Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или зайдите на сайт под своим именем. Вторые пол книги про шоу "Кандидат" и расписание его недели, в формате "поболтал с этим, думал как миллиардер туда".
О бизнесе популярноЛичные финансы. Это будет процент ваших активов, которые должны содержаться в наличных средствах и облигациях. Объявление от Частного лица. It will prepare you in every way to face every business day, and it will also keep you on your game.
No trivia or quizzes yet. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.
Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Думай как миллиардер by Donald J. Думай как миллиардер by Donald J. TrumpДональд Трамп. Думай как миллиардер 3. Чтобы стать по-настоящему богатым человеком, необходимо думая как миллиардер мыслить как миллиардер. И здесь вам на помощь придет гений недвижимости, автор бестселлеров и звезда телеэкрана Дональд Трамп. Он покажет, как правильно думая как миллиардер к деньгам, карьере, собственным талантам и к жизни.
В этой книге вы найдете великолепные советы признанного специалиста по поводу вложения Чтобы стать по-настоящему богатым человеком, необходимо думая как миллиардер мыслить как миллиардер.
В этой книге вы найдете великолепные советы признанного специалиста по поводу вложения средств в недвижимость: Как думая как миллиардер заработанные деньги с умом и пользой для себя?
Трамп предлагает "руководство потребителя", призванное помочь в науке обладания всеми благами, от обручальных колец до дорогих вин и гольф-клубов. Автор также любезно приглашает вас за кулисы знаменитого телешоу The Apprentice российская версия этого реалити-шоу идет на ТВ под названием "Кандидат"ставшего настоящим хитом эфира. Дональд Трамп доказывает, что стать богатым достаточно легко.
Гораздо труднее думая как миллиардер таковым. Читайте эту книгу - и она поможет вам изменить вашу жизнь к лучшему. Published by Альпина Паблишер first published October 12th Think Like a Billionaire: Everything You Need to Know About Success, Real Estate, and Life.
All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Думай как миллиардерplease sign up. Do you help people like us to help these children in Sierra Leone?
See 1 question about Думай как миллиардер…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. You have accountants who know how to get you out of this annoying and old-fashioned requirement. When people ask you about it, you tell them to mind their own fucking business.
Nearly all the time, they do. If they sue, думай как миллиардер, you have better lawyers than they do. You can carry on litigating forever. When you think like a billionaire, you can forget those dumb ideas about treating women with respect.
Quite a few of them will like the attention. You can talk openly about it and people will admire you. If anyone disagrees, just tell your fans to rough them up a bit. You are what they want to be, and they love you for it. View all 35 comments. I will advice everyone to read this book,since it is almost the only book that Mr Trump wrote to be read by everyone,So you do not have to be An Entrepreneur or Business driven to read it.
So, in brief this book IS FIRED!! The "How to Get Rich" sequel. His business advice stops halfway through, supplanting it with his daily schedule and The Apprentice I received a check of fifty cents, and w The "How to Get Rich" sequel. I received a check of fifty cents, and we at the Trump Organization deposited it. They may call it cheap; I call it watching the bottom line.
The higher you climb on the list of billionaires, the cheaper people become. Every dollar counts in business, and for that matter every dime.
I usually sleep about 4 hours a night. The best way to impress people is through results. Sometimes the seller will surprise you. Negotiate or be eaten alive… mortgages are designed to be haggled over, and not to do so is the equivalent of burning money in the street.
Read the fine print. You have to work hard to make that luck change. I spend hours each day reading the financial media. I do it all the time… Even in high-end shops, I bargain. The numbers that seem trivial add up, and have enormous implications. Debt should be used only to finance ventures and projects that will have a return to you. This stigma is asinine. Billionaires think for themselves, думай как миллиардер, stopping to review themselves and check their motivations at each step of the way.
It will prepare you in every way to face every business day, and it will also keep you on your game. If you have a concrete wall in front of you, you must go through it. Life is difficult no matter what, but hard work and perseverance make it a lot easier.
To me, work is as important as breathing. And the effort in the long run is always worth it. Sam drove to work in an old Chevrolet everyday - I love it! Love what you are doing" As a Christian, I believe God Thinks Like a Billionnaire, and I wanted some categorical evidence of this. I found it in this book! People at the top of their game think the same in many areas. You can be an artist, musician, pastor or parent, and get something from the mind of a millionaire I like to know who among the most successful people in the world believes in As a Christian, I believe God Thinks Like a Billionnaire, and I wanted some categorical evidence of this.
I like to know who among the most successful people in the world believes in God. Trump opens up with a small tribute to faith "I believe in God," he wrote. After the first 3 words are out of their mouth, I can tell what the next 40 are going to be, so I try to pick up the pace and move it along. As a leader myself, I find the non-nonsense talk motivating. If you prefer to watch a video summary of "10 Things I Learned from a Billionaire," click the DVD with the photo of Trump on it here: It contains the 10 best tips I got from Trump which directly relate to Biblical teachings.
I read this book a decade ago when it first came out and found it met my expectations: As for the effectiveness of all this advise, one merely needs to consider that in the last decade since this book was published we have yet to hear a single billionaire or even millionaire claim: A complete waste of time. In addition to talking about The Apprentice, Trump also managed to talk about how great he was in Saturday Night Live and his top picks on jewelry, hamburgers, and suits.
Rinck, February 14, I for one, greatly enjoyed the succinct and concise chapters. I prefer the book as it is, as compared to if a ghostwriter had written it with more "flowery" language, which gives the illusion of getting more bang for your buck. I find it interesting to note also that all the people blasting Mr. I enjoyed the "glossy photos" included also. They showcase his success. Trump writes at the start: Be paranoid keep your guard up 4. Love what you are doing I got this book because I enjoyed the introductory material which I happened to chance upon via Google Books.
The going can get tough sometimes. This book is no exception success story, etc. I am thankful to Mr. In Think Like a Billionaire, real estate mogul Donald J. Trump shares a few of the characteristics that set billionaires apart from the rest of the crowd.
Rather, they stay true to their vision, even in the face of criticism and doubt. Interestingly, Donald Trump has only met a handful of his billionaire brethren They seldom discuss their portfolios. As you might expect, conversations tend to focus on the game of golf.
In the book, co-authored with Meredith McIver, Donald Trump shares tips on how to think like a billionaire. Wow, what a terrible book this was. If this book has "everything you need to know about success, real estate, and life," then I have seriously over complicated these topics. No advice on cashflow, cap rates etc. As a business book however, it is a complete failure. I enjoyed his matter-of-fact opinions and the authority in which he wrote. I enjoy people like that. I loved how his chapters were very short and concise.
I found his weekly itineries fascinating. Very impressed how he can meet with six people in about half an hour. Trump is the master. This book was a disappointment. It really had very little to do with finances. It was rather like Trump decided to ramble on and on about everything from his favorite shampoo to his time on the apprentice. There were a few gems of wisdom in this book.
Trump is a big believer in hiring interior decorators and honestly I would never have thought about hiring one for my personal home. But, Trump convinced me. Whenever I next move and can afford it I think I will give a decorator This book was a disappointment.
Whenever I next move and can afford it I think I will give a decorator a try. This book was mildly entertaining but otherwise nearly worthless. This book is nothing more than constant advertising for the Trump empire and the author several times comes across as conceited and ostentatious.
Looks like he leads a wonderful life and when you already achieved success then working hour days is a pleasure because he is the boss, and has all the toys you can imagine. For instance, on the topic of diet he says one of the five rules of foods on the Mar-A-Lago diet is, "It cannot make you gain weight.
Read, "The Art of the Deal" or "How to Get Rich" instead. OMG, these books get you charged UP! I started doing the same thing, for a week, and then I crashed like a blackhawk in Somalia. Every other person he mentions in the book is a "real dynamo". The only reason I gave this book one star was because -2 or -3 was not an option.
Not that the ideas in it were terrible, but it only talks about common sense things that most of us already know. I bought this book at the Goodwill in order to prevent anyone else from having to read it. Honestly, I expected to hate and detest this book, and was disconcerted to find myself enjoying it within the first few minutes. I admit that was a low blow, but one has to understand that this man is the quintessential ego out of control, the anti-spirituality, anti-God, anti I bought this book at the Goodwill in order to prevent anyone else from having to read it.
I admit that was a low blow, but one has to understand that this man is the quintessential ego out of control, the anti-spirituality, anti-God, anti-humanity, anti-love abomination that befouls the Earth and is collectively responsible for all evils and falsehoods that exist.
There are some positive aspects of this book. If you want to know how to deal with various types of professionals or how not to such as contractors, lawyers, bellhops, etc - then there are some vaguely useful pieces of advice.
Trump does have a lot of experience in interacting with the many types of people who actually do the work of running the world and propping up his enormous ego, since if he did not, he would actually have to learn a valuable skill himself, like how to tie his own shoelaces. I am certain that Mr Putin would agree, which is why Trump, not Clinton or Bernie is currently the President of the United States of America.
However, as the book approached the midpoint, his ego ran out of steam and focus, and he switched subjects abruptly to retelling the story of his adventures with Saturday Night Live in the good old days before he hated it for skewering his ego in the final season of the final campaign for the Presidency. The boredom and inauthenticity he displayed in pretending to be appreciative of Lorne Michaels, etc or of any other human being was contagious and I found myself struggling to stay awake through the remainder of this poorly-written piece of propaganda.
The method of storytelling is reminiscent of how movies portray mob bosses when they talk about themselves in an attempt to make themselves sound good. If this kind of writing had a smell, it would smell like casinos, cash, cigars, cocaine, and sweat. These props are absolutely necessary for those who want to play the type of role that Trump has played his whole life.
Fools need their caps just as much as kings need their crowns. The idea that this man or anyone like him is considered one of the successes of America is a deeply shameful and nauseating concept. Truly it was written: Like anyone who considers themselves an alpha male, Donald J. This quasi-conscious male posturing is symptomatic of the patriarchic rape culture that glorifies men like Trump and his doting fanboys and poisons all goodness and decency in true masculinity in this country and in the world.
The mind of our current president everyone I wish everyone who voted for him read this book before hand In these pages you see more degrading language toward women and their role among men. You also see a clear disregard for environmental concern.
Below are clear things I noted that I never want a leader of a country to say We follow our vision no matter how crazy or idiotic other people think it is. Everything you need to know about success, real estate and life" "TEN ways to think like a billionaire 1. Have a short attention span.
You can get more done in shorter time that way. Email is for wimps. Think of yourself as a one man Army.
The best way to impress people is with results. Friends are good but family is better. Treat each decision like a lover. Some good info, but a lot of fluff. Only the first 3 out of 5 sections contain learnable information. The 4th section is a week in the life and the 5th section is about the final episode of the Apprentice. This is the fifth book by Donald Trump that I have read. I always liked his books because Trump has a very candid style. I was interested in the advice regarding real estate.
This is the thing that I really liked. These chapters contain straight forward advice that anyone can use. Trump encourages us to think like a billionaire throughout this book.
He believes that the only way to become a billionaire is to start thinking like one. I agree with this idea. Trump also writes about his latest venture,the move into showbiz. He learned the workings of this industry very fast. Although this thing is entertaining but sometimes it can also be a bit frustrating.
This thing generally turns people off. I think this is the reason he is so successful for so long. This book was filled with observations that are either trite and meaningless, or so painfully evident that a five year old would be able to make more profound comments.
Allow me to summarize his world view, as presented by this book. His advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is even less valuable. His only insight when doing anything appears to be, well, just hire someone else.
Why would you want to waste your time doing anything? I wish I could give this book 0 stars, but I decided to be merciful. I picked up this book, expecting bigotry, racism, sexism, and flagrantly offensive comments. To be fair, this book was none of that. It was merely grotesquely boring and a piece of trash. I equate the experience of reading this book to be roughly the same as listening to your alarm clock ringing on low volume for an extended period of time.
Interesting book on acting like and potentially becoming a billionaire. Most of the book is just gee-whiz kind of material, e. The one piece of the book I really enjoyed and may come back to is a top 10 list in one of the early chapters. Yet I now have a mu Interesting book on acting like and potentially becoming a billionaire.
Yet I now have a much better understanding of The Donald and how he thinks. The title is far more grandiose than what I obtained from the book, but it certainly contributed to my understanding of the way the world works, at least some people.
Read it if you want to learn a few tidbits about business, success, life, and real-estate, while learning about an interesting icon in American culture especially, with his newly minted political career The first third of the book is dedicated to stating the obvious. For example the chapter on how to find a good peice of real estate said "get a broker" followed by the chapter on getting a good interest rate from the bank "you must negotiate.
The remaining two thirds of the book were dedicated to promoting the second season of the Apprentice in a blatant attempt to assure that season 2 was as successful as season 1. I love Trump but his books are making me raise my eyebrows. Found this on the floor of an airport about ten years ago and read it because I had finished my book and had 5 hours to wait. So much so, that ten years later I feel compelled to write a review of the book saying how terrible the book is.
I would give this zero stars if I could. A particular low point was the chapter on how to be married. There was probably one actual piece of advice in the entire book which was to always hire a property surveyor before buying Found this on the floor of an airport about ten years ago and read it because I had finished my book and had 5 hours to wait.
There was probably one actual piece of advice in the entire book which was to always hire a property surveyor before buying real estate.
This is by far my favorite book that I have ever read. Trump has a voice throughout the book that conveys a feeling of having an actual conversation. His word choice is laid back and easy to read. My only complaint is that the book seems to drone on at times and linger a bit too long on one subject.
However, the information I found is the book is unprecedented and has left a life long impression on me. This book motivates me to be the best I can be and in my opinion is one of the most inspiratio This is by far my favorite book that I have ever read.
This book motivates me to be the best I can be and in my opinion is one of the most inspirational books out there. This book tells you just how to, from a real estate mogul, Donald trump tells you everything you need to know to be become successful. Also tells us the ups and downs he went through to come to where he is. He talks about things like taking risks and what to do with your money. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Why Slow Investors Lose and Fast Money Wins! RICH WOMAN - which was self-published by The Rich Dad Company addresses this self-sabotaging habit head on and teaches women the essentials about finance.
Learn the strengths that women often have as investors. By examining the three keys to successful real estate investing - selection, taxation and protection - this book shows what it takes. You buy a home, live in it, then buy another.
You build your wealth through real estate-and then retire rich. It may sound too good to be true. The question is, will it happen for you? If you want the answer to be "yes," then stop what you are doing and open this book. Read a few pages. All you have to do is follow his easy program to go from renter to owner, and from owner to Automatic Millionaire Homeowner. The rest is automatic! Now, in The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner, David Bach reveals why buying a home and investment properties is not only possible, it is the surest way to reach your seven-figures dreams on an ordinary income.
You must first own a home, and make it the foundation on which you build your financial security. What Makes The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner Essential: You should buy even if you have credit card debt. You can get started in any market-boom or bust. Each book is written by a leading expert in the field and includes an inspiring Foreword by Trump himself. Key ideas throughout are illustrated by real-life examples from Trump and other senior executives in the Trump organization.
If different workers have the personality traits of different breed of digs then, says Blair Singer anyone can learn what their natural strengths and weaknesses are in order to achieve the best possible results.
Finding Work You Love with the J. You Have provides specific, realistic, and honest advice on alternative careers for lawyers. Unlike generic career guides, Life After Law shows lawyers how to reframe their legal experience to their competitive advantage, no matter how long they have been in or out of practice, to find work they truly love.
Brown herself moved from a high-powered partnership position into an alternate career and draws from this experience, as well as that of dozens of former practicing attorneys, in the book. She acknowledges that changing careers is hard — much harder than it was for most lawyers to get their first legal job after law school — but it can ultimately be more fulfilling for many than a life in law. Life After Law offers an alternative framework and valuable analytic tools for potential careers to help launch lawyers into new fields and make them attractive hires for non-legal employers.
Published inthe bestselling Buffettology was written specifically for investors in the midst of a long bull market. The answer is yes: Designed to teach investors how to decipher and use financial information the way Buffett himself does, this book guides investors through opportunity-rich bear markets, walking them step-by-step through the equations and formulas Buffett uses to determine what to buy, what to sell -- and when.
In short, The New Buffettology is an essential companion to the original Buffettology, a road map to investment success in the worst of times. By harnessing the power of a corporation, you not only reduce your personal risk but also enjoy significant tax benefits not available to self-employed persons and employees.
If you are serious about your business and your assets, Own Your Own Corporation is a must have book for your library. Own Your Own Corporation illustrates how to: Orman guides readers to safeguarding what they have and creating the future they want. Kiyosaki, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad""The Millionaire Real Estate Agent "explains: Successful real estate investor Gary Eldred shows you how you can outperform the stock market by investing in residential real estate--the surest and safest way to build assets.
This updated edition covers all the new trends and tactics in real estate investing, including how to shop for properties outside your home market and how to use option arms to achieve positive cash flow. Let the authors show you how to: The actual book is in perfect condition!
Donald John Trump is an American business executive, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, author and 45th President of the United States of America. He is the CEO of the Trump Organization, a US-based real-estate developer, and the founder of Trump Entertainment, which operates several casinos.
He received a great deal of publicity following the success of his reality television show, T Donald John Trump is an American business executive, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, author and 45th President of the United States of America.
He received a great deal of publicity following the success of his reality television show, The Apprentice in which he serves as both executive producer and host for the show. He is the son of Fred Trump who was a wealthy real estate developer based in New York City.
Books by Donald J. Share on your website title link preview: Думай как миллиардер avg rating preview: Думай как миллиардер Goodreads rating: Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.
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Думай как миллиардер. Трамп: грн. - Книги / журналы Макеевка на Olx
Возможно, сейчас и вы думайте как миллиардер в начале своего великого пути к свершениям? На счет отношений с Входя в раздел Мой профиль, вы принимаете Условия использования сайта. Books by Donald J. Что сделает ваши переговоры продуктивными? И здесь вам на помощь придет гений недвижимости, автор бестселлеров и звезда телеэкрана Дональд Трамп. He talks about things like taking risks and what to do with your money. Дональд Трамп думает как миллиардер, что стать богатым достаточно легко.
Читайте эту книгу — и она поможет вам думая как миллиардер вашу жизнь к лучшему. Published by Альпина Паблишер first published October 12th Он обладает колоссальным опытом в области финансов, и щедро делится своими знаниями с вами. Мы ценим ваш отзыв. Работать надо не 12 часов, а головой.
It really had very little to do with finances. Быстрее получайте ответы на объявления Получите доступ к истории всех ответов Пользуйтесь всеми функциями вашей учётной записи. Trump writes at the start:
Думай как миллиардер. Скачать бесплатно книгу Дональд Трамп. Библиотека эзотерики "Живое Знание"
И здесь вам на помощь придет гений недвижимости, автор бестселлеров и звезда телеэкрана Дональд Трамп. Trump also writes about his latest venture,the move into showbiz. His business advice stops halfway through, supplanting it with his daily schedule and The Apprentice И здесь вам на помощь придет гений недвижимости, автор бестселлеров и звезда телеэкрана Дональд Трамп. Это будет процент ваших активов, которые должны содержаться в наличных средствах и облигациях. The actual book is in perfect condition!
Когда вы молоды, голос разума еще не сдерживает полет вашей мысли. As for the effectiveness of all this advise, one merely needs to consider that in the last decade since this book was published we have yet to hear a single billionaire or even millionaire claim: Why would you want to waste your time doing anything? Like anyone who considers themselves an alpha male, Donald J. Стоит прочесть чтобы посмотреть как же думают миллиардеры. Куда вкладывать заработанные деньги?
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