Cnpack delphi 7

Open in Desktop Download ZIP. Warren Postma October 12, at You can access the newsgroup at news: There is also a much more complex method involving writing a module creation expert, a repository expert, and using CreateModuleEx and different streams, but is much more error-prone and for most people, has no distinct advantages. The setup package generally installs about 36 files and is usually about What do people think about it?

Stack Overflow Questions Developer Jobs Documentation beta Tags Users. The workaround is to create a form with your custom properties in a package, and then have a descendent form in the repository which adds the components you want there by default. Sorry, my English not is good. Many June - Now Moderate Moderate The Open Tools API Newsgroup Borland runs a newsgroup server that has an Open Tools API discussion group on it.

Which one should I use? GetCurrentEditor for this purpose. Starting in Delphi 6, IOTAEditorNotifier works as expected. I would like to write units that have methods that are over lines long. Main Page Views User Agents Posts History Top Forums Top Threads Post Ranking Credit Ranking Online Time Team Moderation Stats.

Compile the included package, install it into the IDE, and then look at the new menu item in the Help menu. Jeroen Pluimers November 4, at 7: Instead query the IOTAModule that implements IOTAProjectGroup for its FileName, and it will contain a full path.

When did that get added? On the other hand, the formatter for GExperts allows you to protect blocks of code from being reformatted.

As to CnPack, the subject of this chapter, I second the comments on the Uses Cleaner, which is invaluable when dealing with legacy code.

Yes, I do write docs. DonaldShimoda there is an experimental GExperts XE5 build since mid September http: So build it yourself, Donald! Okay, so I built it for you.

You can grab it here: Thank YOU, it was very usefull for me! One question, do you know a way to change the editor tabs? I have so many open files and I wanted to have them visible. Looks like multitabs are not possible? If I select a word in the source and press delete it deletes the character following the selection, not the selected word. And when I select a block of code it is the same. Even Paste will paste after the block of code rather the replacing the selected code.

I have seeing it already. If that behavior happens in just some units and not in all units, it looks like an already known by myself Delphi issue. You will fix it only closing and reopening the related units. In some cases it will be neccessary close and reopen Delphi. Very late to the party - but this is due to "Persistent Blocks" option in the editing.

Too fix, go into the editor properties, and check then uncheck the option, then OK. Now CnPack IDE Wizards has Code Formatter Wizard for Pascal. The latest version is 1. Saturday, October 5, Delphi Experts and IDE Plugins I Love - Part 2: In Part 1 of this series, I covered GExperts, and now I am moving on to what is arguably the most powerful, and most useful open-source expert plugin for Delphi.

I would like to write units that are over 50, lines in length. I would like to write methods with Cyclomatic Complexities over I would like to nest begin and end blocks more than 20 levels deep. I would like to write units that have methods that are over lines long.

But if very few of us start out wanting to do the above, it is still kind of scary how many of us manage to unlock the above dubious achievements.

And even if we do not manage to unlock them ourselves, some of us get to work on codebases where the previous people working on the system made things less tidy, less sane, and less easy to follow. But the combination of highlighting as above, and completely rigid formatting in the One True Delphi Indentation Style shown above will lead you into the Holy Land where Programmers, Customers, and Bosses all Dwell in Peace and Prosperity. Just to rile up certain people.

You know who you are. Everybody loves a holy war. Too much stuff, frankly. Now you have a CNPack menu that is empty, and basically no features.

Now you can add the features you want, one at a time, and learn them, and then add another. I find this a much easier way to learn the CNPack features than being thrown into a virtual labrean tar-pit of options. Try out the Form Designer Enhancements. If you are overwhelmed with the decision set you face, try my settings. You might find the Uses Units Cleaner a life saver, I know I do. If you have a disgusting Uses Clause, that uses units in the interface uses clause, and units in the implementation uses clause, are you certain that all of those are necessary?

This expert will find and remove units that could be removed, speeding up compilation, decreasing the number of namespace pollution and making code-completion in the IDE more accurate, among other things.

Bad Uses-Clauses Hygiene is an epidemic, because most Delphi developers are scared to touch a Uses clause. Most people just go in and add an item to it, and then hope for the best. Understanding, grouping and organizing your dependencies, once CNPack has minimized them to the real minimal set that you need to build that unit, is a good step towards understanding the ball-of-mud that your application is becoming, and start turning it around to the point where it is a clean, and well architected piece of software.

First it shows you the tab order visually while you are in the form designer at all times:. Many Windows application users navigate their forms with the Tab key and like keyboard shortcuts, tabbing, and keyboard accessibility to work properly.

Tab ordering, a good set of keyboard hotkeys, and so on, are key to expert users loving your system. But you are using Version Control right?

Well, I did the above as an example so you can see what it does. It starts at the top left most pixel of the screen, and orders the tabs from top to bottom, left to right. Since the button on TabSheet2 is slightly ABOVE the other, it gets the first tab position inside that tab sheet. A much saner workflow than leaving the whole thing on Automatic at all times. Next time, part 3, Model Maker Code Explorera commercial tool, and worth every penny, just like Delphi is a commercial product, and worth every penny.

If only Delphi was cheap like Borscht, like Code Explorer. Posted by Warren Postma at Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Alister Christie October 6, at Warren Postma October 6, at 1: Stefan Glienke October 6, at William Meyer October 7, at Jeroen Pluimers November 4, at 7: Warren Postma October 12, at Eduardo April 15, at 2: Gordon December 4, at 8: Valerio Oliveira September 13, at 8: Gerry Coll March 16, at 2: Unknown October 14, at 2: Newer Post Older Post Home.

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About Me Warren Postma. Embarcadero MVP list updates TurboPascal PCODE compiler implemented in JavaScri Windows as a Legacy System Delphi Experts and IDE Plugins I Love - Part 2: I blog at LinuxCodeMonkey.

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The IDE does not remove instances of IOTACustomMessage from the message view before unloading an expert. But the combination of highlighting as above, and completely rigid formatting in the One True Delphi Indentation Style shown above will lead you into the Holy Land where Programmers, Customers, and Bosses all Dwell in Peace and Prosperity.

For main functions see Screen Snap. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Embarcadero MVP list updates TurboPascal PCODE compiler implemented in JavaScri KenWhite I ran the CnPack setup AsAdministrator to make sure it has every permission necessary. FormDesigner; end; How can I get a form editor from a module interface?

Become an expert contributor We are currently in the process of setting up our community. Features Business Explore Marketplace Pricing. You can install Delphinus package manager and install CnPack VCL Components as a package there. Open Tools API FAQ. How can I paint the palette bitmap for a specific component? Start your IDE, and verify the expert is not loaded.

Our products include CnWizards, CnVCL, CVSTracNT and etc. Ballot Where do you know CnPack? AddKeyBinding for each menu item, as described below: ModuleCount can be used to iterate over all modules, and IOTAProject. I had the same problem and I got it to resolve to do this. Saturday, October 5, Delphi Experts and IDE Plugins I Love - Part 2: You will fix it only closing and reopening the related units.

转贴:Open Tools API FAQ - CnPack IDE 专家包(CnWizards) - CnPack Forum - Powered by Discuz!

Many June - Now Moderate Moderate The Open Tools API Newsgroup Borland runs a newsgroup server that has an Open Tools API discussion group on it. Interface Obtained From INTAComponent IOTAComponent INTAFormEditor IOTAFormEditor IFormDesigner INTAFormEditor IOTAKeyboardDiagnostics BorlandIDEServices IOTAEditActions IOTAEditView How can I debug a DLL wizard?

DonaldShimoda there is an experimental GExperts XE5 build since mid September http: CnPack News [] CnPack IDE Wizards CnWizards 1. No one has commented yet. Start your IDE, and verify the expert is not loaded.

TOP Clear Cookies - Contact Us - CnPack Website - Archiver - WAP. Also registry is OK and the file is in there and the permissions are OK. Log In Sign Up. Sign up using Facebook. When a form is activated, IOTAFormNotifier. Try out the Form Designer Enhancements. Post at You must use IOTAFormEditor instead. In the project options for your package, turn on debug information, stack frames, reference info, etc. Just to rile up certain people.

Create an object that implements all of the IOTAIDENotifier and descendent interface methods. You signed out in another tab or window. You need to iterate through all of the modules to find the one that implements IOTAProjectGroup:

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