Scp 018

The islet has been noted to contain:. All three 3 locks must be opened before exit is possible. It gradually takes on a raw appearance. Append content without editing the whole page source. Or try our widget. Remove the custom ad blocker rule s and the page will load as expected.

Due to the speed of the object, and the total surprise by its victims, no cover-up story was required or initiated.

SCP-RS currently cannot be contained due to its abilities. All attempts at capture, including the use of the anti-teleportation devices, have resulted in failure. Given its widespread nature, efforts to suppress knowledge of the phenomenon are considered counterproductive. Instead, instructions on returning to the baseline reality are distributed to the public through Foundation fronts.

SCP-RS is a male black cat of indeterminate breed. It is physiologically identical to a normal Felis catus with the exception of glowing red eyes. The entity answers to "Bob" and is capable of human speech, demonstrating fluency in British English, Spanish, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese and Dutch.

Interviews have revealed that SCP-RS communicates with humans through its face-shaped amulet. Upon manifestation, SCP-RS will abduct and transport the nearest human to a location in an alternate universe.

SCP-RSA is a large prison cell roughly resembling the Falador Party Room. Surveys show that it contains the following:. SCP-RS is a Caucasian male of indeterminate age who answers to "Pete" and is always found within SCP-RSA on arrival of the subject. Doing so causes a holographic projection of a balloon animal to appear.

Bursting a matching balloon produces a key capable of opening any one 1 lock. Other balloons yield keys as well, but those reset the locks instead. Keys disappear after usage regardless of success or failure. All three 3 locks must be opened before exit is possible. Thus far, there are no other means of unlocking the gate.

Leaving the cell transports the subject back to his or her original location, after which "Pete" will follow. Attempts to access the area outside of SCP-RSA have been unsuccessful as there is no known method of passing through the gate without triggering the teleportation mechanism.

The walls of the cell have so far proven indestructible. Upon returning to Gielinor, "Pete" will express his gratitude and then disappear. GPS trackers placed on him cease transmitting at this point. It is not clear whether "Pete" vanishes on his own accord or is transported via an external means.

SCP-RS does not match the profile of any known missing persons. Subjects that remain in SCP-RSA for 15 minutes or longer generally report a feeling of weakness. This effect is otherwise harmless and gradually subsides upon departure. SCP-RS itself has never been seen in the cell or surrounding area.

SCP-RS is invariably present at this location. The islet has been noted to contain:. SCP-RS is a Caucasian female that resides on the islet. She claims to be a servant of "Bob" and will explain that it desires raw fish. Upon further questioning, SCP-RS will direct the subject towards one of four 4 spots along the shore, each marked with a statue.

Fish can be readily caught in these areas but do not match any known species. They are in an initially cooked state and must be "uncooked" in the pots; this normally takes 15 to 25 minutes. Once fed a single fish, SCP-RS will begin to rest and eventually fall asleep, at which point the portal will function. Subjects entering the portal are transported to their original location prior to abduction. Sleep-inducing agents, such as anesthetic gases and ethers, can render SCP-RS unconscious and provide immediate access to the portal.

SCP-RS appears to have an innate knowledge of the required type of fish despite the apparent lack communication. She has refused to elaborate on the source of this information, only claiming that she "just knows. Besides her awareness of the "right" fishing spot, SCP-RS appears to be an otherwise normal human female.

However, she suffers from Stockholm syndrome and refuses to leave the island; a full psychological evaluation is not possible as a result. Efforts to identify her are ongoing.

Historical data suggests that subjects are far more likely to be transported to SCP-RSA during SCP-RS manifestations. As SCP-RS is not overtly hostile or dangerous, an upgrade to Keter is not necessary for the time being. It goes without saying, but requests to terminate SCP-RS will also be denied. We are the SCP Foundation, not the Global Occult Coalition. He was able to record the incident on video. What the [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] is this place? Who brought me here? That would be telling. There has to be something I could do!

Give him the f-f-f-fish he likes. He might f-f-f-fall asleep. Near the beach, right? They appear to be already cooked. It gradually takes on a raw appearance. Thermal imaging shows the contents of the pot to be just above ambient temperature. All right, this looks done now. Come back with me to Gielinor.

We can get you back to your family. We can get you back home, but I really need to go soon. One 1 was heated on a standard range; the cooked fish was reported to have a strong stench but no anomalous properties. Good god, that girl is all kinds of [EXPLETIVE EXPUNGED] up. Requests to extract her from SCP-RSB have been denied. Whatever floats her boat is none of our business.

The agent, who describes herself as an animal lover, immediately began stroking SCP-RS upon arrival. He is one spoiled brat, just like my cat! Games Movies TV Wikis. Explore Wikis Community Central FANDOM University. RuneScape Fan Fiction Wiki. Items Dragon defender Waffles Taste Very Good Dragon pickaxe Zarseus Barrows defender Void rune Gilded Saradomin dragon platebody g Dragon kiteshield karmew32 Dragon platelegs g.

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RuneScape RuneScape Clans RuneScape Businesses. Wiki Activity Random page Videos Images. SCP Foundation - Gielinor Division. Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Surveys show that it contains the following: Some 21 purple latex balloon animals, believed to represent cats, dogs, sheep and goats. They are animate but exhibit no signs of sentience. Laboratory testing has shown their remains to be non-anomalous. A functioning Bank of RuneScape deposit box near the eastern wall.

How items are transported to the baseline reality is not known. A gate on the south side, determined to be the only egress. It has three 3 locks, all of which are initially in a locked state. A large lever to the west of the gate. The islet has been noted to contain: Two 2 pots used for preparing food. They are capable of converting cooked food back into a raw state, the process of which is not understood. A portal leading back to Gielinor that only functions when SCP-RS is asleep.

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SCP | SCP: Containment is Magic Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

There has to be something I could do! It contains no evidence as to either the creator or source of the object. Last Update 3 years ago. Your comment action was successful. Or try our widget.

SCP-RS | RuneScape Fan Fiction Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

SCP game - Mod DB. This effect is permanent and only reversible by the administration of amnestics. Photo from Personnel files Item: Bursting a matching balloon produces a key capable of opening any one 1 lock. XK Causers XNeigh end-of-world!

The islet has been noted to contain: Give him the f-f-f-fish he likes. FAQ Site Rules Links. It is six 6 centimeters in diameter and coloured red. Role Plays Story Serials Competitions Adminship requests Featured Article debate Featured Image debate. Edit Sections Append Edit Meta Watchers Backlinks Page Source Parent Lock Page Rename Delete. The islet has been noted to contain:.

Other balloons yield keys as well, but those reset the locks instead.

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