its advantages, CentOS might not be the best solution in all deployment scenarios. Those users who prefer a distribution with the latest Linux technologies and newest software packages should look elsewhere.

Major CentOS versions, which follow RHEL versioning, are only released every 2 - 3 years, while "point" releases e. The point releases do not usually contain any major features although they do sometimes include support for more recent hardware and only a handful of software packages may get updated to newer versions. The Linux kernel, the base system and most application versions remain unchanged, but occasionally a newer version of an important software package e.

LibreOffice or Firefox may be provided on an experimental basis. As a side project, CentOS also builds updated packages for the users of its distributions, but the repositories containing them are not enabled by default as they may break upstream compatibility.

Lacks latest Linux technologies; occasionally the project fails to live up its promise to deliver timely security updates and new stable releases Software package management: Other RHEL clones and CentOS-based distributions: Scientific Linux, Springdale Linux, SME ServerRocks Cluster Distribution, Oracle Enterprise Linux CentOS.

PCLinuxOS was first announced in by Bill Reynolds, better known as "Texstar". Prior to creating his own distribution, Texstar was already a well-known developer in the Mandrake Linux community of users for building up-to-date RPM packages for the popular distribution and providing them as a free download.

In he decided to build a new distribution, initially based on Mandrake Linux, but with several significant usability improvements. It should be beginner-friendly, have out-of-the box support for proprietary kernel modules, browser plugins and media codecs, and should function as a live CD with a simple and intuitive graphical installer. Several years and development releases later, PCLinuxOS is rapidly approaching its intended state. In terms of usability, the project offers out-of-the-box support for many technologies most Windows-to-Linux migrants would expect from their new operating system.

On the software side of things, PCLinuxOS is a KDE-oriented distribution, with a customised and always up-to-date version of the popular desktop environment. Its growing software repository contains other desktops, however, and offers a great variety of desktop packages for many common tasks. On the negative side, PCLinuxOS lacks any form of roadmap or release goals. Despite growing community involvement in the project, most development and decision-making remains in the hands of Texstar who tends to be on the conservative side when judging the stability of a release.

As a result, the development process of PCLinuxOS is often arduous. For example, despite frequent calls for a bit edition, the developers held off producing a bit build until fairly recently.

Out-of-the-box support for graphics drivers, browser plugins and media codecs; rolling-release update mechanism; up-to-date software Cons: Advanced Package Tool APT using RPM packages Available editions: Slackware Linux, created by Patrick Volkerding inis the oldest surviving Linux distribution.

Forked from the now-discontinued SLS project, Slackware 1. Its popularity decreased dramatically with the arrival of Red Hat Linux and other, more user-friendly distributions, but Slackware Linux still remains a much-appreciated operating system among the more technically-oriented system administrators and desktop users.

Slackware Linux is a highly technical, clean distribution, with only a very limited number of custom utilities. It uses a simple, text-based system installer and a comparatively primitive package management system that does not resolve software dependencies. As a result, Slackware is considered one of the cleanest and least buggy distributions available today - the lack of Slackware-specific enhancements reduces the likelihood of new bugs being introduced into the system.

All configuration is done by editing text files. This is particularly true today when many other Linux distributions keep developing heavily customised products to meet the needs of less technical Linux users. Considered highly stable, clean and largely bug-free, strong adherence to UNIX principles Cons: Limited number of officially supported applications; conservative in terms of base package selection; complex upgrade procedure Software package management: Zenwalk Linux desktopSalix desktop, live CDPorteus live CD with KDE, LXDE, MATE, Razor-qt or XfceVectorLinux desktop Other distributions with similar philosophies: Arch LinuxFrugalware Linux Slackware Linux.

Unlike Linux distributions, which are defined as integrated software solutions consisting of the Linux kernel and thousands of software applications, FreeBSD is a tightly integrated operating system built from a BSD kernel and the so-called "userland" therefore usable even without extra applications. FreeBSD has developed a reputation for being a fast, high-performance and extremely stable operating system, especially suitable for web serving and similar tasks.

Many large web search engines and organisations with mission-critical computing infrastructures have deployed and used FreeBSD on their computer systems for years. Compared to Linux, FreeBSD is distributed under a much less restrictive license, which allows virtually unrestricted re-use and modification of the source code for any purpose. Besides the core operating system, the project also provides over 24, software applications in binary and source code forms for easy installation on top of the core FreeBSD.

The text-mode system installer offers little in terms of hardware detection or system configuration, leaving much of the dirty work to the user in a post-installation setup. In terms of support for modern hardware, FreeBSD generally lags behind Linux, especially in supporting cutting-edge desktop and laptop gadgets, such as wireless network cards or digital cameras.

Those users seeking to exploit the speed and stability of FreeBSD on a desktop or workstation should consider one of the available desktop FreeBSD projects, rather than FreeBSD itself. Fast and stable; availability of over 24, software applications or "ports" for installation; very good documentation Cons: Tends to lag behind Linux in terms of support for new and exotic hardware, limited availability of commercial applications; lacks graphical configuration tools Software package management: A complete command-line package management infrastructure using either binary packages or source-based "ports" TBZ Available editions: PC-BSD desktopGhostBSD live DVD with GNOME Other BSD alternatives: OpenBSDNetBSDDragonFly BSD FreeBSD an example desktop.

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Occasional instability and risk of breakdown Software package management: Many are applications that are designed to run on a specific platform. Информация Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гостине могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации. BackBox Cloud BackBox have built one of the very first cloud platforms for penetration testing. To put in more bluntly, CentOS is a RHEL clone. Lacks compatibility with Debian; frequent major changes tend to drive some users away, the Unity user interface has been criticised as being more suitable for mobile devices than desktop computers; non-LTS releases come with only 9 months of security support Software package management: As for input, we adopt ergonomics.

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Although Novell has downplayed the deal and Microsoft has yet to exercise any rights, this issue remains a thorn in the side of the otherwise very community-friendly Linux company. Как и раньше, в предыдущих релизах дистрибутива, исправлены обнаруженные баги, улучшена производительность, улучшено стартовое меню, улучшены драйвера Wi-Fi. Due to the active cooling, its performance is much better than that of Surface 3.

Later, we found that the handheld game console market based on Windows turned out to be blank and the global annual production of PC games was large. Excellent software management infrastructure; unparalleled customisation and tweaking options; superb online documentation Cons: Главная Для правообладателей Горячие Новинки Создание сборок Windows 7 Windows Антивирусы Программы Linux, Unix Программы Linux, Unix Обзоры антивирусов iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch Серверные Windows от Microsoft Драйверы Компьютерная литература Новости от Microsoft Программы для Android OS Программы для Symbian Mac OS Программы для Mac OS FAQ Статистика Обратная связь.

Search For Distro Major Distributions Waiting List Submit New Distro Show Random Distro. Major changes in the development, licensing and availability of SUSE Linux followed shortly after the first acquisition - YaST was released under the General Public License GPL , the ISO images were freely distributed from public download servers, and, most significantly, the development of the distribution was opened to public participation for the first time.

A "Main" edition with MATE and Cinnamon , "Community" editions with KDE and Xfce , Linux Mint "Debian" edition with MATE or Cinnamon Possible alternatives: Despite its advantages, CentOS might not be the best solution in all deployment scenarios. Only we ourselves can understand the painstaking. Главная Для правообладателей Горячие Новинки Создание сборок Windows 7 Windows Антивирусы Программы Linux, Unix Программы Linux, Unix Обзоры антивирусов iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch Серверные Windows от Microsoft Драйверы Компьютерная литература Новости от Microsoft Программы для Android OS Программы для Symbian Mac OS Программы для Mac OS FAQ Статистика Обратная связь.

А лучше или хуже, выбирает каждый сам. That is to say you can download and play Steam games on Ubuntu. The live CD is built on Ubuntu to provide a graphical user interface and unmodified binaries of each program, but the script will run on any Linux platform that has the required programs installed.


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