Runtime exception, when Context3D is not available. The name of your device appears in the Develop menu of Safari. Games and applications developed in Flash become instantly available for use on almost any computer in the world. So add a few lines to center the quad on the Stage: In the context of 2D content, software fallback should be able to handle many objects and provide good performance, but still, to detect this, you can access the Context3D object from the Starling object by using the static property context:.
Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page. Saturday, October 20, at 1: This is a benefit, because you get to take advantage of the full power of the graphics hardware by leveraging the programmability of Shaders. Development includes dealing with the hardware capabilities of the specific GPU available when the application is running.
For the complete experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser. So, Stage is the container of everything that is displayed. Stage3D Molehill is layered on top of Starling. Search forums only Cancel.
We introduced Stage3D last year and the momentum behind has never stopped growing but there is one area we did not give all the details. Some of you may have seen it in the documentation for Stage3D referred as the compressed texture file format, but we never shared any tools to create those famous ATF textures. You can go compressed or uncompressed, very simple. So, what is the difference? Edition Date Published 1 June 2 June 3 December 4 Abandoned 5 December 5.
As you can imagine, if you would develop a game targeting iOS, Android and desktop, you would need to supply your textures compressed to each format for each platform. Which would look like this:. Of course it is a pain to provide all the different versions of the textures, detect at runtime which platform you are running on and upload the corresponding texture. So here comes ATF. Really, think about the ATF format as a container for lossy images.
Here is below a little figure showing very sinply the structure of a default compressed ATF file:. But in some cases, you may want to target mobile only and why should you embed desktop related textures or Android if you are targeting iOS only?
To cover this, you can also embed the PVRTC textures only inside the ATF file, making your assets smaller. If you know about ETC1, you may wonder how we handle transparency then? We use a dual ETC1 approach with two textures, one for the alpha channel and one for the colors. The difference between DXT1 and DXT5 resides in alpha support. DXT1 does not support transparency, DXT5 does.
Automatically the ATF tools will detect if your images have transparency and select the proper DXT version for you. Also note that ATF is not alpha pre-multiplied. Why would you do that you may ask?
Well, you may want to use uncompressed textures but still want to leverage cubemap, automatic mipmap support or even texture streaming.
Ok, now apart from the fact that hardware requires those textures to be compressed, what is the value for your content? The main tool you need to know about is png2atfwhich as you can guess, takes a png and gives you an ATF file:. As mentioned earlier, what if you wanted to store uncompressed a uncompressed texture inside your ATF? Another cool feature is that ATF can also be used with streaming, to generate 3 sub-files you can do this:.
For info, texture support streaming shipped in Flash Player Make sure to create the texture with streaming on, by using the streamingLevel arguments of the Texture. If you have used the texturetool from Apple to generate your PVR textures, this is the same approach. The tool works similarly to png2atf except that you have to provide input files in the PVR texture format. ATFViewer is a GUI tool which previews and inspects ATF files.
The primary purpose is to audit DXT1, ETC1 and PVRTC compression artifacts. The Snippet preview area shows you an example of how to load a particular ATF file in raw ActionScript 3 Stage3D code. Below is an example of a test file from Starling, you can preview the texture for each format and also have a little code snippet at the bottom which tells you how to use it in ActionScript 3 with Stage3D:. Note that when opening an ATF texture containing only specific compression, the ATFViewer will show this, below we opened an ATF file containing only the DXT textures, you can see that ETC1 and PVRTC in the texture types list are greyed out:.
To use compressed textures with Stage3D, you need to use the Texture. Great news, Starling already supports ATF textures through the Texture. Find here all the details about ATF and Starling, but it is as simple as this:. Yes, as simple as this. I want to highlight that even if ATF will be very useful for 2D content like with StarlingATF has been mainly designed for 3D textures purposes. So what does it mean? The compression applied to the textures is lossy and may impact too much the quality of your assets.
But we need your feedback and testing to see how we can improve ATF and add support for more compression types. So let us know! One thing to keep in mind is that to cover the entire set of capabilities for ATF textures, you need:. Can this be used for non Stage3D content. For instance, I think I remember seeing that the compression for this file format sounded superb. Is the compression better than the JPEG compression from Flash Pro?
It would be awesome to have access to smaller file sizes in Flash Pro. These new Retina displays require huge images but smaller file sizes are within reach outside of Flash! Thanks for the Linux support! If I use the atf as a container for non compressed texture, is it still uploading the texture asynchronously? Sure, the PNG texture is in CPU memory, but an uncompressed, raw version is uploaded to the GPU, right?
Are there any tools planned for dynamic ATF byteArray creation? It would be really cool if we could use this for dynamically created assets. We are releasing a great open-source library soon… Details in the near future. And the ATF sounds like huge improvement that we can use. When using PVRTC, ETC, DXT, the texture is uploaded compressed and is being uncompressed by the GPU and stored there.
But, we apply JPEG-XR compression on top of PVRTC, ETC, and DXT. And the JPEG-XR decompression happens on the CPU side. The ATF spec is in the package! Just implemented it in my own 2D engine and got it working almost immediately. Good timing, we were just having memory issues on iPad1 and iPod Touch! You mentioned about new AgalMiniAssembler. Just one detail, in the archive is missing ATFViewer for Windows. It would be fine, if one would not see screenshot from it in the user guide document.
Is it by accident? I have got a problem, using only one level -n 0,0 and after loading atf it shows nothing… but wihtout -n 0,0 it shows right. Is there any performance improovement using this technique? BGRA, false, 5 and upload the highest level texture. Then over time upload rest of the leves.
According to your article when i want to use atf textures i should use texture. How can i specify which mipmap level i want to upload? I have converted this image http: Wilson Silva and others: You can combine this with -q default With png texture everything works fine but with atf nothing is rendered neither in debug player nor in release player.
When i run the same swf in standalone player atf works too. What could cause this problem? I have to embbed everything -c -r -e in order to see my graphics on the iPad. Do you know why? By the way, if you are looking for batch conversion on windows I did this BAT file: Put it with your png assets and the png2aft.
You can use the command line tools from here: It outputs pvr files which you can then convert to atf with the pvr2atf. This is a Stage3D limitation for old graphics card compatibility. Hi, was anybody able to make the streaming work? I have tried this but it doesnt work at all.
I have created texture asset like this: Then i load the asset and create the texture like this: Then after i try to upload mimap level 1 with: Do you plan to publish the algorithm? I need an as3 implementation to compress textures on the fly. Hi, I was investigated ATF, to use with my project. We have to use a lot of images like layers up to FullHD resolution.
Here is investigation result in pdf with links on examples: Since I am only targetting iOS and Android, is it also possible to exclude DXT while using the -c parameter?
I have a 2D game using starling with png sprites. The collision tests inside the game are done with BitmapData. If I use the cubemap option -m I get only black assets for Android and iOS PVRTC, ETC1 formats. Is this a bug or is this feature only available for desktop DXT?
Would be great to have those accessible directly. ATF, the Adobe Texture Format. The game is powered by Starling and the team used ATF textures and project Monocle for performance optimizations and some ActionScript Native Extensions for [ This was posted by Thibault Imbert on Friday, October 19th, at 9: Subscribe to the RSS feed for all comments on this post. Your email is never published nor shared. Skip to content Skip past content. Stage3D compressed textures — Introducing the ATF SDK.
When using uncompressed textures, a good old uncompressed file format like PNG is used and uploaded to the GPU. Of course, each platform has different support for compressed textures depending on the hardware chipset being used. Now get ready for the fun! Here is below a little table to illustrate it:. Now the question is, how do you create such ATF files?
It is very easy, we provide a few command line tools for that. Post a comment Trackback URI. Comments 46 Philippe wrote:. Friday, October 19, at 9: Friday, October 19, at Saturday, October 20, at Saturday, October 20, at 1: Saturday, October 20, at 7: Saturday, October 20, at 8: Saturday, October 20, at 9: Saturday, October 20, at 2: Sunday, October 21, at 1: Sunday, October 21, at 8: Sunday, October 21, at Monday, October 22, at Monday, October 22, at 1: Tuesday, October 23, at 9: Tuesday, October 23, at Tuesday, October 23, at 2: Wednesday, October 24, at 1: Wednesday, October 24, at Thursday, October 25, at 4: Friday, October 26, at 7: Friday, October 26, at 9: Monday, October 29, at 1: Thursday, November 1, at 3: Friday, November 2, at Tuesday, November 20, at 3: Sunday, December 9, at 7: Thursday, January 10, at 8: Thursday, February 7, at Monday, February 11, at 5: Monday, March 4, at 4: Friday, May 16, at 2: Introducing the ATF Flash Notes on Friday, October 19, at Smart Aliens — A social hangman powered by AIR and Starling - ByteArray.
Filed Under 3D Adobe Gaming Inside the Flash Player Stage3D Tagged atf compressed textures memory size stage3d starling. Post a Comment Your email is never published nor shared. Date ASC Date DESC Name ASC Name DESC Disable Trackbacks Remember Settings?
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In contrast, the CPU is a generic processor. Pitch, along X-Axis - Its unit is Number and the value is an angle in degrees. Imagine the Flash websites common today: What could cause this problem? If you know about ETC1, you may wonder how we handle transparency then?
Please see our release notes for full details. For info, texture support streaming shipped in Flash Player If I use the cubemap option -m I get only black assets for Android and iOS PVRTC, ETC1 formats.
GPU is totally dedicated to the task of rendering content in 3D. At the time of this writing, content running in the display list cannot be placed under the Stage3D layer see Figure 7. Privacy Policy Terms of Use. You can use a maximum of 8 temporary registers, instead of the available when coding registers in GLSL, with Shader Model 4.
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About Us Newsroom Careers At Adobe Privacy Security Corporate Responsibility Customer Showcase Investor Relations Events Contact Us. These two blocks are actually programmable. Friday, October 19, at 9: The code sample above creates a square 2D instance see Figure 5. Apple TV support Beta Quality We have made some enhancements to tvOS support, which was introduced in AIR 24 beta channel.
A sampler state of the vertex sampler in the vertex shader code could be overridden with the existing AS API, SetSamplerStateAt: Flash Developers using Opera dev and Google Chrome dev and Canary can now try out the PPAPI-based content debugger. A GPU surface is placed under the display list, meaning that any content running inside the display list will be placed above Stage3D content.
Our objective is to create a different gaming experience for our users using pre-hacks. Can this be used for non Stage3D content. A block diagram of the programmable graphics pipeline illustrates the new process for rendering see Figure By targeting all platforms at the same time with a single unified API, Stage3D cannot take advantage of the advanced features that are only present in the most powerful 3D graphics.
Flash and Flex developers will understand it immediately because it follows most of the ActionScript dogmas and abstracts the complexity of the low-level Stage3D APIs.
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