Who really discovered america

Did Columbus Really Discover America? When they actually set foot on one of the land masses, they noted how the grass was covered with dew and the Vikings scraped it up with their bare hands. A year study on the activities of the Chinese fleet during to told the historian that with many valuables, silk, and porcelain on his ships Zheng He was the first man completing the first circumnavigation of the globe one century earlier than Ferdinand Magellan during With that, royal advisors persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella to change their minds.

Unfortunately Ruddock ordered all of these papers to be destroyed at her death in When he shipped five hundred of the slaves to Spain, 40 percent died en route.

The first encounter was when the Vikings came across 10 Indians taking naps under their overturned canoes — and the Vikings killed them. The local Indians were put to work as forced laborers in the goldfields or on Spanish ranches.

Based on Biblical evidence, from the Scriptures, there can be no doubt. Five hundred years before Columbus, a daring band of Vikings led by Leif Eriksson set foot in North America and established a settlement.

Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. Who really discovered america? Are you sure you want to delete this answer? I am a history major and i can tell you that your question is actually a really difficult one to answer.

Does it mean who was there first, does it mean who was there from a European society first, does it mean who traded there or who settled America? You see without that the teacher is really leaving you open to give the wrong answer. Of course he was so stupid he thought he was in India, so we now know the islands he landed on as the west indies. I would tell her to say it was the native Americans though,she can make a good argument for that.

According to a british historian, it can be proved with much evidence that Zheng He had discovered most parts of the world in the middle of the 15th century. On March 15, he introduced his researches to more than diplomats, scholars, and bookmen at the Royal Geographical Society. The Italian navigator Christopher Columbus arrived in America on Oct. A year study on the activities of the Chinese fleet during to told the historian that with many valuables, silk, and porcelain on his ships Zheng He was the first man completing the first circumnavigation of the globe one century earlier than Ferdinand Magellan during No one has explained that why European explorers had maps in their hands at that time, and who had drawn the maps?

It was a large ocean extending there and a large armada was necessary for drawing those maps. So who would be the map drawers if not the Chinese commanding the world largest armada? Gavin Menzies, author of the bestseller " The map shows us the Chinese explorer has been to America years before Columbus.

The map also shows us the Chinese understanding of the entire world. Christopher Columbus is historically the one credited with discovering America, but there has been speculation that perhaps the Vikings Norsemen discovered America before Christopher. Then, of course, whenever Columbus did reach America, there were natives already there.

So I guess one could reason that maybe the early Native Americans were the discoverers. The Native Americans were here before anyone actually "discovered" America. They settled set up a small fort, stayed for some years, and then vanished as quickly as they had come. Then several hundred years later, Christopher Columbus sailed here. You may want to investigate the Chinese of the Tang Dynasty. It is said one of their Admirals sailed East from China to a new land over li from home.

That is a bit over nautical Miles If my maps are correct that would place him in what we know as North America! The chinese writings say this took place in about AD. Of course if you are speaking of Europeans, Leif Ericson landed in Nova Scotia, years before Columbus sailed West. Also as it has been stated, why are we named after Amerigo Vespucci and not Columbus? To discover America, It had to be named America.

His last name is similar to America. The first people in what is now called America are "native Americans". They came from Asia across icebergs at the Bering Straight near Alaska. Apparently, there has been discoveries of artifacts from digs in various U. States in burial mounds and even a river bed that had the Ten Commandments written in ancient Hebrew dating back to around BC. Here are a couple of sites: So, I decided to do a bit of research. Do it yourself, by using some of the keywords from these articles.

This pre-dates all other claims. I am beginning to think that the Indians are descendants of some the Hebrews who were scattered because of their sins. The best history book yet is the Bible. American indians were native people living in America which is true but they did not discover America they were already here.

The explorer who discovered America was Amerigo Vespucci. See the following website: Amerigo discovered that these continants were not the Indies but a new continant and as a matter of fact America was named after Amerigo.

Learn at Culinary School. Related Questions Did Christoher Columbus discover America or did America discover him while he was lost at sea? Discovered america by whom? When did Columbus discover America? Who discovered America First? Answer Questions What is friend? IMPLICATIONS TO STUDENTS ACADEMIC PEROFORMANCE? How to design a methodology section in a research paper? What elements should be included in the methodology section? You are engaged in the Socratic method of dialectic with someone.

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The Saga of Ancient Hebrew Explorers -- Who Really Discovered America?

Popular Myths about America from Columbus to Clinton. Please do not remove this message until conditions to do so are met. In his later years, Columbus demanded that the Spanish Crown give him 10 percent of all profits made in the new lands, as stipulated in the Capitulations of Santa Fe.

A sample of Maya ceramic painting shows a lady with a flower who has an undeniable Negroid character. Back in the s the colourful Norwegian ethnographer and adventurer Thor Heyerdahl contended that Peruvians in sailboats made of balsa wood were commuting back and forth between the Americas and Polynesia centuries before Columbus set sail. Beginning more than 3, years ago, traders from the great urban centres of what is now Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan had sent goods across Eurasia, from Europe to India and China.

He then sailed to the islands of Chacachacare and Margarita. Who wrote the incredible inscription of the TEN COMMANDMENTS in an ancient Hebrew dialect. There undoubtedly was some intermarriage. Portuguese navigators tried to find a sea way to Asia. You May Also Like: Wow in the World.

Who Really Discovered America? ⋆ History Channel

Many experts are involved in these discussions and many archaeological techniques are used and explained. He showed me a small tablet containing ancient cuneiform writing of the Babylonians. This bridge was over 1, miles wide. Columbus was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas, having been preceded by the Viking expedition led by Leif Erikson in the 11th century, [4] [5] but his voyages led to the first lasting European contact with the Americas, inaugurating a period of exploration, conquest, and colonization that lasted several centuries.

The History of the Werewolf Legend. He returned to Portugal to settle her estate and take his son Diego with him. The first man, Francisco Pinto, in found over 20 caves deep in the Brazilian jungle and uncovered about strange inscriptions upon the rocks.

However, Columbus wrongly assumed that Farghani had presented his measurements in Roman miles rather than Arab miles. His tools were not the hit-or-miss methods of Venetian seamen or Norse sailors but an adroit combination of carefully controlled observation, meticulously assembled quantitative data and rigorous logic.

By Biruni had become an honoured scientist at Gurganch, the intellectual capital of his home region of Khwarazm.

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