Command conquer generals zero hour по сети

Release of English version still has got. Miltrom Zero Hour Argentina 2 Zero Hour Argentina 3 Zero Hour Brazil Zero Hour Europe Administrator: Revolution Setup Update Torrent В течении трех лет велись по сети нашего проекта, мы старались выпустить как полноценную по сеть со своим игровым движком, однако усугубленное финансовое положение и нехватка кадров сильно сказались на наших успехах.

Временно вырезаны офицеры у США и ЕС. Emperor Tank visual representation Jan 15 Trailers 1 comment Core: Switch to English sign up. Mar 18 News 10 comments The pre-release of the first serious version of our game.

He does not work, but its potential is disclosed on medium level - Modified all the buildings, units and opportunities of factions.

Release of English version is here. Briefly about the add-on features: And also many other innovations, all this will be recreated on the 3D Unity engine. When a comment is deleted all replies to the comment will be removed as well.

This is a temporary review. Game of the Year [Region Free] [RUSSOUND] [L]. TipaIvan СКАЙП ТЕХ ПОДДЕРЖКИ: А ТАК ЖЕ БУДУТ УСТРАНЕНЫ РАЗЛИЧНЫЕ НЕДОЧЕТЫ, И ВНЕСЕНЫ НЕКИЕ ПРАВКИ. Curtis May 20 Hey I have put the English patch were you said to put it to get mod in English but the skirmish and other buttons are in Russian so are the unit names. Also, if you possess various skills in the creation of games, especially the creation of models, textures, animations as well as ones of programmer, then you are welcome to our company.

Ahrimansiah Jun 1 love the mod, the only thing i do like to complain about is lack of tanks!

Switch to English sign up. GENERALS ZERO HOUR Hamachi Servers. Zero Hour Russia, пароль: Russian Generals ZH, пароль: HG - Zero Hour, пароль: Servants of our community: CORONEL74 ZHTL Public 1 Administardor: Kadmio ZHTL Public 2 3 Administardor: Leader Password of the server is: Each acpeta network 16 players that is to say, 2 4 games of versus 4.

Zero Hour Argentina Administrator: Miltrom Zero Hour Argentina 2 Zero Hour Argentina 3 Zero Hour Brazil Zero Hour Europe Administrator: Estel Zero Hour Europe 2 Administrator: Estel Zero Hour Spain Administrator: Estel Zero Hour Arab Zero Hour Slowakia 2 Zero Hour Turk 2 Password of the server is: CNCgeneralsPERU CNCgeneralsPERU3 Password of the server is: URF Zero Hour 1 Password: Zero Hour Russia pass: Zero Hour Russia 2 pass: Zero Hour Europe pass: Zero Hour Asia pass: Zero Hour Israel pass: Zero Hour Germany pass: Zero Hour Hispania pass: ZERO HOUR ALL pass: HGI - Zero Hour pass: Zero Hour Sergink pass: Zero Hour Jordan pass: ZERO HORA NEED 2 RIO pass: Like 2 Show likes.

Вот проверенные рабочие серваки: HG - Zero Hour hamachi-games Универсальные ссылки на спец. Желающие ОТХВАТИТЬ в Generals ZH заходим в Hamachi: Like 1 Show likes. Generals Zero Hour - Reborn: The Last Stand v5. Нашел парочку на досуге: RED-WAR4 пароль WAR DODO-ZERO HOUR pass: Мой сервер, Чисто генералы перезарядка старенькая версия, жду всех!!!

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command conquer generals zero hour по сети

Servants of our community: Commander May 2 Can this mod work for Mac? There will be 4 Generals in the game one from each of the alliance assault US General, France, and additional fractions for the other sides will be added in the third addon. Revolution mod was updated! Estel Zero Hour Spain Administrator: No files were found matching the criteria specified. At the moment, we need the fans of this game, if you want to help us testing, INI, modeling, ideas, and so onplease contact me in PM.

We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. And also many other innovations, all this will be recreated on the 3D Unity engine.

Generals 2: Revolution Project mod - Mod DB

УКАЗАТЬ ПЛЮСЫ И МИНУСЫ И СКАЗАТЬ, ЧЕГО ПО ВАШЕМУ ТАМ НЕ ХВАТАЕТ И ПРИШЛАСЬ ЛИ ВАМ НАША ИГРА ПО ВКУСУ. HGI - Zero Hour pass: Главная страница Обратная связь RSS. Zero Hour Jordan pass: Link to Generals 2: Zero Hour Russia pass: At the moment, we need the fans of this game, if you want to help us testing, INI, modeling, ideas, and so on , please contact me in PM.

Release date Released Aug 30, Желающие ОТХВАТИТЬ в Generals ZH заходим в Hamachi: If you have any questions or wish to help here are our contact details. Your help is not assessable, and VirtualSvit team needs you.

GENERALS ZERO HOUR Hamachi Servers. Zero Hour Argentina Administrator: Mar 10 News 5 comments The "Virtual Svit" studio started development of armies of East Alliance. Revolution Setup Update Torrent В течении трех лет велись разработки нашего проекта, мы старались выпустить как полноценную игру со своим игровым движком, однако усугубленное финансовое положение и нехватка кадров сильно сказались на наших успехах.

If this was a mistake, click the link again to reverse the change. Elite force - Davil Richardson.

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