Illuminator Mk1 Illuminator Mk2. Settings Menu The settings menu has a various general options; this window has an in-game help function activated by selecting the? SCANsat provides multiple options for map color configurations and terrain level changes; this window has an in-game help function activated by selecting the?
Finding a Good Altitude Watch the data indicators on the small map to determine how well your scanners are performing. Source Code is available, as some licenses may require.
For more information about basic SCANsat scanning checkout the wiki Data Type Scan Type Scan Indicator Altimetry RADAR LO Altimetry SAR HI Biome Biome MULTI Anomaly Anomaly MULTI Anomaly Been There, Done That tm BTDT The Slope map is generated from either HI or LO data.
It is not particularly heavy, so a FL-T fuel tank and LV engine are quite adequate for the final stage, providing the necessary power to establish and adjust the orbit, either from LKO to Mun and Minmusor entry from solar orbit to another system. When a sensor is at or above its "best" altitude but below its maximum altitude the field of view is half of the width of the swath mapped by the instrument, if it were in orbit around Kerbin.
Terrain and Biome Overlays SCANsat terrain maps can be displayed with the overlay window. The same restrictions apply to overlay tooltips and the instrument window resource readout. TTA Launch Stability Enhancer.
Illuminator Mk1 Illuminator Mk2. Is it the same for all bodies? In this particular example, you can see that I have three scanning vessels active.
Resource Colors and Options Resource overlays can also be adjusted, using the Resource tab Resource colors are selected in the same manner as biome colors Upper and lower resource cutoff values can be adjusted with the sliders; use fine control mode for small adjustments Each resource can be adjusted separately and the values can be applied to the current planet or all planets Most planets share the same resource value settings; it is easiest to set values for all planets then set the values individually where needed ie water has a higher value on Kerbin than elsewhere These settings also affect the Planetary Overlay colors Types of Scans SCANsat supports several different kinds of scans as opposed to scanning modules or parts.
Biome Colors and Options c. Standard RPM multi-function displays and those using the ASET props are supported. Following is a table of all of the mods, add-ons, or software that we interoperate with.
Mod Post Dev Post. No memes, image macros or posts unrelated to KSP allowed. See the discussion on misc posts for more info. Refrain from submitting images that involve real life space disasters that resulted in loss of life. Low-effort content will be removed. See this page for more info. Official IRC KSPOfficial irc.
Community Teamspeak Server ksp. Complete Weekly Challenge Guide. Seems like if you set it at x it leaves gaps. You need to be at a fairly high altitude, but above all haha you need to be in a polar orbit. No, not quite, 85 degrees is the best, a full 90 with give you patches. There was a whole isa best heights map but it got wiped in the forum apocalypse.
You could map a planet in 11 mins. That gets you above the 50x warp threshold. Set it and forget it. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Mod Post Dev Post Guide Recreation Suggestion Image Challenge GIF Question Video Meta Discussion Mod Update Rules: Please remain kind and civil at all times No memes, image macros or posts unrelated to KSP allowed.
KerbalPlanes kOS Not KSP Related But Free Ride Rules and additional information Mod List Complete Weekly Challenge Guide Challenge Suggestion Thread Flair Guide Art Contest Held at random, unpredictable intervals! Have you developed a mod? Free Ride Challenge Suggestion Thread This subreddit is night mode compatible.
My Second Attempt at a Low Profile Lunar Lander, capable of landing lunar Habs up to kg. This is an archived post. KerbalSpaceProgram submitted 4 years ago by TechSwag. For example the Kethane mod, what should the orbit be for the detector altitude, angle, etc.
Put it into a polar orbit, set time warp to x or x, and let it run for an hour. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.
SCANsat - Utility and Navigation - Kerbal Space Program Mods - Curse
Biome Colors and Options c. The Biome scan only works for bodies that have biomes. This page has been accessed 67, times.
Even better, attempt to add the feature yourself and submit a pull request. Map coverage is dependent upon SCANsat data; only scanned areas will be displayed on the map. J "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine CR-7 R.
GitHub - S-C-A-N/SCANsat: Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed!
Reddit Posts and PMs are the lowest priority. Settings Menu The settings menu has a various general options; this window has an in-game help function activated by selecting the? SCANsat biome coverage can also be displayed using the overlay window.
Currently, the parts should be hooked into "Science Tech". Standard RPM multi-function displays and those using the ASET props are supported. It starts at x and then speeds up to 10,x:. Basic Fin AV-T1 Winglet Swept Wings Wing Connector Type A Wing Connector Type B Wing Connector Type C Wing Connector Type D Wing Connector Type E Wing Strake Small Delta Wing Delta Wing Structural Wing Type A Structural Wing Type B Structural Wing Type C Structural Wing Type D Swept Wing Type A Swept Wing Type B Big-S Delta Wing Big-S Wing Strake FAT Aeroplane Main Wing.
This page was last modified on 18 October , at Multi and RADAR have similar ideal swaths The mapping interface consists of a small-ish map of the planet, as far as it has been scanned in your current game. Complete Weekly Challenge Guide.
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