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Just run and install file package: See pm from Patrick Fischer. Интересный продукт, жалко раньше на глаза не скачал heidisql. Download Free YouTube Download 4. Нужно скачать heidisql и установить MySQL ODBC драйвер. Fix crash when taskbar button interface is not available for some reason. MySQL Installer provides an easy to use, wizard-based installation experience for all your MySQL software needs. Дошел до того, что установил последний релиз heidiSQL, да все без толку: PrefetchResults when SQL batch could not be separated correctly.

Install GNU HTTPTunnel package. Есть предложение по ПО лучше чем представленные? Insert Files Read lots of files per batch into BLOBs, using macros for neighbour fields. In this example, all default. Use the grid export dialog for setting values for copy-to-clipboard clicks on grids. Обновить список комментариев RSS лента комментариев этой записи.

Work with us Partner Solutions for OEM Affiliates. Descriptions containing download heidisql 7. Make Markdown export code compatible to the parser on gitlab.

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Latest automatically compiled main executable and installers for HeidiSQL. Just download and overwrite your existing C: Be aware that these builds are not official releases and therefore probably have more bugs, possibly serious ones. Trigger OnChange event on TSynMemo after toggling comment, so a save button gets enabled.

Save session tree color when creating a copy of a session. Add custom setting for number of days to keep queries in the query history. Reduce flicker on Windows Revert ras it makes more problems than it solves. Set DoubleBuffered property on main form, an attempt to reduce flickering on Windows Use the grid export dialog for setting values for copy-to-clipboard clicks on grids.

Adds a new button in the lower left on that dialog. Use unsecure project web url for donor checks, as the ssl certificate seems not accepted on some Wine systems. Fix typos in encoding of xml exports. If that still fails, скачать heidisql, give the user a hint to select the right index.

Support grouping by tree node type in "check xyz" menu items on table tools dialog. Prevent inserting cell text ellipsis in query tab. Update SynEdit component code to v2. Just a few additional highlighter keywords and one code change for background coloring included. Revert rwhich causes more problems than it solves.

Attempt to add an error string which Windows provides after a failed call to LoadLibrary. Include ADO connection string in status bar connection details, shorten the lines reasonably and show the full lines in a message box when clicking on it. Work around access violation in highlighter, which raises after a successful reconnect.

Make Markdown export code compatible to the parser on gitlab. Support SQL security setting in view editor via drop down menu. Reasonably increase and unify design time dimensions of object editors to x pixels.

Remove per-row comment in PHP array grid export, which blows up the result. Fix sloppy regular expression in TDBConnection. DetectUSEQuery which removes too much of trailing quotes in a database name. Escape quotes and stuff in JSON keys and values. Use double quotes for PHP values when exporting a PHP array from a grid. Try to load libpq. This way the filter may end with a comment without breaking the rest of it. See pm from Patrick Fischer. Cast unknown data type columns as text when generating a multi column filter from user input.

Use the right SQL commands for killing a process on PostgreSQL. Remove quirky logic from TMySQLQuery. Execute when distinguishing between text and binary data types. Fix crash when taskbar button interface is not available for some reason. Catch exception when clicking "Cancel running operation" and the KILL command cannot be executed.

Accept SSL session settings as command line parameters. Support session name in placeholders for filename. Fix crash when showing hint animation on grid cells with large text portions. Remove FromLocaleFormat from MakeFloat and MakeInt. Support all integer and real data types for displaying as Unix timestamp.

Add some hotkeys for focusing table filter, database tree and main tabs. Also, add a new main menu with these actions, so the user can look up these hotkeys. Clear contents of filter boxes when pressing Esc key. Merge latest changes from official SynEdit repository.

Removes limitation to table names for highlighting. This way, a folderless plink. Support Windows authentication via command line parameter W or winauth. Use exact text data types instead of their whole category for detecting special binary columns.

Fixes unquoted JSON content in SQL exports. Loosen exception handling in MakeIntso that not only EInvalidOp results in errors. Probably related to http: Attempt to fix window flicker issue on Windows 10 by disabling ApplicationEvents. Propagate changed list of object names in selected database through the new event OnObjectnamesChanged to the owner object, not through an internal reference to a string list.

Update SynEdit component from https: Show password strength indicator as long as repeated password is still empty. Implement support for expired passwords. Show a change-password dialog after the very first query of a connection when it returns "Error You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement".

Update Transifex command line client to 0. Make status bar panel for server version a bit wider. Cosmetics in session manager: Rearrange and resize labels in statistics tab. Display network type in tooltip over server status panel. Trim database names when passed as semicolon separated list. Do not complain about empty password when SHOW GRANTS output does not include the IDENTIFIED BY clause on MySQL 5.

Support wildcard options in "Find text on server" dialog in a new drop down box, to provide a possibility to find exact matches. Fix EArgumentOutOfRangeException in TDBConnection.

PrefetchResults when SQL batch could not be separated correctly. Should be a rare case, but happened, see http: Display number of selected besides available columns on "Columns" button in "Data" tab.

Display number of sorted columns on "Sorting" button. Fix wrong FLOAT data type mapping between DB. TFieldType and TDBDatatypeIndex, in TAdoDBQuery. Attempt to fix high DPI awareness. Missing file for r Fix "Database s " string split by space characters. Imprint Using Project Honey Pot. On Windows 64bit, if you have a 32bit version installed in C: You should uninstall the 32bit version in that case. Previous installers can be downloaded here. Extend TMySQLOption enumeration with newer items Committed: Use new copy-columns icon in main image list Committed: Use HTTPS for all web requests on heidisql.

Additional files from SynEdit GitHub repository Committed: Missing file change for previous commit Committed: Fix some labels which I modified wrongly some time ago Committed: Reasonably increase and unify design time dimensions of object editors to x pixels Committed: Fix compiler warning Committed: Add translation strings for new "Go to" menu Committed: Add some missing translation strings Committed: Initialize form font, and trigger actual string translations Committed: Release strings for translation Committed: Implement a simple password-strength checker with a progressbar.

Give each tab an individual icon, and use flat button style for tabs. Add checkbox for "Horizontal scrollbar" in Logging tab. Add new item "Logging preferences" to context menu in SQL log panel Committed:

Справка по синтаксису SQL в HeidiSQL - MySQL по-русски

Database Details about tables and views. Implement support for expired passwords. Fix compiler warning Committed: Работаю, но MySQL - далеко не ключевая вещь в моей работе. Нужно скачать heidisql и скачать heidisql MySQL ODBC драйвер. Add translation strings for new "Go to" menu Committed: Download Apple Application Support 64 Apple Inc. But HeidiSQL missing important functionality is the connection through the HTTP tunnel.

Tunnel Server tab, specify the URL to the PHP-script server side of the tunnel, authorization and proxy if necessary. VISUAL Profiler For MySQL ЗКЩАШДУК АЩК. Removes limitation to table names for highlighting. Work with us Partner Solutions for OEM Affiliates. Descriptions containing heidisql heidisql. This dialog also supports searching and replacing in table rows! Dump selected databases and data into a single dump file, one file per table, directly to another host, to clipboard or to another database on the same server.

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Attempt to fix window flicker issue on Windows 10 by disabling ApplicationEvents. Try to load libpq. Fix wrong FLOAT data type mapping between DB. Ein guter Open Source SQL - Datenbankmanager mit vielen Features! Install GNU HTTPTunnel package. Attempt to add an error string which Windows provides after a failed call to LoadLibrary. Open Large Files When SQL files are bigger, HeidiSQL asks you to run these without loading them as a whole into the query editor.

Downloads MySQL Community Server MySQL NDB Cluster MySQL Shell MySQL Router MySQL Workbench. As mentioned earlier HeidiSQL not support connection via Http tunnel, so I used HTTPtunnel GNU package for the organization HTTP tunnel with web server where the MySQL server. TFieldType and TDBDatatypeIndex, in TAdoDBQuery. News Recent News Press Releases RSS Facts. Программа с первого вида очень понравилась. Use HTTPS for all web requests on heidisql. Release strings for translation Committed: Fix EArgumentOutOfRangeException in TDBConnection.

Propagate changed list of object names in selected database through the new event OnObjectnamesChanged to the owner object, not through an internal reference to a string list. Find more Communities RSS Reader Help Shop Help.

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