Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier. The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. All of the books were published by HarperCollins Publishers. Additional bundle details Kooky is a Czech action comedy film The soundtracks for BotaniculaMachinarium and Samorost 2 were included in the bundle.
Humble Bundle launches Horror Bundle". Retrieved May 23, Views Read Edit View history. In OctoberHumble Bundle launched its Humble Monthly subscription service; those that subscribed would receive a curated set of games at the start of each month, delivered in a similar manner as other Humble products such as with Steam key redemption or DRM-free copies.
Hammerwatch included PC, Mac and Linux versions. Zombie Kid Diaries — 3 Books: Factions — Variations Pack. Additional bundle details Steam redemption key of Anomaly: Contents Under Pressure were included only as Steam keys.
On the other hand, Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy developer Edmund McMillen noted in a tumblr post that the bundles are "not as successful as many would think. Purchasers were also entitled to play Minecraft until August 14, Champions of Anglia Book 1. Humble Paradox Interactive Bundle [33]. Children of the Clone. The Curse of Chalion. Retrieved 19 April
Humble Bundle is the first and best-known group to sell pay-what-you-want indie game bundles. Most of their bundles allow the purchaser to decide how their price is split between game developers, charities, and the bundle itself. Most games in the bundles are available on Steam, and for a while Desura keys were included as well.
Games are almost always available DRM-free for Windows, Mac, Linux, and sometimes Android. More recent bundles have introduced a minimum price for Steam keys due to abuse of people paying one cent to create new non-free Steam accounts to collect extra prizes during promotions.
A promotion is offered for pay-what-you-want, changing every Tuesday. Beating the average adds additional items. Zen Studios 3 ended March the weekly bundles went on an indefinite hiatus and have not returned.
In October Humble Bundle announced a new monthly bundle which would start in Novembercalled the Humble Monthly Bundle. Each b undle can only be ordered before release, with the contents hidden until after release at which time the bundle is no longer available to purchase.
Humble Bundle usually supports two charities: Purchasers can choose how their price is split, even opting to give the entire amount to charity. Occasionally the charity options are different: HIB4 supported the American Red Cross instead of the EFF for the holidays, Mojam supported charity: Humble Bundles are usually and initially were always cross-platform. This often means that games get ported to Linux and Mac shortly before being included in a bundle. Humble Bundle initially stood out by formerly requiring and continues to at least encourage bundled games to offer options for Windows, Mac, and Linux while other bundles typically include Mac and Linux versions only if the game already had such versions.
Windows gets practically all games available for a computer while Mac and even moreso Linux are often left out. Humble Bundle has made installation on Linux even easier for those using Ubuntu the most popular Linux distribution by making them available through the Ubuntu Software Center.
See the List of Humble Bundle Games Playable on Free Drivers to find out which games from Humble Bundles can be played on Linux using open source drivers.
Some Humble Bundle games are not cross-platform, which is more common in the weekly sales. When this happens it is indicated on the purchase page. Linux is the most often platform left out. Humble Bundles are usually and initially were always DRM-free.
This often means that games get a DRM-free version shortly before being included in a bundle, and often only in this bundle. Humble Bundle stands out by requiring or at least encouraging bundled games to offer DRM-free options for Windows, Mac, and Linux while other bundles typically include them only if the game already had such versions.
Some Humble Bundle games are not DRM-free, which is more common in the weekly sales. Humble Bundle started out offering a single Steam key that would activate all bundle games together, which was available for all purchasers. Purchasers beating the average price would receive a different or additional key to provide the games that were only available to purchasers beating the average.
Starting with The Humble Weekly Sale: Team 17Steam keys are no longer provided for copy-paste activation. Instead, the download page uses the Steam API to redeem games to a linked Steam account. While this is simpler for activating all games on the same Steam account, it is more difficult to share individual games among multiple accounts.
With The Humble Frozenbyte BundleDesura keys started being included with Humble Bundles. This lasted until The Humble Indie Bundle 4.
Humble Bundle added the option of making an account, which allows purchasers to organize all of their Humble Bundle purchases under a single login instead of keeping track of a separate e-mail message with a link for each bundle.
If all your Humble Bundle purchases were made with the same e-mail address, creating an account with that address automatically adds all of your bundles. You can also manually add other bundles by visiting the link from the e-mail and using the add option that appears on the page if you are logged in.
Some games went open source after being featured in a Humble Bundle. A full list of open source games can be found here. Games Movies TV Wikis.
Explore Wikis Community Central FANDOM University. Indie Game Bundle Wikia. Includes Steam Humble Bundle Indie Royale Indie Gala Groupees Bundle Stars IndieBundle Bundle In A Box StackSocial.
IndieGameStand Bundle Dragon Get Games VODO Flying Bundle Miscellaneous. Green Light IndieFort Indievania FrenchCows IndieMeadow The Free Bundle The Freebie Bundle Miscellaneous. Game Music Bundle Indie Allstars Bundle. Recently Changed Pages Humble Bundle Indie Gala 1 Hacker Evolution Duality Hacker Evolution - Untold Desura Bundle Stars Keys Added. Recent blog posts Forum. Wiki Activity Random page Videos Images. Classic editor History Talk 1.
Humble Bundle Website humblebundle. Contents [ show ]. Retrieved from " http: Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected. Overview About Careers Press Contact Wikia. Create your own and start something epic. Start a wiki Community Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Advertise Media Kit Contact.
Indie Game Bundle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Content is available under CC-BY-SA.
Humble Telltale Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)
Ben Kuchera of "Penny Arcade Reports" compares the Humble Store as a potential competitor to virtual storefronts like Steamoffering a more personable level of service to developers and customers than these larger systems.
According to Joshua Knoles of the Humble Bundle team, they "wanted to create something that would allow developers to easily sell their games through their own web site as well as provide a painless buying experience for purchasers".
Additional bundle details Guns of Icarus Online and its soundtrack were unlocked for those that paid more than the average price.
Navigation menu Personal tools Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in. Peter MilliganValentine De Landro and David Baron. Space Pirates and Zombies. The Secret of Bryce Manor. The idea for the Bundle was from Jeff Rosen of Wolfire Games.
Spock Reflections 4 Issues. Additional bundle details The soundtracks for Atom Zombie Smasher and Air Forte were included in the bundle.
Bundles – Humble Bundle
Soundtracks for Tentacle Wars , Doodle God , Doodle Devil and Wave Wave were included in the bundle. I Quit Issues Demons of the Ocean.
Android Module for GameMaker: Cities in Motion 2 , Orcs Must Die!: The Line were included for all people who paid above average. Guns of Icarus Online. African Unit Pack , Crusader Kings II: Book 1 of the Raven Cycle. The Maze of Bones. Retrieved 11 April Vampirella Masters Series, Vol. If you like the bundle or like what we do, you can leave us a Humble Tip too! Total War and Napoleon: Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising.
Steam redemption keys for the games, except Samorost 2 , were distributed to the bundle customers on December 9, Additional bundle details The Walking Dead, Vol. The Curse of Chalion. Humble Bundle books Entertainment lists Video game compilations Humble Bundle introductions.
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