Terms that are to continue in perpetuity shall be unaffected by the termination of this agreement. As Real As It Gets! COM FsVenture FSWidgets FSX Add-ons FSX3D FSXAdventures fsxcenery FSXT FunnerFlight FWI.
Auto-center map Change auto-center map settings when adding waypoints. Please make sure that you have the most up to date version of your web browser.
Any further rights not specifically granted herein are reserved. COMS information ILS, GS, Approach, Departure, Tower, Ground and ATC frequencies where available. Freeware, Payware, interaktive online-Angebote.
Other sources, like ActiveSky and RealEnvironment Extreme and your saved weather data and tracks will still be functional! Copyright Aerosoft Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc.
Waypoints are shown on the flight plan tab. You can reorder waypoints by a simple drag and drop. Flight plans can be downloaded to a standard. Saving and sharing your flight plans as well as accessing the flight plans database is only available to subscribed members. There are two search functions within this application. Click on the Search tab to try it out. If you are interested in a volume or professional license, please contact info xflightplanner.
Please make sure that you have the most up to date version of your web browser. For a good web experience and optimal results with this web app, download the free Google Chrome browser and add this app to your browser from the Chrome Web Store. Other browsers such as SafariFirefox or Opera will do a great job too! By visiting the website x Flight Planner. If you do not want to be bound by our Terms your only option is not to visit, view or otherwise use the services of x Flight Planner.
You agree and acknowledge that x Flight Planner. Furthermore, you agree and acknowledge that x Flight Planner. You acknowledge and agree that x Flight Planner. Our content may not be sold, reproduced, or distributed without our written permission.
Any third-party trademarks, service marks and logos are the property of their respective owners. Any further rights not specifically granted herein are reserved. When you submit content to x Flight Planner. You confirm and warrant that you have the required authority to grant the above license to x Flight Planner.
The Terms of this agreement will continue to apply in perpetuity until terminated by either party without notice at any time for any reason. Terms that are to continue in perpetuity shall be unaffected by the termination of this agreement.
You understand and agree that your use of x Flight Planner. This shall include, but not be limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, and warranties that access to or use of the service will be uninterrupted or error-free or that defects in the service will be corrected. You understand and agree that x Flight Planner. This shall include, but not be limited to damages for loss of profits, business interruption, business reputation or goodwill, loss of programs or information or other intangible loss arising out of the use of or the inability to use the service, or information, or any permanent or temporary cessation of such service or access to information, or the deletion or corruption of any content or information, or the failure to store any content or information.
The above limitation shall apply whether or not x Flight Planner. In jurisdictions where the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages is not allowed the liability of x Flight Planner. You expressly understand and agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the country, state, province or territory determined solely by x Flight Planner. You understand and agree that the above Terms constitute the entire general agreement between you and x Flight Planner.
By creating a new account on x Flight Planner. Sharing your account or login information with others is not allowed. Your account will be closed down without prior notice if you do so. Changes to our Terms become effective on the date they are posted and your continued use of x Flight Planner. You are not logged in Log me in My account Log me out Create an account.
About About Data version: Your flight plan Your flight plan is empty. Add waypoints from the map or the search results. Waypoints can be reordered by drag and drop. Information Click on navaids or search results links to display information. Airports, NAVAIDS and FIX do not display on the map until a certain zoom level is reached. Airways do not display on the map until a certain zoom level is reached. Get your free account now and select your subscription!
Search functions There are two search functions within this application. App features Member account - FREE. NAVAIDS and airports Display all navaids and airports on the map. Basic information Display basic information for airports and navaids. Download flight plans Download your flight plans as. Google Maps search Search anything on the map with Google. Reverse flight plans Reverse waypoints order in your flight plans. Change route color Choose between different colors for your flight plans.
Auto-center map Change auto-center map settings when adding waypoints. Search airports and NAVAIDS database Search the local X-Plane airports and NAVAIDS database.
Save flight plans in database Save an unlimited number of flight plans to your account. Access the community database Access the flight plans database. Download, edit and use community flight plans. Runways information Runways information, including length, width and surface. Distance and time Get exact distance and flight time for a given average speed. With taxi time calculation.
Adapt zoom to fit flight plans Click to get a quick overview of your entire flight plan. Map Info Tool Click on the map to easily access all NAVAIDS and airfields in range. Live METAR reports Get live METAR reports from over airports. Load existing flight plans Load your existing fms flight plans on the map. Edit and save them. COMS information ILS, GS, Approach, Departure, Tower, Ground and ATC frequencies where available.
Find NAVAIDS within range Easily list navaids within range around airfields. Export flight plans to text See your flight plan as text to easily copy its content in an existing or new fms file. If you want to change your subscription, please send an e-mail to info xflightplanner. To cancel your subscription, please log in to your Paypal account and cancel the subscription from there. Your access will remain active until the expiry date mentioned in your account.
Acceptance of our Terms By visiting the website x Flight Planner. Provision of Services You agree and acknowledge that x Flight Planner. Proprietary Rights You acknowledge and agree that x Flight Planner.
Submitted Content When you submit content to x Flight Planner. Termination of Agreement The Terms of this agreement will continue to apply in perpetuity until terminated by either party without notice at any time for any reason.
Disclaimer of Warranties You understand and agree that your use of x Flight Planner. Limitation of Liability You understand and agree that x Flight Planner. External Content x Flight Planner. Jurisdiction You expressly understand and agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the country, state, province or territory determined solely by x Flight Planner.
Entire Agreement You understand and agree that the above Terms constitute the entire general agreement between you and x Flight Planner. Account information By creating a new account on x Flight Planner. Changes to the Terms x Flight Planner.
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These data are collected from various sources, processed and formatted by our servers and automatically distributed to your local PFPX device. CrazyCreatives Sim Design Group Cross Platform Scenery Group CWDT Warbirds. If you do not want to be bound by our Terms your only option is not to visit, view or otherwise use the services of x Flight Planner. Provision of Services You agree and acknowledge that x Flight Planner. Typically this option is best for renters who rent wet and for people who value their time the most and are not willing to make any detour to save money.
Absolutely love this piece of software. PFPX uses several types of data to provide real-time information directly into the program. VAT All sales based on Euro.
Flight Planner | Command Software
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By belisar , December 5, Registration key after purchase, see order details page in customer account. By quincysw , July An open source file format allows simple creation of new aircraft types. Additional cost can occur one year after purchase.
Click on the Search tab to try it out. Basic information Display basic information for airports and navaids. By srcooke , November 12, Runways information Runways information, including length, width and surface.
Sharing your account or login information with others is not allowed. Acceptance of our Terms By visiting the website x Flight Planner. If you want to change your subscription, please send an e-mail to info xflightplanner. Your Account View Cart My Wishlist FAQ Contact Us.
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