The server not responding. Please check back again for the next SA-MP update. Cannot connect to the server. It now works in interiors and will disable with the scoreboard. Menu Main List Create Account Help and Info Log In News This is an optional update, although highly recommended.
As usual, the new update is available on the Download Page. WAR EM SAN FIERRO 0. Сообщения не по форме автоматически удаляются!. If you experience regarding the RC any issues, have any complaints, concerns, or would like to post anything happy then please do so here!
Los Santos - SA-MP 0. About Game-mp Game-mp is an exclusive provider of game server listings. Blacklite Tracking SA: San Fierro - SA-MP 0. Can I get a mirror for SA-MP 0. Protect The President SA-MP 0. Last post by KungFU.
Game-mp is an exclusive provider of game server listings. Port Server Name Version New Era [RUS] SA-MP 0. Classic [RUS] SA-MP 0. Protect The President SA-MP 0. Profesjonalna administracja [ SA-MP 0. THE BEST MEXICAN SERVER Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare WAR EM SAN FIERRO 0.
X2 Day SA-MP 0. DAYZ [SURVIVAL][ORIGINAL][OFFICIAL] SA-MP 0. COMBATE EM SAN FIERRO! Los Santos - SA-MP 0. Diamond Reallife - Fraks ohne BW San Fierro - SA-MP 0.
DayZ NEW [ZOMBIES][OFFICIAL] 0. Menu Main List Create Account Help and Info Log In News Game-mp is now live and accepting server listings! About Game-mp Game-mp is an exclusive provider of game server listings.
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Los Santos Roleplay Los Santos Roleplay is a San Andreas Multiplayer based online server. Special thanks to Matite and GamerX server for contributing the new the object IDs. This is an optional update, although highly recommended.
This will help server-side anti-cheat. Thanks to all who tested 0. Cannot connect to the server. Delete all board cookies The team Contact us. New Era [RUS] SA-MP 0. Ru Russia Russian X2 Day SA-MP 0. The following updates have been made: New Topic topics 1 2 3 4 Next. Please report any bugs on our forums.
SA-MP San Andreas Multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto (GTA SA)
LSRP Audio Stream Issue. Servers Server Checker Server Host List Donate Forums FAQ API Terms. THE BEST MEXICAN SERVER It is recommended that all SA-MP players and server owners update. Posted by SA-MP on 1 May SA-MP 0. Like 6 Show likes. Like 1 Show likes. No registered users and 1 guest. Switch to English sign up. New Topic topics 1 2 3 4 Next. Thanks to everyone who helped test 0. Port Server Name Version
10540 :: 10541 :: 10542 :: 10543 :: 10544 :: 10545