Презентации в стиле ted

It would have been more helpful to examine the talks than to hear what the talks were about. Adventures in Going Nowhere by Pico Ayer, or My Stroke of Insight: He details his nine "secrets" that can help make a successful presentation.

Обо мне Maria Sonina. В программе принимают участие только кредитные и дебетовые презентации в стиле ted ВТБ Expand text… - Эмоциональность - основа продвижения идей. Они содержат множество популярных и редких профессий, о которых вы может быть и не догадывались. Карты и атласы Общие вопросы Боевые искусства Виды спорта Самооборона. Всемирная история смертельных вирусов. Читая, как автор подробно разбирает фрагменты отдельных TED-выступлений очень понравилось, что для этих целей он нередко использует таблицу: Preeminent leadership scholar Linda Hill, along with former Pixar tech wizard Greg Brandeau, MIT researcher Emily Truelove, and Being the Boss coauthor Kent Lineback, found among leaders a widely shared, and mistaken, assumption: Мастер-класс будет полезен всем, кто проводит презентации, продает товары и услуги и руководит людьми, которых нужно воодушевить.

Презентации в стиле Ted Goodreads rating: They make the trek not to learn about technology but to witness a radically different approach to company culture.

Sep 21, W. О том, как я читаю, можно узнать в интервью Вадима Бугаева. Some libraries let you check out ebooks for free - check with your local public library. Another important aspect in delivering a good talk is to edit, prepare, and practice the presentation in front of people ahead of time.

Thanks for telling us about the problem. He is also a trusted advisor in the C-suites of tech companies like, Facebook, Spotify, AirBnB, Dropbox and Salesforce.

In Pitch Perfect, Bill McGowan shows you how to craft the right message and deliver it using the right language—both verbal and nonverbal.

Refresh and try again. Based on intensive study of the most popular TEDTalks, this step-by-step playbook shows you how to select your topic, craft your narrative, master your delivery, and refine your design.

To achieve any goal, you need other people to help you do it. In How to Be a Power Connector, super-networker Judy Robinett argues that strategic relationship planning should be your top priority. She reveals all the secrets of her trade, including proven ways to: Judy Robinett offers guidance on how to form authentic relationships that bring mutual benefits. A step-by-step guide to building a network that will be both invaluable to you and just as valuable to those whose lives you will now have the opportunity to touch.

Be a super connector now! Questioning—deeply, imaginatively, "beautifully"—can help us identify and solve problems, come up with game-changing ideas, and pursue fresh opportunities.

So why are we often reluctant to ask "Why? The author takes us inside red-hot businesses like Google, Netflix, IDEO, and Airbnb to show how questioning is baked into their organizational DNA. He also shares inspiring stories of artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, basement tinkerers, and social activists who changed their lives and the world around them—by starting with a "beautiful question.

The Ten Types of Innovation explores these insights to diagnose patterns of innovation within industries, to identify innovation opportunities, and to evaluate how firms are performing against competitors. The framework has proven to be one of the most enduring and useful ways to start thinking about transformation.

The Ten Types of Innovation is the first book explaining how to implement it. You might think the key to innovation is attracting exceptional creative talent.

Or making the right investments. Or breaking down organizational silos. Collective Genius shows you how. Preeminent leadership scholar Linda Hill, along with former Pixar tech wizard Greg Brandeau, MIT researcher Emily Truelove, and Being the Boss coauthor Kent Lineback, found among leaders a widely shared, and mistaken, assumption: Rather, they create and sustain a culture where innovation is allowed to happen again and again—an environment where people are both willing and able to do the hard work that innovative problem solving requires.

Collective Genius will not only inspire you; it will give you the concrete, practical guidance you need to build innovation into the fabric of your business. Black marks formed under her eyes where her lashes bled their waxy coating onto her skin. Her rouged cheeks were smudged. Mother looked like she was melting in the heat. When the rain stopped, her father took to the road as a travelling salesman, returning only at weekends.

Faith has not spoken to her mother for ten years and is on the brink of a breakdown of her own. As Faith struggles to make sense of the complex world in which she lives and come to terms with the beliefs her society and upbringing have inculcated in her, what emerges is a richly compelling, emotionally resonant tale of courage set against the backdrop of a chaotically divided and deeply beautiful country.

Your Future Depends on It. You can blame technology, smartphones, презентации в стиле ted, social media, online shopping and everything else, but nothingchanges this reality: So, what are you going to do about it? To reboot and to start re-building your business model.

The movements have already taken place, but few businesses have acted on them. He outlines what you need to know to adapt right now. He also points to the seven triggers that will help you take advantage of these game-changing factors to keep you employable as this new world of business unfolds.

Along the way, Joel introduces his novel concept of "squiggle" which explains how you can learn to adapt your personal approach to your career, as new technology becomes the norm. In short, this is not a book about "change management" but rather a book about "changing both you AND your business model.

Since taking over TED in the early s, Chris Anderson has shown how carefully crafted short talks can be the key to unlocking empathy, stirring excitement, spreading knowledge, and promoting a shared dream. Done right, a talk is more powerful than anything in written form.

This book explains how the miracle of powerful public speaking is achieved, and equips you to give it your best shot. There is no set formula; no two talks should be the same. The goal is for you to give the talk that only you can give. You may find it more natural than you think. They make the trek not to learn about technology but to witness a radically different approach to company culture.

His own experience in the software industry taught him that, for many, work was marked by long hours and mismanaged projects with low-quality results. There had to be a better way. They established a shared belief system that supports working in pairs and embraces making mistakes, all while fostering dignity for the team.

Menlo has won numerous growth awards and was named an Inc. Sheridan also shows how to run smarter meetings and build cultural training into your hiring process. Is it still possible, even after decades of experience, to recapture the enthusiasm, curiosity, and fearlessness of youth to take on new challenges? With the right mindset—with Rookie Smarts—you can. Careers stall, innovation stops, and strategies grow stale.

She argues that the most successful rookies are hunter-gatherers—alert and seeking, cautious but quick like firewalkers, and hungry and relentless like pioneers.

Will a young, inexperienced newcomer upend my company or me? How can I keep up? In this beautiful first novel, Lisa Fugard paints a haunting portrait of a family careering toward disaster.

Coetzee, Fugard has written a profoundly moving family drama, subtly set against the backdrop of a country in turmoil. She moves with extraordinary agility between intimate and revelatory domestic scenes and the fiercely challenging land.

This is a powerful story from a stunning new writer. Let me show you how. You quickly create a strategic initiative in response and appoint your best people to make change happen. And it does—but not fast enough. Real value gets lost and, ultimately, things drift back to the default status. Why is this scenario so frequently repeated in industries and organizations across the world? In the groundbreaking new book Accelerate XLR8leadership and change management expert, and best-selling author, John Kotter provides a fascinating answer—and a powerful new framework for competing and winning in a world of constant turbulence and disruption.

Kotter explains how traditional organizational hierarchies evolved to meet the daily demands of running an enterprise. For most companies, the hierarchy is the singular operating system at the heart of the firm. But the reality is, this system simply is not built for an environment where change has become the norm.

Accelerate XLR8 vividly illustrates the five core principles underlying the new network system, the eight Accelerators that drive it, and how leaders must create urgency in others through role modeling.

You can make them fun, exciting, and full of meaning. Leave your audiences energized and ready to take action with "Resonate. So, instead, the Squadron Leader is flying a desk at a pilot training school at Kumalo Air Base. But one of his trainees has just been reported missing.

In other words, we tend to take actions with the thoughts and beliefs we consistently have, and the cumulative results of those actions eventually create the quality and circumstances of our lives and businesses.

Therefore, transformative change in life and business is possible when we reconstruct our minds and take responsibility for its content. Genres Business 17 users Nonfiction 11 users Self Help 8 users See top shelves… Books by Carmine Gallo More… Share This Book Tweet Share on your website title link preview: Презентации в стиле Ted avg rating preview: Презентации в стиле Ted Goodreads rating: No trivia or quizzes yet.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Презентации в стиле Ted. Open Preview See a Problem? Return to Book Page. Preview — Презентации в стиле Ted by Carmine Gallo. Презентации в стиле Ted by Carmine Gallo. Презентации в стиле Ted 3. TED talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking around the world.

TED and associated Tedx conferences are held in more than countries and are being viewed at a rate of 1. These are presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same TED talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking around the world.

These are presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same ones that will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking. Communications coach and bestselling author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve JobsCarmine Gallo has broken down the top TED talks and interviewed the most popular TED presenters as well as the top researchers in the fields of psychology communications to get their cutting-edge insights and to reveal the 9 secrets of all successful TED presentations.

Published by Альпина Паблишер first published January 28th All Editions Add a New Edition Combine. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Презентации в стиле Tedplease sign up. Daniel Do you mean legally or illegally? Some libraries let you check out ebooks for free - check with your local public library. Is there any location on the web, which contains all the links to the Ted talks that have been mentioned in the book?

Nina Perez-Reed When you go on Youtube, search for the individual whose TED talk you want to see. I have enjoyed so many of them. See 2 questions about Презентации в стиле Ted…. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. It was very difficult to rate this book.

The 9 points, in fact, are pretty obvious and to be found in most decent books on public speaking. Be passionate, tell stories, have a conversation with the audience, say something surprising, be funny, use sensory details, stick to what you know and get it all done in 18 minutes.

Any real secrets there? What makes the book worth reading are the TED stories and examples. Gallo is a good writ It was very difficult to rate this book. If you are familiar with TED talks, then you already know how fantastic they are, covering a wide range of topics dealing with new, important ideas. This book is an excellent guide to public speaking.

Carmine Gallo analyzes some of the most popular TED talks. He details his nine "secrets" that can help make a successful presentation. What are his secrets? Power Point is to be used sparingly--pictures are good, text is not good.

Another important aspect in delivering a good talk is to edit, prepare, and practice the presentation in front of people ahead of time. It can take hundreds of hours to prepare and test out an attention-grabbing presentation. All that preparation helps to make the presentation seem spontaneous and authentic. I found the advice about public speaking to be very helpful. But I also found the descriptions of some of the best TED talks to be equally interesting.

Multiple readers took on the roles of some of the TED talkers, and that gave the audiobook a nice, varied flavor. View all 10 comments. Dig deep to identify your unique and meaningful connection to your topic 2. Practice relentlessly and internalize your content so that you can deliver the presentation as comfortably as having a conversation with a close friend 4.

Lighten up with authentic humor. Eighteen minutes is the ideal length of time for a presentation. If you must go longer build in soft breaks every 10 minutes. Deliver presentations that touch more than one of the 5 senses. Be authentic, open, and transparent. Somehow i had a high expectation from this book and it was completely ruined. I was simply turning the pages so i could find something insightful and was disappointed again and again.

First of all the book should not be named as "TALK LIKE TED" rather it should be re-named as "WHAT TED SPEAKERS SPEAK". It says that great TED speakers have excellent body language, tone, etc etc without thoughts and words on how to improve it.

It more feels like a "guide book" for TED talks than anything else. My H Somehow i had a high expectation from this book and it was completely ruined. My Highlighter pen has remain un-employed because I am unable to find any words of wisdom which can be implemented.! I liked it, it was practical, and enjoyable to read, and gave you room to think about the things it suggested as opposed to just reading them.

This book is so well written that even the summaries of the presentations the author talks about are more impressive than the TED talks themselves. My husband is a world class debater and former forensic coach.

I listened to this audio book to try to understand some of the methods that he seems to just intuitively know in order to improve my own public speaking skills. He heard some of the chapters and seemed to think that all of it was fairly obvious and well known information.

I found a lot of it useful, but I have literally no background in public speaking. If you enjoyed Talk like TED, you may enjoy some other books by TED authors like Judge This by Chip Kidd, The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere by Pico Ayer, or My Stroke of Insight: This book is a MUST read for any Speech teacher.

It reinforced some things that I know to be true, and challenged me to take my expertise one step further. The best thing is that it inspired me to demand more from my college students. I have been using it through most of the semester, but finally finished all the chapters this morning.

Yes, giving a speech is demanding, it is hard work, it is challenging, it is invigorating when you are successful, it can be terrifying, but if you do the work, y This book is a MUST read for any Speech teacher.

Yes, giving a speech is demanding, it is hard work, it is challenging, it is invigorating when you are successful, it can be terrifying, but if you do the work, you reap the rewards, and PRACTICE is essential.

All the best do! The pages could have been condensed to 50, max. Sep 21, W. I heard the audio version of this book cover to cover. The storytelling in this book is excellent. The detailed examples will help anyone who speaks in public.

I enjoyed the writing in this book and recommend it. How do those speakers get those TED talk so perfect? Well, Gallo lets you in on the TED talk rules: Overall, these are helpful hints and reminders for giving talks so people will listen. All in all, a book filled with good ideas for presenting a compelling talk.

An easy fun read. More than anything it will make you want to sit on the couch and binge on a TED Talk marathon. Good read for any communicator. TED stands for technology, education, and design.

Gallo said resonated with me, and that was that PowerPoint sucks. It was how Al Gore convinced people of man-made global warming. However, even though Mr. If they can sit through that, they can sit through more than an minute talk. Maybe we need to learn how to focus on listening more and talking less. I remember in school, if you were introverted, you were considered an outcast, except with other introverts, but I look at it this way: It was like a spell had been broken.

I find myself longing for the days when I was a little girl and news was a minute primetime event. Large portions of his speech are included in the book, but it was nothing like listening to him give it. I will never forget my tenth-grade English teacher telling me the epic poem I wrote for our semester project our theme that year was Greek mythology was too creative. She gave me a C, and I can still remember her face when I showed her that I won first place in fiction in a regional writing contest and this was at the age of That said, she was a good sport and had me read it in class.

It was one of the few times my shyness now having matured into introvertedness was forgotten. You have a body, too, that can do amazing things. Needless to say, I got more out of this book than mere information, which has led me to seek more information; it also inspired me to do a TED talk someday many, many years from now.

Furthermore, I learned more from reading this book than I did taking a Basic Speaking and Listening class at college. I rarely ever tell a joke in any of my stories, because it takes you away from the story. Though it sounds rather crass, we are all in sales now. Many things sell themselves, but they have to be presented in the right way, which is what a TED talk does—it presents information in a fun, conversational way—not as a series of bullet points on PowerPoint, but through a multi-sensory experience.

Stories that employ the use of metaphors and analogies are my favorite after anecdotes. Even Jesus used parables to convey His message, and relate to His audience. A few tidbits from the book. The three components of inspiring presentation are and forgive the bullet points: That alone gave me hope. Amy Cuddy, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Bryan Stevenson. Since I had never seen a TED before, I watched all of the above as an indoctrination of sorts to acclimate myself to TED.

I did so only after reading the entire book. I thoroughly enjoyed them all, but was upset at myself for being late to the party. A client told me about TED about five years ago and suggested I take a peak. I never took that peak. Her message was on body language and it has been viewed over 28 million times, but it was her passion that stands out most. Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, knows how to tell a story. He tells lots of stories during his speeches. He is now fifty-two.

A very funny and powerful story that connected him with over 2. According to Gallo, secret number three, have a conversation, is all about the four elements of verbal delivery-rate, volume, pitch and pauses. Rate is the most important and should be between to words per minute.

Volume, pitch and pauses are to be used the same way you would a highlighter, to emphasize key points. Teach me something new, deliver jaw-dropping moments, and lighten-up are secrets four, five and six. Bill Gates does all of these well in his TED on Mosquitos, malaria and education. While discussing malaria he informed his audience about the deadliness of the disease and how a British soldier was responsible for finding out that mosquitos were its cause, thus eliminating the disease in all countries except poor ones.

To bring home his point, he brought along a jar containing three mosquitos. The presentation went viral in a matter of hours. Analogies and metaphors are also good ways to add humor. It also makes you seem more likable, and people are more willing to do business with you or support someone they like. Eighteen minutes or less. Rounding out the list of 9-public speaking secrets with eight and nine: Staying in your lane was the shortest chapter and was just a reminder to be authentic. This idea is all about appealing to as many senses as possible.

Gallo asks us to picture pitching a new product or service and how difficult it can be with an audience who has little firsthand knowledge. Appeal to their senses by allowing your audience to touch, smell, or view a picture of your product. We respond better and recall better when at least three senses are engaged. So there you have it.

Next time you have to give a presentation just remember these steps and you will be sure to wow your audience, get your point across emotionally and emphatically and perhaps change a few lives at the same time. Never let the thought of public speaking terrorize you again. Easiest way for adding pathos is storytelling of yourself, a friend, or successful companies. Speak not too fast but not too slow words per minute. To make your presentation surprising and unforgettable, five your audience new information.

Presentations should cover no more than three aspects in minutes. Si bien tiene tips rescatables, en general se vuelve una lectura tediosa y hasta cansada. Carmine Gallo is one of my favorite public speaking coaches. This book serves as a good reminder for the time-tested principals that all great public speaker posseses ex: I picked up a number of public speaking and presentation tips from this book, and enjoyed reading some stories behind a number of TED talks. An exceptional self help book with clear steps and examples of how to craft a speech and find the courage to command a stage or meeting.

This is a book of no-brainer advice about public speaking. However, what differentiates it from your average self-help guide is how it is framed around the TED Talk as well as scientific studies. The examples all come from famous TED speakers and even go deeper to explain how those talks came to be—the quality of the first drafts, what level of practice was involved, and how the audience and news media reacted. The studies that Gallo references jibe with what I learned in my psychology classes, This is a book of no-brainer advice about public speaking.

The studies that Gallo references jibe with what I learned in my psychology classes, and I like that the research adds validity to what we assume to be common sense, such as the idea that humor and novelty make a presentation more interesting. So what did I learn from this book? For anyone interested in improving their presentation skills and gaining inspiration, I highly recommend Talk Like Ted.

I was hoping to get some interesting stories from TED, very few and not well organized, and the author uses same ted talks over and over. In the first few chapters, the author summarises the content of a number of TED talks but it felt more like a TED promotion editorial rather than a book about public speaking techniques that was specifically focused on TED. I felt that there were many shallow examples given to illustrate a single point rather than a deeper look at the nuances of each TED-talk example and a dissection of what worked and what could be improved.

It would have been more helpful to examine the talks than to hear what the talks were about. Funnily enough I had found him so slow that I had turned up the speed of this audiobook to 2x speed since the beginning I often listen to books at quicker than normal pace but not many get up to the 2x mark. Overall, I think that the book is not a bad resource if you are a quick reader but it seems a little too light and focused on entertaining to be the reference guide to delivering good talks.

This clear, simple book could be boiled down into a handful of guidelines and fill two sides of a page, but it is expanded with anecdote, repetition each main point is repeated at the beginning and end of each chaptertext boxes, and descriptions of how popular TED speakers implement the main ideas. One chapter has one of my favorite opening lines: His advice, in concise form: Be passionate about your topic.

Speak as if you are having a conversation. Provide your audience with surprise - at least one emotionally charged moment or experience. Use humor not jokes. Stick to eighteen minutes, because otherwise your audience will have cognitive overload. Provide multisensory input for memorability.

He provides citations for many of his main points, but when I looked at his references, more often than not they were newspaper articles, TED talks, novelties, or mass market books. All that said, it would be a good text for teaching my students how to be good public speakers, or more specifically how to give a good TED talk. Apr 03, Tigran Mamikonian rated it really liked it. Книга консультанта по публичным выступлениям и презентациям в стиле ted Кармина Галло представляет собой очень подробный анализ основных принципов самых успешных выступлений в формате TED, то есть презентациею в стиле ted минут.

К достоинствам презентации в стиле ted можно отнести четкую презентацию в стиле ted и хронологию изложения. Так автор выделяет 3 групп принципов, которым должны удовлетворять успешные выступления: Автор действительно детально анализирует вышеизложенные принципы и рекомендации на примере конкретных речей и прекрасно объясняет, как они были реализованы.

Рекомендую книгу всем, кому интересна тема успешных публичных выступлений и коммуникаций в целом. I listened to the audiobook, and enjoyed every bit of it. There was never a point when I wanted to fast forward, skip a chapter, or skim the content. In fact, I replayed many chapters. If you are looking for a compact, bullet point outline of how to speak in public, move along to another book.

This book is leisurely, well-researched, highly engaging, and includes just enough background information to make the points credible, but not so much that it bogs down the delivery. I will read or listen I listened to the audiobook, and enjoyed every bit of it. I will read or listen to it again in the future, to refresh my memory before I speak in public. If, as other reviewers have commented, none of this is "new" information, then why are many speaking events I attend so dull?

Perhaps it needs to be heard again, in this format. Do your audience a favor, and if you have a speaking engagement coming up, read or listen to Talk Like TED. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Our brains are constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we are unaware.

Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next—and we become conscious of the decisions only after we start acting on them. Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound. In this provocative yet practical book, renowned speaking coach and communication expert Nick Morgan highlights recent research that shows how humans are programmed to respond to the nonverbal cues of others—subtle gestures, sounds, and signals—that elicit emotion.

This concise and engaging guide will help leaders and aspiring leaders of all stripes to connect powerfully, communicate more effectively, and command influence. Videos About This Book. Books by Carmine Gallo. Share on your website title link preview: Trivia About Презентации в сти Quotes from Презентации в сти You cannot inspire others unless you are inspired yourself.

You stand a much greater chance of persuading and inspiring your listeners if you express an enthusiastic, passionate, and meaningful connection to your topic. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Less Detail edit details Get a copy:

Я читаю: Кармин Галло. Презентации в стиле TED

презентации в стиле ted

Солнце ясное 29 ноя Carmine Gallo analyzes some of the most popular TED talks. Вы используете устаревший браузер. Lists with This Book. Право Здоровье и развитие презентации в стиле ted Изучение английского языка ELT Информатика информационные презентации в стиле ted Искусство Литературоведение. It was how Al Gore convinced people of man-made global warming. These are presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same ones that will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking.

Как заставить ваши комплексы работать на. С первых страниц книги, я, конечно же, не могла удержаться от сравнений. He is now fifty-two. The studies that Gallo references jibe with what I learned in my psychology classes, and I like that the research adds validity to what we assume to be common sense, such as the idea that humor and novelty make a presentation more interesting.

Презентации в стиле TED: 9 приемов лучших в мире выступлений

Книга эта появилась в моей библиотеке больше трёх лет назад. Preeminent leadership scholar Linda Hill, along with former Pixar tech wizard Greg Brandeau, MIT researcher Emily Truelove, and Being the Boss coauthor Kent Lineback, found among leaders a widely shared, and mistaken, assumption: Презентации в стиле TED.

Her rouged cheeks were smudged. Mother looked like she was melting in the heat. Решение и ответы тестовых заданий из собеседований в крупнейших IT-компаниях Макдауэлл Лакман Г. Even Jesus used parables to convey His message, and relate to His audience. The Ten Types of Innovation is the first book explaining how to implement it. Return to Book Page. That alone gave me hope. Во-вторых , уже несколько лет я использую материалы TED-конференций в работе с учениками: Volume, pitch and pauses are to be used the same way you would a highlighter, to emphasize key points.

На первом мастер-классе вы узнаете, как раскрыть в себе мастера, определив, что вызывает у вас наибольший душевный подъем. Они смогли привлечь внимание миллионной аудитории по всему миру за счет увлекательной подачи зачастую сложных идей и концепций.

MIG 5 окт Как ораторы TED добиваются такой естественности и непринужденности в речи и жестах? Сколько времени нужно потратить, чтобы подготовить выдающуюся 18 минутную речь? Автор книги, Кармин Галло, человек который знал о чем писал, видно что книга была написана не просто для того чтобы заработать деньги, а для того чтобы принести пользу каждому читателю.

1025 :: 1026 :: 1027 :: 1028 :: 1029 :: 1030