The Soulcalibur Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource for the Soul seriesa series of fighting games developed by Namco Bandai. Start a wiki Community Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Advertise Media Kit Contact. At the versus screen, press A, B, Y, X, L, R, Z, or any direction on the C-stick for various optional character statements before the match. Also unlock every mode, weapon, and character to hear Sophitia say "Soul Calibur 2" at the "Press Start" screen.
The only single player mode he is in is practice mode. Start your very own thread right now!

Inferno spirit form Soul Edge - Soulcalibur II. Soul Edge is the central antagonist in the Soul series of fighting games and namesake to the first installment. When originally forged, Soul Edge was just an ordinary sword, but after being bathed in blood and hatred countless times, the sword turned into a demonic weapon and gained a wicked soul, which the games called Inferno. Those who grasp its hilt are unable to escape its curse, as its spirit invades the mind like a parasite and drives its wielder insane.
Its blade soaks in blood and in power, and it remains a polished red. Soul Edge is distinguished by its animate eye.
Consistently referred to as the Evil Sword throughout the series, Soul Edge has a reputation for devouring souls. The weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter — which form it takes depends on its current owner. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. Either way, it is not unusual for the player to lose the battle as a result of wielding the weapon - without the opponent actually landing the finishing blow - thereby living up to its in-game legend of "consuming" its wielder.
Many people have fragments of the cursed sword inside their body, such as Astaroth and Maxiand others keep a fragment or fragments of it; some do so merely in order to test their own powers, such as Mitsurugi and Rock. While Soul Edge is commonly depicted as a sword, he takes on many shapes and forms throughout the series, either through time periods or various characters wielding him.
When he first gained his parasitic powers, he was a broadsword with a collection of flesh growing at the hilt and handguard area with a yellow eye.
In Soul Blade, he was a normal sword with a flesh-like hilt and handguard with hooks on the latter part. When Siegfried took hold of the sword, the hooks gripped his hand tight to keep him from discarding him. By the time Nightmare arose, the weapon transformed into a giant sword with flesh filling the blunt side of the blade and the eye at the base of his hilt. After having sustained damage after the events of Soulcalibur and recovering Charade in Soulcalibur II, a portion of the blade is missing, and the flesh area is exposed and forced to grow to accommodate for his missing portion, to the point of creeping over the hilt himself, soul calibur 5.
In an artwork piece showing Nightmare, the blade seems to be leaving decomposing shards and pieces of flesh, as if he is weakening, although there are weapons he can obtain which show a restored or "completed" version of himself, the latter of which is covered completely in a grotesque composite slab of eyes and meat.
In Soulcalibur III, Soul Edge is no longer used by anyone in the immediate roster or available as an initial weapon. He had instead fused together with Soul Calibur where the holy weapon had pierced him from the hilt area, and several parts of the blade are folded and cracked. Nightmare is forced to use a "phantom" version of the blade which features a rough bronze blade with a black and purple eye as his core.
The "complete" version of Soul Edge in this game no longer features an eye or exposed flesh, but is merely a large sword with teeth lining the blunt side of the blade. Following Soulcalibur IV, the blade is once more whole and takes on an entirely new design, with a giant crystalline structure with a red hue covering the blade and a blue core while having formed a proper handguard again.
The eye is now situated in the handguard instead of being on the blade himself. In Soulcalibur V, he retains his more familiar appearance from 1 and 2. The blade himself retains a crimson hue but with traces of black and flesh in the interior. Represented in gameplay, Soul Edge is a weapon that grants users an incredible amount of strength to give them the edge. In some cases, Soul Edge can penetrate through defenses as well, chipping away health.
The usual drawback to this is the constant loss of health. Soul Edge will usually drain health at an alarming rate, faster than any other weapon in the game.
In return for this, the user is also given the ability to drain health proportionate to the amount of damage they inflict on their opponents. As a result, the player is forced to adapt an almost completely offensive style as they are racing against time before the weapon depletes their health completely, much reflected in the way of Soul Edge himself.
Some characters can completely resist the energy siphoning of Soul Edge, and can safely draw on the power of the weapon and still drain health; needless to say, these characters are the best users of the weapon. In Soulcalibur II, each character, including the guest characters, can wield Soul Edge and he transforms accordingly depending on the user.
The parasitic attributes are shared with many characters, but very few exceptions exist, one of them oddly enough being Talim. In Soulcalibur III, many of the characters can use Soul Edge, namely the evil-aligned characters or those with a power-seeking nature.
Soul Edge was forged in the distant past by a nameless blacksmith as an ordinary two-handed sword, but after being bathed in blood, hatred, and death it developed a malevolent will capable of taking over its wielder. The first named bearer of Soul Edge was the Hero King, Algolwhose strong will conquered the evil intelligence of the blade. Algol used the cursed sword to unite the wartorn world in an age of peace.
However, his son, Arcturuswas not so strong, and quickly fell under the dark influence of the sword. Swearing vengeance against the cursed blade, which disappeared after the encounter, with the help of a sage Algol purified fragments of Soul Edge and forged them into the holy blade Soul Caliburat the cost of his life.
In the 4th Century BCE it was sought after by a warrior named Necridwho was pulled into Astral Chaos. Its third known wielder was a Germanic warlord hired as a mercenary by the Romans, who was slain by the Wolf, the then-current wielder of Soul Calibur and founder of the Kingdom of Wolfkrone. In the 6th century CE, Soul Edge was acquired by a Saxon king, who used its power to start a war before being slain by King Arthur, the wielder of Soul Calibur. The fourth known and third named bearer of Soul Edge was Zasalamel, during one of his many lifetimes.
Trying to break the curse of his eternal reincarnations, Zasalamel obtained the cursed blade in the 7th Century CE, but instead, his soul was possessed by the evil will of the sword and he turned into the host of the blade until the end of that life.
After that, records are spotty until several hundred years later. During the 16th century, Soul Edge mysteriously reappeared in a secret antique auction, using its shape-shifting powers to become two blades instead of one. The swords were obtained by an English curio dealer, whose ship was attacked by the dreaded pirate Cervantes de Leon.
Possessed by the will of the wicked swords, Cervantes slew the crew of the ship and then slaughtered the population of a Spanish port-town, where he stayed the next twenty-five years, waiting for the birth of the " Child of the Cursed Sword ". But then a holy warrior sent by HephaestusSophitia Alexandraconfronted him and was able to destroy the smaller of the two blades. Cervantes, enraged, defeated Sophitia and nearly killed her, but was stopped and killed by a demon huntress named Taki. When he tried to take the blade lying beside the dead CervantesInferno called "Soul Edge" in Soul Bladein an attempt to restore himself, flowed into the corpse and fought Siegfried for the possession of the evil sword.
Siegfried won the battle, and when he grasped the hilt of Soul Edge, he was unable to control its power and released the Evil Seed on the world. Siegfried was further corrupted until he no longer had control over his own body, assuming the role of Nightmare.
In the penultimate events of Soulcaliburhe was defeated by Kilik and Xianghua after her treasured Krita-Yuga weapon revealed itself to be Soul Calibur. Xianghua then used Soul Calibur to shatter Soul Edge. However, Soul Edge was able to slowly seize control of him again, and he eventually donned the azure armor once more. After a fierce battle, Nightmare stood victorious, but with his last breath, Raphael made a desperate attack and managed to strike his sword into the very center of the cursed blade.
Screaming in agony, Nightmare fell back, and within his mind, Siegfried reawakened. After a fierce mental struggle, Siegfried regained his sanity.
Shining from the core of Soul Edge, the holy sword Soul Calibur appeared to him, released from its entrapment within the evil blade. Taking Soul Calibur, Siegfried drove it into the cursed blade, piercing its eye and silencing the power of Soul Edge.
However, it was not enough to destroy the cursed sword. It was then that Zasalamel appeared and agreed to help Inferno if he assisted him in finding the two swords of legends, before using his ancient powers to bind Inferno to the armor. At this moment, the evil spirit of Soul Edge became the new Azure Knight. Born from the memory of his old shape, the Phantom Soul Edge is dwarfed by the real cursed sword, but as Nightmare once again began his quest to search for his missing form, this weapon began to grow stronger.
The real Soul Edge, silent with its counterpart Soul Calibur, was in the possession of Siegfried Schtauffenwho sought a way to seal the evil sword forever. Cervantes de Leon carried another version of the cursed sword, born from fusing several fragments together, as did Taki with one of her blades. Even though the sword was sealed, its fragments still emitted the evil energies of the cursed blade.
Nightmare and Siegfried eventually meet in Lost Cathedraland Soul Embrace is finally broken. The two knights clashed, sending a shockwave that ripped both their bodies apart and leveled the Cathedral. Soul Edge and Nightmare fell into a warped dimensionbut even then, Soul Edge sought power. Because Nightmare had been given a body by the hatred and evil that dwelled there, the sword and body ended up at Ostrheinsburg when they fell out of the void. Soul Edge stretched its evil roots into the azure armor.
These included the being Charade and the smaller Soul Edge that had been fused together by Cervantes. These pieces had been scattered by Evil Seed, but now they were being called home. The sword drank it all in, and, for the first time in decades, was mostly whole again.
But it was not satisfied, and the sword continued to stretch into Nightmare. The evil armor was no longer enough to contain the evil power, and so the power and mind of Soul Edge sank its roots into Earth itself, and Ostrheinsburg became a cursed city, a vessel that would consume souls to further strengthen the sword.
Now the sword sits and waits for the final moment when it can clash with Soul Calibur again. Defeated in battle by Soul CaliburSoul Edge shattered, its fragments passing through a dimensional rift that scattered them all over the world.
However, Soul Edge was dissatisfied with its new host, still being unable to unleash its full power without assuming a form suited to its host. Together, the siblings seemingly rid the world of both swords, and the essence of both swords flows into Astral Chaos. It is unknown what happened to both Soul Edge and Soul Calibur - if they were truly destroyed or if they formed into Soul Embrace once more. Some shards of Soul Edge, including one broken off during the battle between the two siblings, still remain in the world.
Through the ages, Soul Edge has acquired many hosts that kept the evil energy of the sword inside their bodies.
In most hosts, their identity remains at least for a time but the darker, more violent aspects of their personality are drawn out under the thrall of the sword. In some cases like that of the unstable young Siegfriedthe mind of the wielder is so weak that Soul Edge is able to completely consume their identity and will, even changing their forms into a manifestation of the sword itself.
It may also animate the dead to use as a body, as was the case with Cervantes after he was slain by Taki, and the body made for it by Zasalamel after losing control of Siegfried prior to the events of Soulcalibur III. At the height of its power, the sword can manifest in its true formwithout the need for a host body.
The " Hero King ", Algol, is said to have been the only host able to assert his own will over that of the sword. Games Movies TV Wikis. Explore Wikis Community Central FANDOM University. Games Soul Edge Soulcalibur Soulcalibur II Soulcalibur Legends Soulcalibur III Soulcalibur IV Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny Soulcalibur V Soulcalibur: Nightmare Siegfried Ivy Sophitia Tira Kilik Taki See More. Soul Edge Soul Calibur Soul Edge Complete Weapons Soulcalibur IV weapons Soul Edge Final Form E.
Soulcalibur IV stages Stages Astral Chaos stage Chaos - Spiritual Realm Star Destroyer Docking Bay Soulcalibur III stages Utopia of the Blessed See More. Featured Article Featured Fanon Featured Editor Featured Author. General Policy Voting Policy Forum Policy Deletion Policy Admin Policies Rules of Fanon. Games Soulcalibur Astral Swords Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A New Light Soulcalibur Astral Swords - A Dark Destiny Soulcalibur: Bounds of The Soulswords Soulcalibur: Rise of Omega Soulcalibur: Rise of Omega - Back in Time Soulcalibur: The Spirit Lineage See More.
Alexander Cyril Helen Kilina Kisandra Leandra Sakura See More. Read the Rules Sign to make Fanon. Active Admins JaseyJasee Adopter LightningSakura JefferyDante. Arishimaru Ericard Fpunzi Highwayman Myth Josmaq Nightmare76 SarahPaiFan Siegfriedschtauffen See More.
Wiki Activity Random page Community Videos Images. WeaponsSoul seriesSoul bladesand 37 more Soulcalibur II weapons Soulcalibur weapons Soulcalibur III weapons Soulcalibur IV weapons Soulcalibur: For the video game, see Soul Edge game. Contents [ show ].
Soul Edge, as he appears in Soul Edgeequipped by Inferno spirit form. Soul Edge, as he appears in Soulcalibur. Soul Edge, as he appears in Soulcalibur II and Soulcalibur III. Soul Embrace Soul Edge and Soul Calibur in Soulcalibur III. Soul Edge, as he appears in Soulcalibur IV. Soul Edge in the possession of NightmareSoulcalibur V.
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Soulcalibur Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Content is available under CC-BY-SA. Algol Arcturus Egyptian Pharaoh Germanic Warlord Saxon King Zasalamel Night Terror Cervantes de Leon Soul Edge Siegfried Schtauffen Soulcalibur and Soulcalibur II as Nightmare Nightmare Soulcalibur III - Soulcalibur V Pyrrha Alexandra Soulcalibur V Inferno spirit form Soul Edge - Soulcalibur II.
However, Soul Edge was dissatisfied with its new host, still being unable to unleash its full power without assuming a form suited to its host. Visit Site Find Stores. Lost Swords has officially shut down. Not all stages have alternates, and some have more than one. Some shards of Soul Edge, including one broken off during the battle between the two siblings, still remain in the world.
For the video game, see Soul Edge game. At the height of its power, the sword can manifest in its true formwithout the need for a host body. Active Admins JaseyJasee Adopter LightningSakura JefferyDante.
Wiki Activity Random page Community Videos Images. Read the Rules Sign to make Fanon. Together, the siblings seemingly rid the world of both swords, and the essence of both swords flows into Astral Chaos. When complete, a road will form to the south, into a "subchapter. But then a holy warrior sent by HephaestusSophitia Alexandraconfronted him and was able to destroy the smaller of the two blades. In Soulcalibur III, Soul Edge is no longer used by anyone in the immediate roster or available as an initial weapon.
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These included the being Charade and the smaller Soul Edge that had been fused together by Cervantes.
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Through the ages, Soul Edge has acquired many hosts that kept the evil energy of the sword inside their bodies. The swords were obtained by an English curio dealer, whose ship was attacked by the dreaded pirate Cervantes de Leon. Will Be the Year of the Fighter? You must defeat the enemies, who are in this order: Get Adobe Flash Player. Does Free Stuff Make Up For Broken Games? He had instead fused together with Soul Calibur where the holy weapon had pierced him from the hilt area, and several parts of the blade are folded and cracked.
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