The High Court agreed with her, but the terms of the settlement were not disclosed. I tend to believe that the mythology of the moon is like any other mythology.
Since the video was posted online, other former government officials and NASA employees have made UFO and alien disclosures. Home Top Rated Movies Box Office TV Coming Soon Site Index Search In Theaters. See Four Minutes of Footage From In Septemberwhile shooting in East Chicago, Indiana, a female extra was severely injured when a stunt scene went wrong, leaving her with permanent brain damage, the left side of her body paralyzed and her left eye stitched shut.
If you really want to go to the moon bad enough?
She claims Kubrick and other Hollywood producers were recruited to help the U. In order to finance the space program through public funds, the U. Fearing that no live pictures could be transmitted from the first moon landing, President Nixon enlisted the creative efforts of Kubrick, whose In return, Kubrick got a special NASA lens to help him shoot Barry Lyndon A subtle blend of facts, fiction and hypothesis around the first landing on the moon, Dark Side Of The Moon illustrates how the truth can be twisted by the manipulation of images.
This is no ordinary documentary. Its intent is to inform and entertain the viewer, but also to shake him up - make him aware that one should always view television with a critical eye.
Er, did u guys above, notice that the doc was a fictional account. It is a parody of fake moon landing conspiracy theory.
No, Max was right. If topdocumentryfilms wants to be seen as a serious endeavor then they should get rid of it. The film has no place here and it is beneath you. GEORGE, IT IS A FREE INTERNET,YOU CAN TURN YOUR COMP OFF ANY TIME.
George what has you so discomforted on this documentary? The fact of the possibilties that it speaks of? Yeah I thought not so lets talk more about intellect! Why not give it a deserving review. I just wish the bear trap would be removed so no more poor souls loose an hour or so of their time watching it. Paying it forward for the little guy. It should be taken off.
I was just curious to watch this, how they presented the story that Nasa faked the moon landing. Ok, they said the first landing So, one would imagine that lying about it would have been found in a soviet or chinese newspaper and someone would leak the lie.
Anyways, the story is believeable to some, when I look upon how crapy the little black and white T. They explain away the whole story, very cleverly, but, but, they have no Russian or Chinese space scientists to comment. So, they seem to have knowledge of facts, but neither the viewer nor I have the not the technology to dispove Nasa, Nasa does. Or did until recently And look at the suckers in the initial postings that fell for it. And yes, that includes me.
The message is simple: This doco is a joke! I know this is in no way related to the doc. But i do have a question to anyone who can answer. How did the camera get to its position to film Armstrong coming down the ladder as he was uttering his famous phrase "one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind"? It was great cos we didnt have to do folk dancing with the girls. Regardless of fakes or real A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To The Moon Now THAT blows the whole rotten truth open!
This doco must be a joke or a con. Were Rumsfeld Kissinger and Haig really talking about what we think they were talking about, or was this chopped to look like it? I wonder what they were really talking about? It was heavily edited. But although this is a fiction, I do think the whole idea is quite plausible, even likely! People are so easily persuaded by the media. If you all understood who,what,were,and why you are, you would know the flesh is not allowed on the Moon.
We are allowed to operate in space just far enough to complete a control grid. When He finishes building Mansions for the Elite, He will return and use the control grid and rule over you for a thousand years.
Your sin was freedom, this prison planet is used to teach you subjegation and you will be taught with his "rod of iron" on your backsides to bend your knee "that all knee shall bend" and then judgement.
If you really want to go to the moon bad enough? The ongoing Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment measures the distance between the Earth and the Moon using laser ranging. Lasers on Earth are aimed at retroreflectors previously planted on the Moon and the time delay for the reflected light to return is determined. Because the speed of light is known with very high accuracy, the distance to the Moon can be calculated using this simple equation:.
The distance has been measured with increasing accuracy for more than 35 years. The distance continually changes for a number of reasons, but averages aboutkilometersmiles. The first successful tests were carried out in when a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology succeeded in observing reflected laser pulses using a laser with a millisecond pulse length.
Similar measurements were obtained later the same year by a Soviet team at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory using a Q-switched ruby laser. Greater accuracy was achieved following the installation of a retroreflector array on July 21,by the crew of Apollo 11, while two more retroreflector arrays left by the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions have also contributed to the experiment.
Welllllll smart guy, we are waiting This is the last time I watch a documentary on this site without reading the full description. In my humble opinion, we did go to the Moon, but some of the images are censored at best, manufactured at worst. I see you raise the radiation card. The astronauts did go through the Van Allen belts. They got less radiation by that than they would on certain situations on Earth.
Astronauts "were lucky" because the Sun was quite likely to blow a solar flare. People all around the globe were watching for solar flares while the astronauts flew to the Moon and back in order to warn them. Moon samples are in accordance with what is expected from a world with no atmosphere, almost no water, high levels of radiation, etc. The Ruskies compared American samples with their samples. Now, I raise the ultimate card: The Ruskies never, ever cried foul.
Was some special deal made? They never cried foul because they knew it was real, painfully real for them since they lost the race. They knew it was real and they knew better than anyone else because they had satellites, tracking stations and, yes, spies that told them that the Americans had done it. Besides, as I said above, they had Moon samples to compare to, samples that matched.
In your conspiranoic dreams only. Not in the real world, in what actually happened in That is, sadly, also a part of human nature. If there is a person who can lipread, it would be interesting to see what they were really saying. You can see the objects left on the moon with laser. See the other documentary on this site. The facts were so off, that the Kissinger, Rumsfeld, etc interviews seemed like they could be taken out of context and could be talking about anything but the moon landing.
And then when they finally got to the physical "evidence" that it was all staged a whole 1 minute segment Then I read the movie description and saw that its a parody, mockumentary. I laughed my ass off. They did an excellent job of producing a satire movie that parodies the way delusional stubborn conspiracy theorists think.
And who paid for this mocumentary? I think this whole website here is funded by the government, or by some paid minions of the London Banksters. When this says the intent of this documentary is to get people to view television with a critical eye, what it really means is, get people to view those who CRITICIZE what television tells us, to get we the CRITICS with a critical eye.
IOW, go back to sleep, everything is fine, the government loves you and wants to help you, the government is your friend, go make some popcorn and watch Dancing with the Stars.
Be sure to take a good look at that "moon lander. And you know of course that NASA announced plans to send a probe to the moon in to check the radiation to see if it is safe to send a ship to the moon.
They were able to orbet the earth. If those guys really did all that stuff, they would be on Jay Leno every other day and telling the world how to fix its problems, instead of getting drunk every night. We would have books describing such an amazing thing as standing on the moon, instead of these hokey pics of astroNOTs hitting golf balls and buzzing around on moon buggies with the fenders taped on with duct tape.
And you can see pics at nasascam of the cranes and such, their phony backgrounds that they used for all 7 of their nonexistant flights to the moon, same backgrounds. These are the NWO slaves they will pass off to us as aliens. People like you will eat it up like candy and trip all over yourself to get to the front of the line to get chipped. I can tell you many of us had doubts about the "Space Race" even then. Yet many people seldom heard our experience in our arguments about it being suspect!
During this period they were also waging a War that could not be won. Over 50, Americans died in Vietnam for Corporate contracts. That all it was about. Its good hearing that people are waking up to the many lies and deaths governments have perpetrated against its own citizens. Barnum that said a "sucker is born every minute" or was it Ben Bernanke of the Fed? Don -- Yup, Vietnam was quite a story. The world planners had wanted to drag it on another 20 years. Without that dredge, the ships bringing food and supplies in to North Vietnam could not pull in and dock and unload.
There were ships coming in from all over the world, including the USA. This one man caused the war to end. This world is pure evil. What can I say. The people who run the world had to sell their souls to get where they are, and I guess they figure they made a good trade. I would like to salute all the people on this site for offering their heart felt convictions on the subject matter. It allows for disagreement and agreement on interesting topics which allows us to question each others opinions and world view.
Its courageous to stand on a particular theory whether one is wrong or right. Pheldestat Ask one question to all free thinking people and be objective. Common sense would force us to simply ask why? In the space shuttle went to a height of miles above the earth and CNN reported that the crew had trouble with there vision. The moon ismiles from earth. Now let us talk fuel. For a round trip to the moon and back it would take a craft the size of an ocean liner just to carry the fuel,miles round trip!
Best wishes to all. This movie is about how the media can be used to convince people of crazy things. Could it be that both events really happened? The United States did go to the moon and that the astronauts were filmed on a film stage for safety and security reasons to guarantee film footage.
Watching this documentary I thought it was neat with regards to what editors can do with sound bits to build a story. To be honest though this happens in every staged production in the movies and on TV today.
No better example of this is an animated feature where all of the actors lines are recorded before hand separately and then assembled together. So did the astronauts really go to the moon? There is evidence that they have with regards to the lunar reflectors. Since I have believed that the US Space Program was genuine.
However on the flip side I can easily why the White House could have faked some shots to create a better program. So perhaps both theories are true. In a modern movie some footage is taken on location and some footage in the studio.
In the new moon landing scenario, spacecraft and astronauts really did go to the moon. These astronauts however were not the ones filmed on the sound stages. In case an Apollo moon mission failed or the astronauts were sicked by space radiation these astronauts were kept hidden from public scrutiny.
Where as the other land based astronauts, the stars of the show did their takes on a sound stage. In this way both scenarios are now possible. The United States did fly to the moon, and did fake the lunar films. And this was only done to ensure the safety and continuity of the real space program. Experiments were conducted on the lunar surface and real lunar rocks were returned to Earth. However not by the astronauts we think returned them. Just some ideas I had after having read all of the comments above with regards to the dangers of space travel from the Earth to the Moon and back again with regards to space radiation.
Hey this is a great spoof, I confess I fell for it but happily started to research it, fascinated esp. I enjoyed being fooled and it reminds me check check check!
Of course Snopes and other web sites not specialize in debunking or verifying. I suspect it may be true and they are hiding behind the we were just kidding line. Point is this, if you want to hide something the best palce is in the open.
Another fascinating site I highly recommend is the Museum of Jurassic Technology, Google it. The whole point is what do we think we know and how true is it? If the moon landings where faked, they where faked very well for pepole to still discuss if they where true or not. I dont think they where faked becouse, it would take s of pepole to fake think camera men, sound pepole, set builders, editors, lighting crews, equipment, etc etc. If any of these pepole where involed surely by now there would be a convincing deathbed or for money confession with proof by somebody.
They are being exposed. Rob, That is some of the most close minded anti-free thinking crap I have ever heard. It is a freaking two year round trip to Mars by way of direct minimum energy orbit. First just think of all the food that would have to be taken. Now you talking even more weight and craft volume.
Sure hit the nail on the head there because we know they never miss report things like or even out right lie Sorry, I just had to dodge a bolt of lightening.
I am stumped as to what to say in response to your disingenuous statement. Either you are delusional and brainwashed into believing Anything the media tells you or you are so unbelievably arrogant that I imagine you as having no one who will dare be in your company.
I commend you for your precise and eloquent analysis. The Van Allen belts are survivable according to to their Discoverer Dr James Van Allen!!!. If Exposure is short and inside a metal space craft.
In fact NASA chose the route with the shortest exposure time. The increased exposure to radiation of flight crew has nothing to do with Van Allen belts it is the fact that there is less atmosphere above them to protect them from solar radiation And the vague generalizations you made about Cancer rates among crew are possibly true but current studies are not conclusive.
Explain Lab radiation that changes the character of rocks. Is it part of the electromagnetic spectrum such as Gama radiation or some new magical kind. That kind of gibberish is bordering on Alchemy. And anyway why North Pole Ice? Since when has there been a concentration of space rocks at the Nth Pole. I would have thought their distribution around the globe would be random.
And how do they get trapped in the Ice I would have thought meteorites hitting ice would likely crash through and sink just guessing here! And Also how would anyone know what moon rocked looked like to fake it for sale if no one had brought any back. To all those Conspiracy theory believers: If the moon landing was just a hollywood fake, then how come there has never been a peep out of the Soviets - who would have been the first one out there screaming FAKE if going to the moon is so difficult to do.
It is easy to craft something that is believable but totally wrong. As proof, see what Creationists have been doing to spread their "truth" about Evolution and how when confronted by the scientific community in the Dover trial what evidence they had was not evidence at all.
By your logic, if L. Oswald was not the lone gunman how come there has not been a peep from the soviets. That would have been a PR coup for them. The paucity of basic documentation photos etc beyond that which came out at the time is highly suspicious. This at a time when satellites and satellite surveillance were well advanced and taking pictures of the reds with their pants down. This from the same guys who researched various different means of writing in zero G, a simple pencil not being good enough for the greatest achievement of mankind?
The lack of evidence supports the conspiracy theory more than it does the moon landing "fact". When you work for NASA you work for them ALL THE WAY. How little have Buzz and Armstrong said since the great event.
Yes they spoke but they said the same simple controlled PR soundbites, no off the cuff detail on what must have been the most mind boggling, emotion testing, greatest YEE HAAA! Disinformation posing as conspiracy. The Moon landings are so easily verifiable, that I am amazed that any question remains. On Apollo 11, and another, subsequent mission, they placed mirrors at various locations, mapped out for them.
The University of Texas Observatory is charged with the duty of bouncing a laser off those mirrors a number of times a day. It tells us 3 things: This is the leftover of the last asteroid strike it too, which left us with the very visible crater named Brahe, for the famous Danish Astronomer. Still the simplest way to prove it to yourself, if you are a lunar non believer, is to call the University of Texas, and they will arrange a visit to the observatory if you ask nice. There of course are multiple Hubble Photos of our lunar campsites In that environment, they would be like out-of-the-package new.
A Saturn V Rocket actually is pretty damn close to being an Oceanliner full of fuel. Have you ever seen one in person? After a few controlled burns to kick it in the ass, they have just a few thruster burns for re-entry alignment.
The film makes a lot of sense. I paused it 30 minutes through, then went to see Transformers dark of the moon for a second time.
This time I saw it not in 3-D. A Space Oddessy all by itself feels suspicious, never-mind the proof that the White House and Hollywood work closer then previously imagined. What really should set people off? I have absolute proof. But their parts were played down, when compared to the role the Previous President played as well as warmly forgiven characters Michael Moore some consider neoanderthalesque heroes.
We can think of many heroes in this "deepartment". Not enough room here to explain. You require the very book I am writing. We faked going to the moon because the moon itself is fake, put in place to create life on earth. The moon is the controlling pillar.
The moon is metal, hollow, and used as a time-machine, or teleportation device to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Going back in time 90, years the larger than life energen stream coming from CygnusB and Cygnus x-1 unblocked by the dust is what helped the second wave of humans to get here, travelling of course through the center of the moon, and from the moon-sea to earth.
How ironic and unforn that today, 1 this information is tangled in loose-end new age conspiracy, and 2 we faked getting back there in 69 when once upon a time we all came through the moon, here? With the help of mushrooms. The Great Pyramid and its caves is the human attempt to get back to the underworld of the moon-gate, through ritual and magic of the dead.
By BC, the Pleiadian Gods aka watcherswho arrived in 17, BC, on Mars had waited 5 sothic cycles or, years before they grew tired of their human creation on earth which took advantage of the Cromagnon and Neanderthal DNA archetypes, the backbone of evolution of all humanoid types. The super-union of Atlantean and Lemurian intelligence is America as we it previously wiped out the native neanderthals peaceably living here.
The head of the dragon is Yawawy. With the matrix key of leadership, and the golden reed, I climb higher the tree of life from which the emerald tablet hung. In mathematical equations it is: Weaving truths like an agile angel undone in the sun.
Gobekli Tepe is the "Space bridge" the Star Gate, Where Enkidu became a ghost in the machine mysteriously called Adam. I think the landings were faked! If there were all ready Alien beings all ready on the moon telling us not to land again or not to tell earth that the moon is basically a telescope looking down on us. One guy had got into this hanger with a video cam i had saw video cam rails all over this room with the massive slabs of the moon plates assembled like a sphere in the middle of the room when he asked about the rails he was asked to leave why?
Because he was close to finding out the truth i think anyway. I also know we have sent probs to mars and have found a heat signature under the surface of the planet that looked like a underground city, they only had a moment to look before they seen a bright light coming from the surface then the satellite was shoot down.
You can find these videos on youtube and project camelot also on youtube, please keep looking into these type of videos and files coz the USA, Russa, UK, China are all rulled by the master puppeteer who is always looking to fool the common man for power and control.
When I read the title I thought "OOoo a Pink Floyd documentary! I then read the description Not another moon landing conspiracy video cr p. I believe it happened, but the video was clearly faked. The only way to make sure anything is true or not, is to go out and do your own documentary research. Talking about the waste of space And a lot of knowledge, I mean, with all the data provided. I tend to believe that the mythology of the moon is like any other mythology.
The moon has two sides. One is the mythology of the Heavens, and the other the mythology of he Earth. Shame but even the intelligent can get caught up in it. Oh i disagree with him so ill abuse him because my vocabulary is very limited.
That is why your comments are held for approval. Read the comment policy. Anyone who thinks this is evidence of a lunar hoax is rather missing the point and is probably confused about other things too. Eve Kendall, Abrose Chapel, and George Caplan. I thought maybe the first two were coincidences but when I heard Caplan, I laughed my butt off.
What a waste of my time The basic premise for the film is the theory that the television footage from the Apollo 11 Moon landing was faked and actually recorded in a studio by the CIA with help from director Stanley Kubrick. It features some surprising guest appearances, most notably by Donald Rumsfeld, Dr. Do you really think members of the American government would admit it if the moon landings were fake?
Amazing comments about fuel consumption here: As the craft travels, it burns more and more fuel and as a result weighs less and less. Each stage gets jettisoned, lightening the load for the next stage.
EVentually, after all the stages have completed their burns, that left only the command module and the lander. The command module stayed in lunar orbit while the Eagle landed on the moon. Once rendezvous was accomplished and the lander module jettisoned, it was a quick jaunt back to earth. I agree with what you are saying, but thats not what took place. Theres way too many experts that have looked at the footage of the moon landing and have all picked it apart in regards to flaws and goofs.
Theres just way too much evidence to show it was filmed in a studio. There were a lot of reasons why it was done. And plenty of evidence to show that it was faked, Theres all kinds of evidence you can view online. Did you do the math for those fuel calcs yourself? Weidner and Hoagland tell an interesting story with their theory if nothing else. I had just read an article by weidner outlining the landings as a clever obfuscation by kubrick, and i gottatell you, i was completely taken in.
Even when Kissinger and Rumsfeld et al started yukking it up, i was able to suspend my urge to dsbelief. I think that it is just as interesting to ponder how these humble french mocumentarists gained access to these pretty high initiates, and convinced them what a jape it would be. Cause they are well known tricksters, front man for illuminati corp. Sorry to pick on you, but i had to get that off my chest, and i prefer a little scepticism with the open mindedness.
Belief is a chosen ignorance. What is so hard to see about a story of another story. The fear is to admit that we can be so easily desceived either way. There is no such thing as truth only chosen ignorant bliss.
I know that when it comes to money and power anything can and will be done to keep the money and the power. The moon landing was so obviously faked I really feel sorry for the cowards too afraid to consider the facts Also, the Soviets may not have known it was fake And not in a good way. The allegation here is that the moon landing was real, but that Nixon hired Kubrick to make fake back up landing scenes in the event live images failed. Second paragraph, second sentence.
The Freemasons is an "old boys" club, nothing more. Having an open mind is one thing, but believing every stupid thing presented to you is another matter entirely. Interestingly, anyone who claims it is impossible that they faked the moon landings is deluding themselves. The idea that Nixon would do whatever he felt necessary take phony pictures just in case is not only plausible, but highly likely considering the known nature of the individual.
There is no doubt that there was more than one shooter, bang I appreciate your thoughts on the issue, but for the record, there was no threat of the russians beating the americans to the moon because their entire moon program collapsed when Sergei Korolev died during a botched operation in Even a president like Nixon did not want it to go sour on his watch due to political ramifications.
On July 20,they really did land on the moon, and they have the moon rocks to show for it. Ironically, if we attempted to do it again, it would take another 10 years to make it happen, because they gave up the technological approach and wisdom that got them there to begin with. They would never take the risks today that they did then.
Take care, and best wishes Chris Kul. Freemasons have evry body believing so much bull! Its called control and they have done a good job at it. They have put so much fear into the atmosphere its ridiculous. I truly love documentaries. If what we see is actually Neil Armstrong taking the first steps ever by a man on the moon The initial video was filmed from a camera mounted on the LEM. If you read my comments carefully, you would realize that I said: Lunar orbiter can now see the landing sites.
It is also important to note that the Russians also collected a small sample of lunar soil robotically. Perhaps the best evidence is indirect. Apparently, I am capable of thinking for myself since I use something called critical thinking. Once you know what motivates someone, it is very easy to predict their actions.
At some point, you have to decide for yourself, which is always best served by delving deep, and looking at a lot of information from many different perspectives. May I suggest that you do a lot more research regarding any particular topic before you jump to such conclusions. Take care, and best wishes Chris. It seems impossible that so many people think this is a serious film.
It is a mockumentary, it is mockery of the moon-hoax! Search Wikipedia for "Dark Side Of The Moon film " Half of the people interviewed are fictional characters, with names coming from Hitchcock and Kubrick films: Eve Kendall, Ambrose Chapel, George Kaplan, Jack Torrance, Dave Bowman, Dimitri Muffley Since you guys are so knowledgeable regarding space travel and the moon, I have a follow up question to our convo regarding the reason for the horizon on all moon photos to appear only yards away: That would also explain why they took a lunar rover to the moon too!!!!!??
No matter how clever you think your questions are, many things in life are non-intuitive. Contrary to what you were told as a kid, objects are not solid, time is not a constant, and 2 observers can view the same incident, derive opposite conclusions with certainty, and yet both are correct. It is only from extensive research, can we even hope to determine what is correct.
While I respect your intellectual skepticism, a good thing perhaps you may wish to broaden your horizons. One cannot add to a cup that is already full! Wheres the crew today, no takers? Pretty concrete question, nothing to do with quantum, relativity or the price of fish in china.
The Sun is even brighter on the Moon than it is on Earth, how many stars can you see on Earth in the daylight no matter what dark shadows you may venture in? When a photo is taken in daylight on earth there is no blackness yards away. If the sun is brighter on the moon thenwhat is the nature of this darkness on the bright side of the moon? Could you please provide a link to this "blackness" yards away? I asked you because you made the claim. Also I am trying to avoid explaining a shadow or something away then getting a response like " that is not the blackness i meant" as an answer.
You are free to make a claim without evidence. But I an also free to dismiss it without evidence. You are asking for evidence for something that is self evident of all moon photos - unless you are blind, why would you be asking for evidence for something that needs no evidence - do I now ask you for evidence of the sun or the moon? Maybe add its ok to prove the landings with photo evidence - not ok to disprove anything though Isnt that explanation corroborating my questions?
Whats the said diameter of the moon again? I personally do not deal with more than one question at a time to avoid muddying the waters. So your other questions not concerning the "blackness" will have to wait until this avenue of discussion is exhausted.
Or maybe someone else will answer them. Also I am not discussing "all photos" i am discussing the one photo i supplied as per your request.
I gave you multiple opportunities to provide your own to no avail. So please express your concerns with this particular photo. Not some unnamed ones. As i am sure I have not seen every photo and I am also sure that any "blackness" contained within these so far unnamed photos could be due to any number of reasons.
For the record, I have bunted heads with these individuals myself, and while I may not agree with everything they say, I still respect their knowledge base, and what they have to offer.
Challenging everything is easy, but it impedes communication, since no one desires to jump through hoops in an effort to convince anyone of anything.
Yes, it is possible. The right question however would be is it probable? Only after you have devoured all the pertinent information can this be determined. All battles are won or lost long before they are fought - that includes debates. Question answered, but I would like to chip in. I am going to teach you something very interesting today. Out there is a process that is called logical thinking. In your case it would work like this. You ask the question. No human has ever set foot on the moon.
So it is impossible that a camera motion activated, remote control, etc could have been left there to capture the footage. What are the other possibilities? The other astronaut actually getting out of the LEM first and filming the footage? Now you start to run out of ideas. I retired from the gov at age 46 with a full pension and a healthy 6 figure bonus settlement to suppress the truth that I knew and spoke. This was in the USDA.
Yes, my phone was tapped, and yes the USDA broke into my home and confiscated most of, Thank God not all, the evidence I had. That said, I still have serious doubts about actually landing on the moon. As for the Kennedy assassination, the head shot came from about 7 feet away out of a storm drain inlet.
The Zapruder film you referenced clearly shows the driver come to almost a complete stop right in front of the storm drain. The Nix film from the opposite dirrection shows the drain the the street curb. Every eye witness to the assissination do not agree where the shot came from. But they do agree 1 shot had a different raport.
While we may not agree on where the kill shot came from, it appears that we are in complete agreement that a conspiracy to kill JFK is indisputable. No doubt a fantastic mockumentary by William Karel.
It is a brilliant way to further cover up the greatest political secret in human history I wanted to ask all of you a simple question. What all does humans do when they walk in the desert or in the mountains?
Especially if it is the first time they are there? They all go to climb the highest peak to see the view, to get the big perspective. For some reason none of the 6 landings ever did this? There is not one wide shot made from the lunar surface of the horizon. Not a big enough studio?
All the shots are stitched together in the same small valley with almost identical close range peaks. And when these poor three astronauts returned and sat down at the conference. They did not sound or look like men who had achieved the mission impossible. They were shitting bricks not to say the wrong thing, since the price was kind of high Just look what happened to dear teammate Gus Grissom and comp. Nonetheless it was a great achievement to get away with it, politically speaking.
But we are now soon 50 years ahead of the times. And it is all there so very clear, yet history still insists on feeding us with this great lie. I am not even upset just wondering how long people are willing to deny the truth? And the so called hard evidence they brought back is a nice collection of old NASA meteors.
Obviously passing all tests. I must say this little film is really a high level of intelligent cover up play. No better way to mock and make fun about things that are delicate. A simply brilliant film They almost got me there, especially because of the very credible witnesses involved, but for the entire film in the back of my had I was thinking: Some of the questions raised about the real problems filming on the moon still "buzz" in my head Would the foot print be so deep and clean cut?
What about the two light sources in one of the pictures? Would the camera not be affected by extreme temperature changes? Maybe they actually went to the moon, but still faked the film for technical limitations? Nice to find out this was the Spinal Tap of the moon landing documentaries. Now I see how Trump stayed in there so long.
Conjecture and opinion prove nothing but their own existence. Any physics professor or mathmatician care to chime in? Everything these bastards say and do has an ulterior motive, everything! If their mouth is open, they are manipulating something. So what were they trying to get away with in this film? How old is that film? The cat was out of the bag and soon everyone would find out the truth. These crooks were just covering their asses over the assignation of the people that made the film.
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The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic
I am going to teach you something very interesting today. Even though President Barack Obama has awarded him a medal for saving the Earth twice, Sam has trouble finding a job. Rob, That is some of the most close minded anti-free thinking crap I have ever heard.
Dark of the Moon logo as well as international release dates. Select album in the field By Format. But I an also free to dismiss it without evidence. Introspection Late Night Partying. The band explained the concept behind the album, but were unable to tell her exactly what she should do.
Online UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists have for long accused NASA of covering up evidence of existence of UFOs and massive alien structures on the dark far side of the Moon. However not by the astronauts we think returned them.
The only way to make sure anything is true or not, is to go out and do your own documentary research. Show HTML View more styles. Perhaps the most notable responses "I am not frightened of dying. Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner. There will be days when we lose faith.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon () - IMDb
This is a common misconception as they are listed as two separate entities although one does work almost exclusively for the the other. There of course are multiple Hubble Photos of our lunar campsites It was a very creative atmosphere.
AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. While she was amusing and brought a little more skill to the screen, her part was borderline over-the-top, even in a movie with three story tall robots, because she had to balance out John Tuturro who drifts somewhere off to Hunter S.
The lack of evidence supports the conspiracy theory more than it does the moon landing "fact". Musiikkituottajat — IFPI Finland. Dark of the Moon logo as well as international release dates. The cover was also right. Dark Side of the Moon Tour The Dark Side of the Moon Live Dark Side of the Rainbow Darkside. A Foot in the Door They explain away the whole story, very cleverly, but, but, they have no Russian or Chinese space scientists to comment.
The other thing was the triangle.
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