What great couple of months for Finnish metal. Not that I hate it or anything, but in my opinion it is much below the Moonsorrow standard. Ragehammer — The Hammer Doctrine Review Victorian Whore Dogs — Afternoonified Review. Interesting you say that about Verisakeet, I also felt the same way until recently.
I think, too, it pulls them away from their idiosyncratic approach to black metal, which made them really unique. I will definitely have to check it out! Seemed to me it was likewise in a couple of recent reviews I read here. People complained about that with the new Amon Amarth, but I felt more that way listening to this. To me the answer is quite simple, just Moonsorrow. Im so enlightened I gotta wear shades. Metsatoll is another pretty great folk-metal group.
Undeniably Moonsorrow, for sure. Both are among the best on their respective genres.
Moonsorrow is an enigmatic band whose fame and status in metal defy expectations. The scope is sweeping, the development is slow. Jumalten aika continues the tradition, too, of being an engaging album in spite of the length of the songs. Drums and percussion are probably the most obvious example of the excellent sound. This album is 67 minutes of engaging, beautiful, and epic music; a masterclass in how atmospheric—and folky—black metal should be done.
Century Media Records Websites: A band whose songs tend toward the minute mark, who sings in Finnish, and who obeys no I loved the last album. I still have that intro and outro riff from Vkkm seared in my brain. What an epic album that is.
Excellent review as always AMG. That artwork is going to look very nice as the site background. I think I just read an informercial instead of a review. The turn toward folk put Moonsorrow from being something that feels entirely unique to being something that allows for name-dropping. Interpret that as you will; but it was an active choice, not a sloppy one. Seemed to me it was likewise in a couple of recent reviews I read here. Especially independent debut albums.
They were pretty good too. Or pseudo satanic- neo classical folk with a side of doom and a number one with extra pickles? I think it happens sometimes as a result of not wanting to write pretentious and unhelpful descriptions of sounds. Comps help to place a sound. Previously the only name one needed to drop in a Moonsorrow review was Moonsorrow. Been meaning to catch up on Moonsorrow due to its near universal praise by most metalheads on the net.
I listened to Vkkm which was freaking great might I add and now this album has me excited. Folk genre has been kicking ass these past few years…looking at you Wilderun. There was a while when there were tons of new folk metal bands lighting up my inbox all the time. Now, not so much at all. Man I really wish you are right with that one and folk metal is starting to get alive, when folk metal is done the right way Wilderun, Turisas, Moonsorrowis seriously awesome.
Go the Pan Flute!! Are you really trying to start a native tongue dissing contest with an italian guy? Your feeble attempt is beneath my notice. E suona come se stessi cagando dalla bocca, microcefalo scrotoclasta. One of my most anticipated records of the year!
How many folk metal bands can brag of having more than 2 almost perfect albums in their discography? To me the answer is quite simple, just Moonsorrow. And they have done it with 15 minute long epics beyond accurate descriptions.
I agree, but the reason I comment on it is that this is the first album that feels a bit predictable. People complained about that with the new Amon Amarth, but I felt more that way listening to this. I think, too, it pulls them away from their idiosyncratic approach to black metal, which made them really unique.
I remember reviewing Vkkm and thinking about how comps felt almost impossible. Moonsorrow sounds like Moonsorrow. Too much repetition and a 67 minute album becomes a slog, not a cinematic story. Interesting you say that about Verisakeet, I also felt the same way until recently.
I discovered there is a great deal more atmosphere, feeling and gloom than is immediately evident, or even apparent on many listens. I only recently truly discovered how brilliant that album is. Especially the last 3 tracks. If Jumalten reminds you of Verisakeet, maybe give it some time, and spin Verisakeet more too. Besides their blackened folk metal never sounded so primal and pura as in that record, which is a great thing to have back.
Nice review and thanks for the feedback! This review is about as laudatory as they get and people are really hung up on one hardly tough critique! No, not at all, at least in my case. Moonsorrow is my 1 favorite band. However, it often seems like their past discography is a tale of two bands. Suden Uni, Voimasta and Kivenkantaja are the folk metal Moonsorrow, whereas Verisakeet, Havitetty, Tulimyrsky and Varjoina are the Pagan Black Metal Moonsorrow. I love both Moonsorrows equally, but in different ways.
From what it sounds like in your review, Jumalten maybe attempts to combine both of these Moonsorrows? Is that necessarily a sidestep, or meaning they finally synthesized their true sound? Unlike an Amon Amarth, the whole experience of a Moonsorrow album is important. That means that the standard is higher. If they get repetitive it can kill the whole flow, imo.
You are right, there has always been a sense of continued progression in every album, each one different enough to be its own work. Do you really feel like this one is that much like the others? Undeniably Moonsorrow, for sure. Excellent band and another excellent album here. Kivenkantaja is tied for my favorite too.
But this new one has some feel of that, and earlier stuff. I do love how with every album, their tone and sound changes just enough to notice, while remaining undeniably Moonsorrow. I need to step up my game and commit to their discography already. If you have the money to spare and can find a decent copy on discogs, I thoroughly recommend the Blood Music vinyl cuts. This band lost me after Kivenkataja. Usually modern Century Media releases are neat digital sounding, compressed nightmares that sound like utter garbage, but this has a great organic, real sound, thus I can actually FEEL the music.
Yeah, totally, I get it. Just want it to know if you get the chance to hear them and what you think. Is awesome, you like Judas Priest and Death? That album is rounded out with those bonus tracks. What great couple of months for Finnish metal. I always get Moonspell and Moonsorrow confused.
The way that I remember is that one is good and one is not. I saw them in Rock In Rio, and they were pretty dope. They are completely different bands, but i really like both of them. I do enjoy me some older Moonspell, but I agree that Moonsorrow is not only more consistent, but more enjoyable.
I think I remember to listen to a song of Moonsorrow in the past that had very epic screams. Do you care to recommend any songs that may fit that description? It has the most desperate screams in any Moonsorrow song ever. The screams at a particular moment in that song are just so powerful. This release is great. Not as grand as the last, but the thunder is still there. I cant get this out of my ears. Certainly the anticipated release of the year for myself! Oh fuck, one week checking the site constantly for this review, and when it is published, I forget to check for two days.
Not that I hate it or anything, but in my opinion it is much below the Moonsorrow standard. It has the riffs but not the melodies that, for me, define the band. Otherwise the album is brilliant. There will be a crowdfunding campaign in May. Luckily they got rid of the overcompressed sound. Varjoina was not fun to listen to at all. This new record is sounding really good. The album is amazing.
Whatever the genre, this album is masterful. But the overall thing which is basically: Like you said, so far all of their albums have always found new amazing things.
Progressing from folky blackened metal to amazing atmospheric stuff. And now… it is indeed a lateral move and returning a little bit to their folky roots while maintaining the atmosphere, just like you said.
I can understand how some people in the comments praise this amalgam of their styles. I have noticed a pattern listening to this. The album runs through, and it does have some really great moments. But then I usually end up playing V: Because this album merely whets the appetite, while those previous masterpieces quench my thirst. So point actually moaning about it. Besides, this happens to all good bands. But we still love them. And Moonsorrow has had such an amazing run.
No duds at all really! At least that I know of. Good lord, I completely overslept on this one. Great, spot on review. This record is incredible. Especially the final two tracks. Bathory was never as good as this. Maybe the pacing, or the way it all feels like a whole… Anyway, excellent!
Possibly, this album offers the best production Moonsorrow ever accomplished. The band has never sounded this good. Moonsorrow are in a class of their own. My biggest fear is the day they no longer produce their next record. Ragehammer — The Hammer Doctrine Review Victorian Whore Dogs — Afternoonified Review.
Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window. And the CD is a DR9! It sounds really great. I like, simple yet effective. I like trees, they can be very metal in some occasions.
Only Satan can make a very evil tree. Trees are svper kvlt. A very metal tree. Metal is not an adjective: Tell that to Dethklok. Thanks for making my point. It sounds like that band with that guy who plays that guitar. I LOVE that band. And, you know, has that one singer who never wears a shirt. Oh man, my favorite: That does sound like an album of the year right there. Only a Bob would criticize name-dropping in a review. I find it super helpful. Possibly my most anticipated album of the year.
Dang I forgot Turisas! There are definitely some great acts at the moment. Metsatoll is another pretty great folk-metal group. Metsatoll has an incredible live show, too. Im so enlightened I gotta wear shades. Did you hear the Skuggsja record? I just hope I get to hear some of its tunes live sooner than later. Stefano Kevin Prince Vitali. Sir Tapir The Based. I have waged war against languages without an adeguate number of vowels.
Either way it will probably be my AotY. I will definitely have to check it out! Oh man, get this fucker in to a great set of speakers. What about the bonus tracks? I know there are a Grave and a Rotting Christ cover, any good? We only seem to get bonus tracks with albums that suck without them.
They are both good! Both are among the best on their respective genres. One of the things out as missing from this album are the epic screams. Muinaiset off of Vkkm has a most epic scream leading into the main theme of the song. To be clear, im especially referring to the screams around 1. Start with Kivenkantaja, all their albums have exceptional screams.
What is this DR? Blogroll Dead Void Dreams Heavy Blog is Heavy Metal Bandcamp Metal Monuments Metal Vortex Metal-Fi Natalie Zed No Clean Singing.
Previously the only name one needed to drop in a Moonsorrow review was Moonsorrow. Interesting you say that about Verisakeet, I also felt the same way until recently. And Moonsorrow has had such an amazing run. Not as grand as the last, but the thunder is still there. Especially independent debut albums. What an epic album that is. And they have done it with 15 minute long epics beyond accurate descriptions.
NET does not endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of, any user comment. This release is great. Video Footage Of THE MUSIC ZOO Event.
Moonsorrow - Jumalten aika Review | Angry Metal Guy
A band whose songs tend toward the minute mark, who sings in Finnish, and who obeys no Stefano Kevin Prince Vitali. To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook comment the arrow is invisible until you roll over it and select the appropriate action.
Tell that to Dethklok. Comps help to place a sound. Trees are svper kvlt. Varjoina was not fun to listen to at all. What is this DR? Sir Tapir The Based. So proud to be a part of this team! Unlike an Amon Amarth, the whole experience of a Moonsorrow album is important. Now, not so much at all. Thanks for making my point.
I think I just read an informercial instead of a review. This new record is sounding really good. Otherwise the album is brilliant. Undeniably Moonsorrow, for sure. Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window.
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