Mastercam форум

To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. In the past, however, each discrete cell required its own unique hardware set-up for the machine and robot to communicate effectively. Regards Asif internal thread burrs issue Posted By selectmachine 0 replies Haas Technical Education Center HTEC is a global network and partnership between learning institutions, Haas Automation, and Haas Factory Outlets.

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Mastercam X8 So the boss spent the 20k on Mastercam X8 none of use have used anything before up to this point programmed every by hand. Where do I start? For both lathe and mills. Never heard of that one. PegroProX liked this post. Join Date Jun Location St. Need to run a proven program on the Haas rather than the Okumas? Open a project on the server to make a minor change; as sure a Japanese trains run on time, it will try and save that file folders into that consoles hard drive.

Forget to click save before closing; thats a 15 mouse click penalty, assuming it actually remembers where the file opened from. Does your machine like arcing in and our of cutter comp? Hope you know someone that can write posts for you, that shit is expensive, and you need one for every build of machine you have. I hope you have a few good IT guys, and a several thousand more to spend in getting posts that actually work. Not because they give a damn if they make a good product, but because they arm twisted the industry adapting it.

Go ahead, call mastercam and ask for help. Then try to get out of it the deal and shop elsewhere. It only still exists because thats the only thing many like myself know how to use. Learn one thats better suited.

Mastercam is okay for mill but you got shafted on the lathe package. IMO, should have gone with Esprit, Powermill, Partmaker or one of the semi upper class cams since its the first software your learning on. Offs3T View Profile View Forum Posts. Originally Posted by iMillJoe. YouTube is your friend. Hertz View Profile View Forum Posts. Originally Posted by Hertz. Its not like iMillJoe makes it out to be.

Yes, I will agree with that. I have been using Mastercam since Version 7 and they have come a long way. Its not by any means obsolete. I get support all the time with no issues. By the way X8 is not released so your boss did not get you that.

Now that being said, I would also not recommend it as a new software to start with. My biggest beef with Mastercam is that is has too many options to do the same thing.

RebHawk View Profile View Forum Posts. Originally Posted by m98custom Speedie View Profile View Forum Posts. Last two shops including the one I owned all used Mastercam. It was the most efficinet way to go from drawing to finished part that I have found and I have used many different softwares.

If your not patient enough to learn the software you shouldnt be calling it shit rather you should go get some good sleep, eat a good braekfast, take a good shit and go grab a paper and find yourself a new job. X7 just came out this year so that must be a typo. Your boss was too cheap to pay for training now its your fault.

There are great videos on youtube and ebay for learning. Since X5 we have never had Mcam lockup or do anything we didnt want it to do spanning 2 different jobs for me.

Whatley View Profile View Forum Posts. Mastercam receives a ton of flack on here, and I understand; especially for that price. It doesnt sound like your reading through replies very good. Tons of folks have mentioned 1. Mastercam Forums - eMastercam. Just take your time and learn as you go.

The hard part for your team is learning how to get the software to do things you do by hand. When you use a CAM system you have to learn how to "turn on" the options you want. At first it may be a little frustrating, but think of it this way. Using CAM at first you be saying, " we could program this job faster by hand " but after to learn and use the software you be saying, " WOW this saves me so much time! Hang in there it gets better as you go!

Originally Posted by Speedie. Check these guys out! So I do understand you concern about quality. In House solutions seems to provide the most professional videos and documentation on their software.

When I went to the HTec conference in NY the other year I meet a few of the team members and had a chance to review their material. I think you would be happy with the books and videos they offer. Better yet give them a call and I am sure they will have a sample for you to review. Scruffy View Profile View Forum Posts. I find Mastercam Design a bit of a PITA as a design tool. That may be because I spend a lot of time in AutoCAD and can do whatever I want very quickly and just open the dwg file in Mastercam.

It is worth knowing how to use Design because drawings can be modified right in Mastercam. Downside of that is that you will not have a current dwg file. I plan on upgrading to X7 later this month. Originally Posted by rnmmhunter.

So the boss spent the 20k on Mastercam X8 none of use have used anything before up to this point programmed every by hand. Dave Rocks View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage. Originally Posted by g-coder Why do I have to drill down into the server every time I work on a project, for just about every file that needs to be saved? Working with one project, even a simple one, at least 5 drill downs into the server will need to be made.

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With more than My preference is for NX but it is only my preference, the above statement however I have to disagree with. Regards Asif internal thread burrs issue , Bottom pocket width ,coordinates , Hang in there it gets better as you go!

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