Some modern critics of the doctrine of Hell such as Marilyn McCord Adams claim that, even if Hell is seen as a choice rather than as punishment, it would be unreasonable for God to give such flawed and ignorant creatures as ourselves the responsibility of our eternal destinies.
Jesus suffered death and hell for us and was judged not guilty then resurrectedat no time did he cease to exist. Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion. I Am The Law. No, create an account now. Same with the hell issue - the fact that many are motivated to deny the possibility of eternal torment has no bearing whatsoever on whether eternal torment, in fact, awaits some people after death.
Extremities Productions Years active: I agree with the general principle here but I would challenge you to find an instance where we can be confident that words like "dead", "destroy", and "perish" are used non-literally. However, the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject universalism, [22] believing instead that only Muslims will go to Paradise while non-Muslims will go to Hell for eternity, and cite Quran 4:
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Complete lineup Last known lineup Past members Last known John Landolfi Bass See also: Black Pentagram CultCauldron BurialEkthrosEncoffinationFather BefouledGloomedMessialTombstonesHowlingex- Forebodingex- Ghoulgothaex- Loathsomeex- Scaremakerex- Shroudedex- Skulletonex- Beyond Hellex- Decrepitaphex- Festeredex- SkincrawlerBastard Cross, Beware! John Landolfi Bass See also: Wayne Sarantopoulos Vocals See also:
Is Hell Eternal? | carm
Those are conflicting statements The punishment is endless as is the eternal life of the believer. Hell Philosophy of religion Christian Universalism Arguments against the existence of God. This possible process is described thus by the late Munich dogmatic Prof. Thus I say that this is the torment of Gehenna: Conceptions of God Theism Forms Deism Dystheism Henotheism Hermeticism Kathenotheism Nontheism Monolatrism Monotheism Mysticism Panentheism Pandeism Pantheism Polydeism Polytheism Spiritualism Theopanism.
Problem of Hell - Wikipedia
How can this be correct? Legion of Victory Act III. Related stances Agnosticism Weak Strong Agnostic theism Agnostic atheism Ignosticism Apatheism. Use this to log in to your account, receive notifications and get handy updates from us.
In Christianity, Hell has traditionally been regarded as a place of punishment for wrongdoing or sin in the mortal life, as a manifestation of divine justice. Universal reconciliation only claims that one day Death and Hades themselves will be destroyed and all immortal souls will be reconciled to Him. It would be improper for a man to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God I agree with the general principle here but I would challenge you to find an instance where we can be confident that words like "dead", "destroy", and "perish" are used non-literally.
Connect me to people I follow on Twitter? Christians picked up these pagan beliefs inferred by the Greek of immortality of the soul, or spirit being of a mortal individual, which survives the death of the body of this world and this lifetime, which is at odds and in contrast to the scriptural teaching that the dead go to the grave and know nothing and then at the end, an eternal oblivion of the wicked and an eternal life for the saints.
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