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Code Lyoko Factory Interface v4. Code Lyoko Factory Interface v1. RELATED VIDEOS Code Lyoko Interface IFSCL Interface Version 2. The group fight monsters, who act as the forces of XANA, as they search for deactivating the tower. Guest Jul 6 This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view. PLEASE Read further in description before asking any questions in the comments Carthage is here!

If you are looking for "how to play" I have a how to play video on my channel you can watch, it also has the download locations in the description. If you are referring to something else please elaborate what you mean. Try in English or German? Whoa, this looks pretty cool. Clearly someone put a lot of time into making this look like the in-show computer: I have a video on how to use basic controls and some of the commands just check my channel or click the annotation in the beginning of the video.

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Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Best news of the year for all sensates T. Gameplay for IFSCL v2. COM See related links to what you are looking for. Prelazimo misiju - IFSCL 2 Gameplay. I have a video on how to use basic controls and some of the commands just check my channel or click the annotation in the beginning of the video.

Everything will be revelead in time, the majority being part of the story mode, coming in Tout est dans le titre! Try in English or German? A fan desktop simulation of the Supercomputer from Code Lyoko.

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