MagicBananna 19 Apr Yobee 22 Mar0: Albert Covington 23 Mar New maps and gadgets alter the way you play the game. IM DYING to PLAY this game.

Battlefield Hardline is the newest installment in the popular Battlefield franchise. Battlefield Hardline runs on the Frostbite 3…. Battlefield Hardline runs on the Frostbite 3 engine and is unique in the Battlefield franchise because of the fact that the game is police themed, focusing on the continual war on crime, rather than the military setting of all previous Battlefield installments.
Action, Shooter Release Date: Thank you so much Skidrow and team. Cant wait to play the campaign on this game, never going to buy this game from EA. Rather get all EA games off this website because that company is never getting any of my money ever again after Battlefield 4. Keep up the good work. Please upload THE REPACK version when it will be available and it will be usefull for many people who has a low connection internet for downloading, thanks and hat off SKIDROW.
Yeah it because there is no crack yet for this game. Maybe tomorrow or later day. It its funny how every time a release comes we get lame ass people asking for crack. They upped full game for you cheap bastards to have for free and all you can do is bitch and moan about how long will it take???? GTFO These guys are pirate gods and deserve respect. SMH Good work Skidrow!!! I was seeing the specs latelyit said min is GTX which is MB gddr3 mine is 1gb gddr3?!
I played the beta smoothly on max settings without v-sync on or something with a fx and this sucks it has denuvo it will get cracked but might take a week still.
But why release the game without Crack?! Sure its good to see the Hardline here and the Preload starts in few days so we can load it now. Its frustating a littlebit to load the game and thats all. And im loading it with V2 Crack. Will with BFH be the same? Nikolaj I would just on a template give it about a month…. Yes is comming soon like FifaLords of the FallenTW Atilla. Can you wankers stop asking will this work on my dx ith windows 3. Or 1GB or 2GB — I dont know Windows: WINDOWS VISTA SP2 BIT with KB Update Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 1 GBNVIDIA GeForce GTX Free Disk Space: Well Guys buy the Game.
If you want to play, you have to do this. The Crack for Hardline will be there soooooon… So you can wait like Fifa15 for some Month. Its soon you know. I cant understand why the Game is Listed here without a Crack. So can I place this in origin and then run it with a key?
Intel core i7mobile coreiHQ4-Core 2. So please, wait for it. Or the best way is to BUY this game if you cannot wait for the crack. Albert A loser you are. Get a life Albert. Every now buy for one game, or be patient ……. I hope you guyz will break that shield! Dawie You ant to play now??? I Like Skidrow Website Thank You For the Uploading BTF Hardline And Please Fast upload Btf Hardline Digital Deluxe Crack I am waiting crack for play the game Please Fast Upload.
Soon or late, its gonna come, And its far better than wasting money with buying this game! If you really want to play this game before the crack is released, download the X version if you have Xbox Just give some time kids if you want to play now then buy the game if you dont want to buy the game then wait and dont ask for the date or crack it going to be released son. There must be a reason for this lack of crack!
They are very good, …… wait …… sooner or later it will come out this blessed crack! Your works are very appreciate… thanks thanks thanks!! THE TEAM has cracked the DRM system only. GTA 5the witcher 3 gonna get DRM DENUVO.
Some ungrateful beings up in hia. Am in Africa and no stores be up in hia. All I gots to do is wait, play some fifa15 and tell this guys keep fighting that good fight. When they want so they can block a game that he is not hacked. Why for the other games they do not like? I find it strange you? Why are there so many idiots on here. I hope you can give an indication when the crack can get here.
Or if it becomes hard to fix to this game. You are doing an awesome job anyway. GTA 5 GET THE SAME DRMso be patient or buy it if you can wait few month. I m dying to play this game. How did You people even install it without the Cdkey?! The one i have has been used too many times and then takes me to a surveY… fucking wackkkkkk. Quit fucking asking about a crack, and leaving messages saying Crack? Can you count on the fact that the crack will be within 15 days of the date of gameas in the case of DA inquisition.
Your whining like you have paid for something and have been ripped off. To be honest I think the more you beg, personally I would take longer if I could crack AAA titles, which I cannot just because people get so damn demanding more and more.
That will be the end of hacking games. WE HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE. It was not until gta v pc version release on March 24, ?? There is no crack or can not read it? There are no side has released the game with crack cocaine. Even Game Copy World offers this not to. GTAV is not using the Denuvo DRM…. Soon,its too late man,when are you going to upload the crack,we are waiting because we believe in this site? STFU and stop complaining, if you can crack the denuvo DRM then do it and release it….
He cant do it, only fakers in the internet, we must wait for Skidrowreloaded. Und an die faker die auf immer mehr seiten angeblich cracks anbieten aber doch nur viren verteilen, instandkarma an euch,bekommt hodenkrebs und ganz viele schmerzen.
You people seriously need some culture in your lives. Omer Scott referred to Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, and Karl Malone — THESE ARE RETIRED BASKETBALL PLAYERS. U noobs dont google that larry bird and charles barkley are to 60 yr old NBA basket ball players…. The Anticipation is killing me. When the first crack does come out, it wont be version that every currently has and therefore has to start from Step 1.
I do not understand why they upload the game if you can not play, I prefer not rise the game until you can play to have it downloaded occupying space. Forget about the crack for a while, at least a month or two. FIFA 15 has the same DRM and it took almost five months to crack it.
The team who cracked FIFA 15 is called 3DM, bf hardline торрент. When a crack is released? What is the status of completion the cracks and is there a chance that a crack will appear in general. And read those damn replies before asking for crack. I think most of the people here are not true interested to play this game crack or not.
You should support them cause they are the only one who really thinks for us players and not only for themselves. You know why I decide to download and play pirated versions of games? Because I live in a third world country, where 1 dollar equals to almost 13 of our local currency. That can barely fill a supermarket cart. When you are buying a game from big companies like Rockstar, you are not rewarding developers for their work.
Most developers are paid with their salaries, like everyone else is paid for doing their job. In such case, bf hardline торрент, you are supporting a company and not its developers. Bare that in mind. But in your situation its ok to pirate the game. I think no cracker will give his efforts for cracking that game. I just hope that they will do GTA 5because in our country 60 dollars is a lot of money for a game almost quarter of a salary.
That means you guys need to wait patiently for the Skidrow team to work on the crack which might take weeks or even months. And I really wish people would read replies before writting stuff that a 5 year old would say. Once again, CRACK IS NOT HERE YET!! YOU NEED TO WAIT!! Allright crack on main page, THANKS, just installed and working fine Just some problems with low fps sometimes. MikePC, you mean someone installed a pen-is in your butt? And, you say, pen-is even working in your butt?
SOON THIS GREAT COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No entiendo para que poneis el juego a descargar si no hay crack. Pero claro, necesitan visitas a la pagina y es mejor colgar un juego sin crack y recibir miles de visitas a no ponerlo y recibir pocas visitas. But I think you can do it!
Just buy the game like me if you cant wait for the crack from amazon is cheaper or g2a if you buy. Ademas teniendo BF4 original…. DR fucking HERRO as the solution!!!!!!!! EA DIL MANGE CRAK………. Heists and stealing cars…. If i can offer a little advice, those who really do want is can get it from http: Another point is i am running a serious rig; the graphics are not even close to that of BF4 and other top titles such as FarCry 4.
Its badly optimised too — FarCry 4 i could average 65fps on Ultra Nvidia Mode — BF: Hardline, averaging 34fps with the same configuration — be prepared to spend some money if you want to play this thing on full power. The crack is on the front page since a week, for the people who didnt find it i will post the crack link here if you want. Yeah … right … patches and fixes. First patch was released yesterday you awesome professional. Dont release a game without a crack.
I request everyone to be patient. The skidrowreloaded team are doing their best to crack this game as fast as they can. This is one of the best developers EA they are trying to crack. SO lets be patient. With that being saidi also request the skidrow-reloaded team to give us a proper date to expect the crack ,and update us on the progress.
The chinese group 3DMGAME must be aided by chinese govt. I think that in future we peeps gotta buy the games and there will be not crack created by anyone as you can see titanfall, lords of the fallen and now battlefield hardline…. EA members are all a bunch of motherfuckers with this fucking Denuvo DRM but be aware of that this just take some time to be cracked and be sure it will be cracked soon or late and after that you have to itch your asses and cry keep up the good work SKIDROW.
That he was trying to make a point about how cheap ppl are? Wait for it and be thankful to all the guys who are working on the crack. Le bonhomme qui parle du site CDKEY. Game developer has taken step how to stop crack. While browsing an obscure public FTP, I stumbled across a rar containing a recent build of the 3DM crack that is currently being tested. Someone must have inadvertently uploaded it I guess.
Happy to send the link to anyone who is tired of waiting and can live with instability for now. I THINK BATTLEFIELD GONNA BE CRACKED BUT NOT IN 3 NEXT MONTH.
BUT IF THERE SOMEONE WHO CAN DO ITIT CAN BE ONLY YOU GUYS. AFTER ALL THE GAMES THAT YOU HAD PUBLISHED IT CAN NOT STOPPING LIKE THIS. BUT THATS WHAT I THINK. STAFF TELL US HOW LONG BE CA— — USE IN APRIL 3 THE CRACK WAS SUPPOSED TO BE RELEASE IN FEW MINUTES. Get of your lazy ass and start cracking yourself. Otherwise stfu and keep patient. Fucking DRM, Fucking Battlefield nothing is new Old Graphic and all the same kill some terrorist. Many people that the crack will be 14 of April.
Is April 14 likely deadline for crack or no? IM DYING to PLAY this game. The playstation and xbox players have fucked the whole game and here the crack has made us the bullshit….? Why complain its free. If you dont want to wait go and buy the game. They do a great job for us who can not afford to buy the game.
Hey admin,Its been a long tine since you said soon,still no crack,so just tell us how much more time its gonna take you to upload crack? It is that simple no one NEEDS to crack it for you. So just shut up and wait please: Are the other cracks floating around the internet real, or has a working one actually not been released yet? Crazy people with a lot of anger and mental problems. Some people are so fucking stupid they cant wrap their head around simple stuff, to much crack I suppose.
Thank you both in advance. Please Any One Send me crack!! I DOWNLOADED 30 GB FOR NOTHING? PLUS PLUS and a big beer to you Skidrow and Reloaded……Love what you do and keep up the great work……Peace to you friends of the good sort of people.
My god people have some respect and stop asking for the crack. It will be available when they release it. If you are so desperate go buy it like i did on the release date jeezuz… i have been playing this for 1 month now niggers.
So stop to wait a crack and go learn how see this information on website 3dmgames. Only the beta of BF hardline work and on the forum 3dm you can read is not working on crack for BF hardline because is a waste of time. If you complain about not having any money, go get a fucking job, or at least go wash you neighbours car or mow their lawn. As nobody knows how long it will take. Skidrow… you should tell us when the crack will be ready, 30 gig file downloading is not a joke man, at least from where am from.
I appreciate and know you are the best. But we have waiting for this like forever man. Is anyone working on this crack? What is the status completion this crack? Whether the crack you will ever issued? An error occurred during the extraction of the part 15 with the file: It seems like the only active scene that can beat today DRM is 3dm. People need to praise them more. Seems EA did a very good job including that Denuvo anti-piracy system and not even the world-class crackers can overcome it. They will have taken money from A.
They will have taken money from E. DENUVO can not be cracked. IN DECEMBER someone says the new DRM was cracked by 3dm but is fake? In my opinion there is an agreement to wait at least three months before it gets the OK from the company. The 3DM knows this problem and will not do anything before you have the green light for this game. They are very good, but for now have orders not to release any crack. Put your soul in peace, …. Can not violate ……. Every one crack is said to rls when crk is out?
They not able to crack this or Lords of the Fallen. They wont be able too. I downloaded like a month ago and I cant even install it cuz of the product key that origin ask for, and u need Origin to instal the game, so I think we are fucked up!
If somebody have an answer or knows how to install it and just need to wait for a crack, post it!!! WAIT FOR THE CRACK TO RELEASE TILL THEN PLAY OTHER GAMES. AND KEEP WATCHING THIS SITE FOR ANY CRACK NEWS. Seems pretty lame to me to release a not yet cracked game.
Just for some half sort of pseudo-honor? Anyways, all posters asking for a crack: The guys above you already asked. Have some crackers instead and stay tuned. Il sort quand le crack???? Here is le crack http: There is a supposed crack on torrents done b chinese group, I tried it and not work as games asks for activation still??? Lizzie Borden took an axe Gave her mother 40 cracks When she saw what she had done She gave her father Denuovo 1 crackers 0 PS: Pick up the money and buy yourself the game ….
Give as i DONATE BUTTON! Come on you smart ass fat kid! This game is used Denuvo anti piracy! You think cracking is easy huh? So i decide to go buy fifa 15 than waiting for too long. If you want this game now, then go buy it! The cracker Skidrow, rld, 3dm, etc they really want to upload the crack IF the crack is done! I tell you what, this game will get cracked in about 5 months! It took 6 months to crack Fifa with to crackers working on it. DRM is a tough nut to crack. It will happen eventually people.
Just be patient or just buy it. I yesterday bought this game. However, I wonder so out of sheer curiosity, does anyone is working on crack for this game? Whats the fuck is wrong with the scene in this days? Wake up morrons, and crack it damn it!!!! Reloaded, Razor, Skidrow, where are you?????
Thanks skidrowreloaded, for your hard work. They still working on the crack you dumb ass kids! It wil take a few months to crack denuvo! This game WILL be cracked in a few months later!
So please, there still a lot of games here… Goddamit. If the problem is that a decryption key is needed, why not make some sort of Denuvo cracker and let people download it. If the cracking was distributed over If u cant wait, just buy the game! Save up some money. You get multiplayer as well. But seriously, to download this cracked game and complaining about it. Hey, i cracked the game and but when i open it then it have to activate it on origin and connect it to my account but i need a activation key?
ARE YOU NOT READING THE OTHER POSTS? STOP ASKING FOR IT. Crack will be rady after summer probably by 3DM check his webpage for more info, i recomend use some translator xd. Por Favor Crack Por Favor Plsssss Crack Estou me viciando em crac por causa disso Plssss.
How much money did you get from the Electronic Arts for not revealing the crack? They will have taken a lot of money not to release the crack …… Italian Mafia style ….
Whre is the crack putos?!!! For those who really think that EA is paying money to Skidrow in order not to release the crack — You must be really stupid. For those who constantly telling others to buy the game — What the hell are you doing here then? I have had it for a month and still no crack?
Maybe the big companies need to be more like Humble bundle—-right? THE CRACK IS HARD TO FIX! All Drm cracks its Hard to make. All crack DRM works: BUY THIS GAME so to see where is the key and progess it and change it. So Skidrow and Reloaded make o donate Button so to help you guys to fix that cracks for new games Fast! This game uses Denuvo anti crack. I tell you what kids and stupid noobs, buy this game right now!
Yes, the crack will be available in August. Or, if the cracker lucky, it will come in July. Now, are you happy with those news??? FIFA15 GTA5 also use DRM but why them cracked and this fuckin game not maybe some one tell to noob me P. S finish The Witcher. Dragon age inquisition uses denuvo drm, that means its the same drm system, and dragon age took only 1 week to crack, but lords of the fallen and battlefield havenn been able to crack for months.
What is the difference? FIFA 15 was released on september, but cracked on february. So that means, it took 5 month to crack Denuvo anti tamper Not DRM!!! FIFA 15, Dragon Age Inquisition, Lords of the fallen, Battlefield Hardline. Ok so let me explain. BFH was released on march. It took 5 months to crack, so that means, In July or August, this game is cracked! You know what, the cracker still working on the crack. They released Fifa 15 crack 5 months later in order to force us buy the game!!
Do not buy their shit. They want us to think as you do. They will release crack for Battlefield in a few months when many of us will have bought the game, as many have done it so far, as they say so here above. An agreement with Electronic Arts not to release the crack seems plausible. Anyway, they lost their dignity. I am not downloading their torrents any more. Even Denuvo admitted that anti-tamper software like theirs can be cracked with huge amounts of concentration. FIFA 15 was cracked, Dragon Age Inquisition was cracked and GTA 5 was cracked.
GTA 5 only took two months to crack. GTA 4 also had Denuvo. But it failed miserably. The shaking can be avoided if you always launch from LaunchGTAIV. For EFLC, after pasting the crack, always run it from LaunchELFC. Appaling numbers, and there are 10 other titles more worth their time.
Never trust the dirty cop. Mustavi Are you kiding me?!! And, GTA 4 its not using denuvo too! I think it takes a lot of time because be serious how many people wait bf hardline?
Read the previous comment first before posting some bullshit and smart ass comment, you stupid kids! Only one question, Are you working on a crack or not? And if you are my you give us an ETA. Thank you for your time. You retards, this game will be cracked sooner or later, even if the game is a piece of shit!
Dont you get it? The better the game the faster it gets cracked, nobody of this site hase something to do with hacking or cracking, its just a reference to other sites, torrent sites for example, the people owning this site got NOTHING to do with hacking! Tarek Amr 1 — Singleplayer only. People, look at Xrel. You must wait for it. In 1 or 2 Month it will be a crack.
ROXSTAR Shut up you little dumbass fat kid! Andersson May GOD bless you and I am not a fat kid…. Still waiting… You were faster some time ago… What happened?
Yes, inside sources report 3dm has cracked it!!! It will arrive on Friday guaranteed. Its single plater only. Menos quejarse y mas agradecer a estos maquinas que ponen juegos gratis y todos nos ahorramos una pasta,, respect! How to install this?! When I click bfh aplication I have this: As I understand you need not Install it …. But you need a crack and there is no crack yet….
Just wait for it……. It will take quite awhile still though……but it will come in the end. If you do click the exe file though it should say you need the key to play…. THEY MAKE FOOL…I HAVE DOWNLOADED RELOADED ALSO. THERE IS KEY BUT NEED 1ST SERVEY. ALL BUDDY ASSHOLE MOTHER FUCKERS. Que tomada de pelo de parte de los responsablesni una respuesta son capaces de darpor lo menos contesten si sale o no el cracko una fecha aproximadano jueguen con la gente se esa forma. I started downloading this a week ago via torrent link it struck at We officially announced that we are unable to crack Denuvo 64bit encryption till now.
So there will be no scene crack of Denuvo protected games will be released from Reloaded. Trust me lads, There is no Crack for this game. It was OFFICIALLY announced. Even if they release crackfor that u need wait ONE YEAR more.
Fifa 15 was released in september and cracked in february Same as bfh, it will took 5 months too to crack it. So the release of bfh was in march, and the crack will be available in august. Everybody can post suck a message under the name reloaded. WHERE IS THE CRACK?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
CPY group is fully cracking Denuvo!!! Yesterday they realese Lords of The Fallen crack. You suck my dick. Denuvo has been cracked by CPY, not 3DM. Now Battlefield Hardline can be cracked and when Batman Arkham Knight is fixed, crack it as well.
So cracking batlefield is realy tough. This battlefield hardline web iven lagging bycouse of all those comment we need crack! Fabulous work Mr Copy on Lords Of The Fallen…. Looking forward to testing this game out too!
Where is the crack? I can wait for 3 more days and then…. Show them some respect. Battlefield and DA I are not on Steam. There will be a crack for this game a bit later. I can tell u that. Its not that easy because EA strengthen security in their files but it will be broken. But Steam also uses stregthen security Denuvo on Lord of The Fallen and Batman Arkham Knight.
Late July them cracked by CPY. So CPY should quickly also cracked strenghten Origin. CPY full bypassed Denuvo Steam system, but not Origin will have to wait. Battlefield Harldine and others EA games uses Origin. For those with this version if you go to the cpy one there is update 2.
On the episode 8 the game present a bug where is not possible go ahead with the mission. A guard always shotting the prisoner. Anyone have the same bug? The way to pass episode 8. Episode 8 — Aircraft shooting scene not working properly. It got Stuck at the aircraft scene. In Episode 8 while shooting from inside of broken plane,i was dead.
Then again it not reloading the last check point. It got Stuck right there and i cant move on. Then i restarted the whole episode episode 8i have done playing it 4 times. But i keep get stuck there. Anyone have any idea how to solve this? But the episode 5 is really impossible.
I watched a lot of videos on youtube and figured out that the game seems different at this part. Did someone notice something like that? I think you are the only one facing that problem. Everyone crossed that who are playing PLZ guys can we have Battlefield 1, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mail will not be published required. You can use these tags: HOME GAMES LIST PC GAME UPDATES PC GAMES PC REPACK GAME UPDATES MODS NEWS DMCA Request Game Request Games REQUEST ACCEPTED.
Posted 13 Mar in PC GAMESREQUEST ACCEPTED. ABOUT THE GAME Battlefield Hardline is the newest installment in the popular Battlefield franchise. Battlefield Hardline Digital Deluxe Edition 1 Download 2 Wait for crack 3 Play!
Luis Omar 13 Mar Thank you so much. John 13 Mar NanoArg 13 Mar PLZ 13 Mar Muhammed 13 Mar Marrows 13 Mar Paularo 13 Mar Aliendon 14 Mar7: Raff 14 Mar7: Bedros 14 Mar7: Mugi 14 Mar I downloaded this, how do I install? Kurwa 14 Mar MOUD 14 Mar When you unpack the game its already installed you just have to wait for the crack. Andersson 14 Mar GTX 14 Mar MUGI there is no crack at the moment so if you install the game it wont work.
Vicko 14 Mar Shindoh 14 Mar Black Aesop 14 Mar Can i play with amd fx — radeon hd ? Abdullah 15 Mar GT Core 2 DUO e 3 ghz 5 GB ram I was seeing the specs latelyit said min is GTX which is MB gddr3 mine is 1gb gddr3?! Syauqi 15 Mar Dave 16 Mar3: Marrows 16 Mar Hey, anyone who install it already, wich languages have?
Thiago 17 Mar0: Mangenkyo Sharinagan 17 Mar6: Dawie 17 Mar9: When will the crack be put on this site or where will it be put? Nikolaj 17 Mar BuLLeT 17 Mar If the crack doesnt come out today its gonna take some time like fifa Im gonna buy this one in 2 days I dont think it will be cracked before then.
HOUSSI 17 Mar Sergi 17 Mar Probably the crack will be released some days after the game oficial release. RAJ 17 Mar Bazooka 17 Mar Thank you guys … hope you get the crack … keep up the good job. Albert Covington 17 Mar The Goo 18 Mar4: Gaby 18 Mar4: Onebigborrie 18 Mar5: We believe in you. Can I Run This Game ON: Jezior 18 Mar EliteMKD 18 Mar HOUSSI 18 Mar Battlefield Hardline Minimum Requirements CPU: DVDRR 18 Mar Jhonny 19 Mar BuLLeT 19 Mar I bought it this morning runs very well p over 60 fps everrything ultra.
Reaper 19 Mar Herro 19 Mar You guys are fucking retarded. Play other games will this one get u dumb stupid fucks. Buffyrott 19 Mar Please consider a REPACK version once the crack is released. E 19 Mar Hi, I need the CD Key to start my installation, please help Thanks! Armageddon 19 Mar Mogno khan 20 Mar4: ED 20 Mar5: Tyjel 20 Mar8: JUST READ THE DESCRIPTION!!! CRACK IS NOT YET AVAILABLE!!!!! Pedra 20 Mar Nikolaj 20 Mar I bought the game yesterday, couldt wait for the crack. UUUUU 20 Mar ANIK 20 Mar DRM DENUVO………NOT CRACK A LONGG TIMEEEE….
Albert Covington 20 Mar Denuvo ya fue hackeado pringao. Giuseppe 20 Mar Sarthak Agarwal 20 Mar Please release the crack!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marko 20 Mar Salman 20 Mar UUUUUyyyyyy 20 Mar HOUSSI 20 Mar Tekneeq 20 Mar Andersson 21 Mar1: Tekneeq 21 Mar3: Adam 21 Mar9: Gary 21 Mar9: MOOD 21 Mar Manidu 21 Mar Gourab Sarkar 21 Mar Spleta 21 Mar Sam 21 Mar Dawie 21 Mar Melwin49 21 Mar Melwin49 Who are you to say when I can play or not??????
I know its free I was just asking FUCKUP!!!!!! HOUSSI 21 Mar Yobee 22 Mar0: Stop with the Crack!!! Salman 22 Mar4: Sam 22 Mar5: Unknown 22 Mar8: Yobee soner or later that DRM will be cracked no mater what just give some time. Andersson 22 Mar8: Paolo 22 Mar Nexusdeath 22 Mar Unknown 22 Mar Bardiya 22 Mar Estoa 22 Mar MM 22 Mar Mohami 22 Mar Jackie 22 Mar Joe 22 Mar I NEED A WORKING CD KEY!!!!
ANY1 GENEROUS ENOUGH TO SHARE PLZ EMAIL ME OR POST HERE TTHX!!! Marrows 22 Mar Monsiuer splat 23 Mar3: Nikolaj 23 Mar9: Sicon 23 Mar When will be the crack released? GHOST LEADER 23 Mar Craig 23 Mar HOUSSI 23 Mar GHOST LEADER by wkipedia the cofounder of denuvo denied the protection of gta v. Albert Covington 23 Mar Alex 23 Mar Thanks for the release skidrow.
Airuk 24 Mar0: CUPELUDO 24 Mar2: Moise 24 Mar JJJJJJJJJ 24 Mar Giuseppe 24 Mar ReeKoo 24 Mar Bunny Boy 24 Mar Albert Covington 24 Mar Tony 24 Mar Marko 25 Mar2: LIF5MAU5 25 Mar3: Sergi 25 Mar4: Unknown 25 Mar7: Nahoj 25 Mar7: Karan 25 Mar8: SAM ROY 25 Mar8: Giuseppe 25 Mar Omer Scott 25 Mar Joe 25 Mar SiderSlam 25 Mar Did the game install without a cdkey for you guys?
Tony 25 Mar Satan 25 Mar LordDevil 25 Mar Fori 26 Mar5: Tony 26 Mar8: Intrepid 26 Mar Joe 26 Mar Xsjado 26 Mar Giorge 26 Mar SAM7 26 Mar Gabriel 26 Mar M parker 27 Mar2: Alex 27 Mar4: Omer Scott 27 Mar4: Yes finally they did it! Mogno khan 27 Mar5: Lifemau5 27 Mar7: GTA 5 27 Mar8: Quote from a post in the 3DM forum from earlier today: Soldier 27 Mar Joe 27 Mar Albert Covington 27 Mar GTA 5 GTAV is not using the Denuvo DRM….
AJ 27 Mar Mr1nkredible 27 Mar Mahesh 28 Mar5: Guys… Full game is already in below site with crack…Download…… http: SOBO 28 Mar7: Giorge 28 Mar Roman 28 Mar A 28 Mar Vincent 28 Mar Mr1nkredible 28 Mar Marko 28 Mar Omer Scott 28 Mar Omer Scott — Well post it up for us and you can be famous! Joe 28 Mar Omer Scott can u pls give link for that crack which worked for u?
Heinz 28 Mar Omer Scott is lying 28 Mar There is no crack. Noob 28 Mar Mr1nkredible 29 Mar9: Rahul 29 Mar Maurix 29 Mar Dose 29 Mar DanKo 29 Mar Viktor 29 Mar A 29 Mar Thiago 29 Mar Chris 30 Mar0: Bojidar 30 Mar Peter Jenkins 30 Mar Israeli 30 Mar NICE 30 Mar Omer Scott 30 Mar Dave 30 Mar Mr 30 Mar Rique 30 Mar Albert Covington 30 Mar Hanish 30 Mar Rahul 30 Mar Gamer 30 Mar Kaszana 30 Mar Ray 30 Mar You want crack that bad……go to your local street corner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gamer 31 Mar1: Snehashis Sarkar 31 Mar WHERE IS CRACK 31 Mar ANIK 31 Mar Chris 31 Mar Roger 31 Mar MikePC 31 Mar Exequiel 31 Mar MikePC is a Passive Faggot 01 Apr0: Breez 01 Apr3: Thewindup 01 Apr Schizophrenic 01 Apr Ezequiel 02 Apr0: Ezreal 02 Apr0: Gamer 02 Apr2: Unknown 02 Apr Jose Luis 02 Apr Snehashis Sarkar 02 Apr Sarah 02 Apr Unknown 03 Apr0: BIKALBIKAL 03 Apr4: Unknown 03 Apr8: Mikey 03 Apr Omer Scott 03 Apr Shivam Agarwal 03 Apr Simi 03 Apr Wurst-Lord 03 Apr Yasir 03 Apr R3APER 03 Apr If someone provides the coke and baking soda ill make the crack.
Staff 03 Apr Gamer 04 Apr1: Snehashis Sarkar 04 Apr3: Staff Fix this problem. Oxigen 04 Apr8: Tarik 04 Apr8: HelpingHand 04 Apr8: Dennis 04 Apr9: IULI DEUS EX 04 Apr9: Stathis 04 Apr There is no way this can be cracked.
Gamer 04 Apr EstTrusky 04 Apr I found the crack but I wont give anyone. I dont care if you cant play. Paul 04 Apr Sriram 04 Apr Eyekon 04 Apr Arvind Patel 04 Apr Monsiuer splat 04 Apr Jonathan Evil 04 Apr Staff 04 Apr John 04 Apr Oh I found it thanks it works fine so far. SAM ROY 04 Apr Yasir 04 Apr Marko 04 Apr Staff 05 Apr0: Crack in uncertain whereabouts … Reward: Play without pay, for everyone!
If there is no crack, i can sell my dollar watercooled pc!! AllieGaming 05 Apr Renegade 05 Apr PHP 06 Apr1: SAD 06 Apr1: Gaderene 06 Apr7: Roshin 06 Apr8: Fegelein 06 Apr9: NobO 06 Apr Shreyank 06 Apr You the best man!!! You are the best ,man skidrow rocks!!! DarK 06 Apr Monsiuer splat 06 Apr Albert Covington 06 Apr DAM LUCKY WE ALBERT FIND!!!!! WE TALKING ABOUT THE ONE WE PLAY WITH CORRECT? Mirexyl 06 Apr Antares 07 Apr0: Snehashis Sarkar 07 Apr4: Winters86 07 Apr5: EUROSPORT 07 Apr ZaMo 07 Apr Someone 07 Apr Hanselix 07 Apr IULI DEUS EX 07 Apr Koen 07 Apr MN 08 Apr2: Im only 14 so I will never pay for an ea game especially since some of their games suck.
A 08 Apr7: Lleggend 08 Apr Excombo 08 Apr Антон 08 Apr OMG 08 Apr Sam 08 Apr Gaetano 08 Apr Simi 08 Apr MNmnMN 09 Apr1: Red Hunter 09 Apr2: God 09 Apr8: BeBBo 09 Apr9: Usama 09 Apr Stinger 09 Apr NUTNAI 09 Apr Yok 09 Apr AJ 09 Apr Guerrero 10 Apr Great game See butt. Deadly Nexus 10 Apr Skidrow 10 Apr Ben 10 Apr Fr0zen 10 Apr Skidrow 11 Apr0: Skidrowisking 11 Apr1: Bob 11 Apr6: James 11 Apr8: Fan 11 Apr Mohanad 11 Apr Stefan 11 Apr ELBU7 11 Apr Crack Please just downloaded but, not working need code or crack.
Trevor 11 Apr God 12 Apr7: Marko 12 Apr BeBBo 13 Apr6: Shadow 13 Apr9: Origami 13 Apr Lexus 13 Apr If you are waitting a crack for BF hardline you lose your time. Pitou88 13 Apr Ducu 13 Apr So if you want play buy IT. Laneyefc 13 Apr Funny this how they are struggling to crack this!!
Dr Richard Breadth 13 Apr I have the crack, Works Great!!!! JUAN 14 Apr7: Just go and buy the game. Richard Breadth — I have a crack too…. Mohanad 14 Apr REX 14 Apr R0m4n 15 Apr0: Gamer 15 Apr5: Paul 15 Apr Ghost 15 Apr When Will be Crack Release.
REX 15 Apr Rhatz 15 Apr WAHID 15 Apr Skidrow staff 16 Apr5: The crack is not coming anymore, impossible to crack this game. Only illegal 16 Apr9: Alfonso FUCK you and ……. Skidrow staff Will be crack to Battlefield Hardline? OMG 16 Apr PIPO 16 Apr ITS 30,5 GB and it says 35…anybody got a problem with that? Fady 16 Apr Hugo 16 Apr GTAV with Denuvo and crack is done and work fine on V2.
Stutterring is away and texture bug too. Dawie 17 Apr3: Hi Skidrow First I want to say you are doing great work!!!! And thanks for all the games all these years. But can you give us an alternative site to get the crack or will you crack it and when?
PIPO 17 Apr5: FTP LINK IS DOWN put it back up PLZ!! How much we will have to wait????????????????????????????????? Bigmofrahere 17 Apr Hola 17 Apr GTA V was protected by Denuvo too and the crack is already there! BadBoy07 17 Apr Terror 18 Apr4: Hope you soon release battlefield hardline crack…. NosSnorron 18 Apr I have a crack. Daniel 18 Apr James 18 Apr Monsiuer splat 19 Apr1: MagicBananna 19 Apr Bit 21 Apr9: Lucky 21 Apr BrazilianR14 21 Apr Fan 22 Apr You can cry and cry. NEVER COME A CRACK FOR HARDLINE.
Tilox 22 Apr Its not true there WILL come a crack but maybe not today its possible. OMG 22 Apr Adriano 23 Apr3: Kiko 23 Apr Link 24 Apr9: Mech 24 Apr
Battlefield Hardline Digital Deluxe Edition « Skidrow & Reloaded Games
BeBBo 09 Apr9: Ray 30 Mar Hardline Battlefield is inserted in our, and so people may take benefit of a big collection of modern guns, designed with a broad selection of tactical components. No matter the strategy, teamwork is key to winning the turf war.
How much money did you get from the Electronic Arts for not revealing the crack? It might also consider extra purchases eg. To get rid of criminals punished arrest warrant to generate extra cash, you have to purchase upgrades and guns.
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I tell you what kids and stupid noobs, buy this game right now! Hardline, averaging 34fps with the same configuration — be prepared to spend some money if you want to play this thing on full power. Snehashis Sarkar 02 Apr , Omer Scott 27 Mar , 4: Intel core i7mobile coreiHQ4-Core 2. Please consider a REPACK version once the crack is released. If there is no crack, i can sell my dollar watercooled pc!! All Drm cracks its Hard to make.. Последняя битва WEB-DL p iTunes.
MikePC, you mean someone installed a pen-is in your butt? But can you give us an alternative site to get the crack or will you crack it and when? Файлы для обмена собираются в автоматическом режиме, по всей сети интернет.
JUAN 14 Apr , 7: Cant wait to play the campaign on this game, never going to buy this game from EA. Вшита cpy fix Digital Deluxe Edition: Volume 1 - Zygote WEBRip p от BadBajo L1. Battlefield Hardline offers a fun single-player experience. HOUSSI 20 Mar ,
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