Voiced by Jennifer Darling. At the end of the episode, Belizar vowed to one day prove worthy of knighthood; in the meantime, he would stay in New Valarak and help the people rebuild. He possesses the totem of the Bear and his totem staff bestows the Power of Strength. When all of the electrical energy have been depleted from the world, an age of magic began.
Contact Us Register News Press Room Advertising Jobs. But the Spectral Knights find an ally in a woman who feels that freedom at the expense of others is wrong. Share this Rating Title: Lazorlash Slywire Malitor Ramazon Hydron Craggor Ramak Cybron. Unable to revert to human form, Leoric soon finds himself under attack from the Darkling Lords, a group of superstitious villagers and even his fellow Spectral Knights, who believe he has been killed.
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In a world full of magic, those who control power control destiny. They are The Visionaires - Knights of the Magical Light. Far away in a distant galaxy, the people of the planet Prysmos lived in an age of great technology.
They had taken control of all of the sources of energy, and enjoyed a life of comfort and ease for 7, years When all of the electrical energy have been depleted from the world, an age of magic began. But it would take some time before men would believe this. Years passed, and as the old order collapsed a new more primitive order rose form the rubble.
Knowing that the balance of power between Darkstorm and Leoric could easily be tipped, both frantically searched for a military advantage. The ancient wizards Merklyn contacted both parties and told them that he was seeking brave knights, men and women of vision, as he wished to teach them the ways of magic. Several knights then quest for magic, with only 14 succeeding.
They were rewarded by giving them animal totems, which represented their true self in animal form. Those knights who carried staffs were also given great powers, such as Wisdom, Knowledge, Destruction, Invulnerability, Fear and a variety of others. Those knights without staffs were given the ability to empower vehicles. The two sides battle each other for control of the magic, as well as the rule of New Valarak and Prysmos.
This 13 part cartoon series, 6 part comic mini-series and short lived toyline is given new life by the team behind Transformers At The Moon. This should really have been The episode starts with Darkstorm grumbling about how he has to travel to Iron Mountain in order to recharge their powers. Whilst grumbling to Mortdredd they remember that they have a wizard in their dungeon, Falkama captured in the third episode. Falkama tells them of a powerful book, known as the Omnipoticron which can be found in the Athenaeum.
Falkama then takes the Darkling Lords to the Athenaeum and they managed to collect the book, although it is guarded by a dragon called Smallog. After gaining the book Falkama informs Darkstorm that they need some wizardsbane, although he knows exactly where to find it. Transformers At The Moon. Issue 2 - The Balance of Power Issue 3 - The Star Stone Issue 4 - Dream Maker Issue 5 - Quests for the Four Talismans: Part 1 Issue 6 - Wings: Prototypes Prototypes and Hard Copies of Visionaries figures.
Unreleased Figures See the entire unreleased Series 2 figures. Concept Art Original Visionaries Concept Art and Amazing Box Art. Toy Galleries Galleries, bios, information and reviews of the Visionaries toys. Books, Cartoons and Comics Discover the lore behind the Visionaries universe.
About The Visionaries Far away in a distant galaxy, the people of the planet Prysmos lived in an age of great technology. This should really have been The episode starts with Darkstorm grumbling about how he has to travel to Iron Mountain in order to recharge their powers. Claw, gun Toy Focus Joust Magical Rhyme:
Visionary | Define Visionary at q96522ur.beget.tech
Animated television series and films in mid s tied in to Hasbro properties. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary 10,, visitors served. Voiced by Bernard Erhard. Articles lacking reliable references from January All articles lacking reliable references Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from March All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from July Articles with unsourced statements from October I think this was one of the first cartoons to have recurring sub-plots.
Her main adversary is Galadria. The cartoon showed he also had a secondary power to reverse his own Decay. As the Darkling Lords search for a secret weapon, Reekon and Mortdred discover they can magically power vehicles. In the comics, the female knights had shields which worked the same way as the staffs, but in the TV series they did not, and in "The Power Of The Wise", Virulina was seen piloting the Sky Claw.
Galadria and Cryotek find the Earth talisman, but it is jealously guarded by a tribe who worship it as a god. He possesses the totem of the scampering Beetleand like Reekon has the ability to power vehicles.
The Visionaries .net | Knights of the Magical Light
Prince of an unnamed city in the south, he possesses the totem of the Cheetah and his totem staff bestows the Power of Lightspeed. A career thief during the Age of Science, Reekon serves Darkstorm for primarily mercenary reasons. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. NEWS Top News Movie News TV News Celebrity News Indie News COMMUNITY Contributor Zone Polls. Switch to new thesaurus. Add the first question. Fletchen - A young woman from a village near New Valarak.
This page was last edited on 13 July , at He has no totem staff but boasts an additional ability to activate vehicles. In addition, he can take control of all cats, including human-to-feline shapeshifters like Leoric and possibly Witterquick. Knights that had staffs were told to dip them into an energy well, enchanting them with various magic ; its power activated by the holder reciting a special verse.
Edit Did You Know? If necessary, Witterquick is the most ready to bend the rules for the greater good. After escaping from Castle Darkstorm and acquiring magical vehicles of their own, the Spectral Knights capture the Darkling Lords and put them to work in a factory. A team of cyborgs protects Limbo from Mon Star and his gang. Scrabble Words With Friends. But Feryl soon learns what has happened and trails the Darkling Lords to Castle Darkstorm. But it would take some time before men would believe this.
There was also a short-lived comic book series, Visionaries , published by Star Comics and eventually Marvel Comics - it lasted only 6 issues, and was cancelled midway through a 4-part adventure.
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