Me1 сохранения

Step 7 Select your new Shepard and choose to start a new game! Other Events TGS Pax Prime Gamescom E3 EVO Top Games Comic-Con VGDM Best Story PAX East VGDM IndieCade TGS Well, just post it to: Gods Among Us "Solomon Grundy Vs. Newer saves will have specific DLCs listed. So please read the submission page in full and open the form page in a new window so you can fill the text box out correctly!

Nintendo Land Hands-On Preview Nintendo Land is a collection of 12 minigames featuring your favorite Nintendo mascots that will If you do not have any folders, you can use the name shown in the screenshot below. Black Ops Declassified Before the future could be won, history had to be written. There are a couple that are doubled, those were generally because two of that kind were sent in around the same time. Select a value Male Female.

Locate the "Vector Parameters" field, click the left field Collection [ Select a value Brown Black Gray Hazel Maroon Blue Green Pink Multicolored Other. Tomb Raider "Caves And Cliffs" Map Pack DLC Trailer add to playlist.

Under the "Raw" tab, "[-] 2. Save and load your savegame into the game to see the changes. They are not affiliated with us in any way. Black Ops Declassified explores original fiction in If you give your save a new name, follow the naming restrictions to be safe i.

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Faces of Gaming 1. Submissions Browse Latest Advanced Search Add Character. Games Browse Games Guides Guides. Community Forums Chat Register Login.

Support Feedback Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook. Select a value Male Female. Select a value Brown Black Sandy Gray White Red Auburn Blond Strawberry Blue Green Orange Pink Purple Partly Bald Bald.

Select a value Brown Black Gray Hazel Maroon Blue Green Pink Multicolored Other. All Games APB Age of Conan Aion Anarchy Online Dark Souls 2 Destiny Diablo 3 Dragon Age Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age 3 EVE Online Elder Scrolls Online Everquest Everquest 2 Fable 3 Fallout 3 Final Fantasy 11 Final Fantasy 14 Guild Wars Guild Wars 2 Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 New Vegas Oblivion Playstation Home Rift Runes Of Magic Second Life Skyrim The Old Republic TERA Online The Secret World Warhammer Online Wildstar World of Warcraft.

These options are meant for people with slightly older hardware. Disabling the more advanced bells and whistles should considerably speed up the site in some cases.

For now, it is neccessary to be logged in for these changes to take effect. As usual, feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Well, just post it to: Now you can change folder, overwrite or simply give your modified savegame a new name.

If you give your save a new name, follow the naming restrictions to be safe i. Left click on the field that contains the actual name, and simply change it. Save and load your savegame into the game to see the changes. Under the "Raw" tab, "[-] 2. Class Friendly name Class Name In order to now change your class to a new one replace the actual class data in Class Friendly name and Class Name fields with this information: To become a Sentinel Class Friendly name: Save and load the savegame and then distribute the talent points to your new class.

You have to re-drag most battle icons since your class change often use new ones. If you have more hair codes especially males post them to okogawa hotmail.

Also post a "signature" name if you want to be credited. Under "Hair Mesh" replace the right field with any of these meshes you cannot get in the normal face builder: Might be wise to copy your orginal settings so you later can change back. For some very strange reason BioWare decided to normalize colour ranges for ME2. Locate the "Vector Parameters" field, click the left field Collection [ How to change eye iris-colour: Enter a new eye iris colour.

If you get any interesting eye, hair or skin colours feel free to post the colour codes with description to: If you make a interesting "build" feel free to forward it as I posted on my "Quarian" example. At first the numbers can look quite overwhelming, but they are actually simple R G B values that can be rounded down or up. Save and load the Savegame in ME2 [Top] [06a] Special builds Quarian build look under extra section on my Tali in-game face images: Move out of the savegame directory and make a new folder in the Save-root folder called "Faces".

Save your "face" with an self-explanatory title so you know what it is. Enter your "face directory" and load the face you want. Failure to import a face after this change will lead to a corrupted savegamee if you SAVE the changes before importing!

Save and load the savegame to see the changes. You might encounter "head" glitches" when changing gender! Activate the romance, save the game, then load the editor and gender change back. Subtitles The only "same gender" romances which have full recorded voice Jennifer Hale is the Morinth and Kelly Chambers ones. You can romance these characters as a female Shepard: Garrus Vakarian Thane Krios Jacob Taylor [Top] [11a] Route 1 the most easy one Play the game with the "BioWare intended gender" for a romance i.

Romance will play out perfect, even after you defeated the collectors and decide to "keep playing". Play the game with the gender you want, then do NOT click on the "personal topic selection" when talking to crew members you plan to romance UNTIL you have done their personal quest. Also, you MUST save your game before you actually do NOT overwrite it talk to this person. Now, change your gender to the BioWare INTEDED one for the romance i, me1 сохранения.

When the romance is triggered, change back to your in this case female gender and keep playing. Repeat this step when needed i. Failure to genderchange at proper time WILL lead to nasty issues. If you think this is to messy, then go Route 1 instead.

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If you have more hair codes especially males post them to okogawa hotmail. G4 Store Forums Video Viewer Mail AOTS Viewer Army G4 On Twitter, Facebook And More. Other Events TGS Pax Prime Gamescom E3 EVO Top Games Comic-Con VGDM Best Story PAX East VGDM IndieCade TGS Hot Topics Forge of Empires Dark Orbit Reloaded Battlestar Galactica Online Grand Theft Auto: You can put info about the character in this file if you want.

Mid-Game ME1 Saves -

If you download an incomplete one, please consider coming back and uploading when you complete it. Move out of the savegame directory and make a new folder in the Save-root folder called "Faces".

Step 4 Rename this folder to the same thing as one of your other folders, but just change a number at the end. Before the future could be won, history had to be written. I did update the FAQ to have answers instead of , and moved all of the pre news off this front page to the News Archive PC players, Nexusmods now has sections for all 3 ME games with a lot of great mods there.

Support Feedback Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook. So please read the submission page in full and open the form page in a new window so you can fill the text box out correctly! Also post a "signature" name if you want to be credited. Black Ops Declassified Release Date: Submissions Browse Latest Advanced Search Add Character. Go to top Home. Soldier Renegade Liara Thanks Felinoid! Dust Release Date: Games Browse Games Guides Guides.

There are a couple that are doubled, those were generally because two of that kind were sent in around the same time. Если описания нет, мне приходится такие игры удалять. Infiltrator Paragon None Thanks Andre! Select a value Brown Black Gray Hazel Maroon Blue Green Pink Multicolored Other. Soldier Paragon Liara Thanks Kong!

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