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To join our community you need only to make a fast registration where you will indicate your username, password and email Theme offers many custom options such as different colors, menu variations and background textures. With this theme you will be allowed to build beautiful background slideshows in seconds. To download You need to login and choose the appropriate club subscription! Our members can download unlimited items from website. ThemeForest ElegantThemes Mojo Themes YOOtheme Devatic ThemeZilla TeslaThemes Industrial Themes.

AitThemes Expedition — Download Responsive Travel WordPress Theme July 12, Steam Subway Radiance Inspire Revista Balance Catalyst Big Easy Cloud Streamline Shelf Downtown. Доступная цена Наши цены значительно ниже чем у разработчиков.

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All lovers of travel, sports and open spaces will surely love the template - YOO Finchrepresented by a team of developers YOOtheme. This elaborate theme provides users with a wide variety of options and additional features that will turn your website into a real discovery. The rich structure of the template makes it easy to create a blog tourism destination or a travel site because of the adaptability of the template it is not necessary.

Presents three exclusive custom widget, one of which - Popover - allows you to position items via the coordinates on top of the basic widget and display them in a drop down menu that is attached to each element. The template allows Finch to get rid of one-sidedness and brings graphic depth and richness in sites that rightfully deserve it!

Zoo and Widgetkit 2 allow to achieve flexibility when creating the project, extend its functionality and increase adaptive properties. In the header of the home page is noteworthy slider, it is possible to select color profiles the Assembly of them is sixit is possible to provide information in the form of a slide show.

This Joomla template provides plenty of room to work with background images, textures and blocks. Use the button Socialbar, sticking to the right side of the browser window, you can switch between social networks; and design change the navigation menu is possible via the choice of transparency, and the properties of the pinning-unpinning. All templates YOOtheme created tastefully, the Studio remains committed to its style.

Finch is no exception: To download You need to login and choose the appropriate club subscription! Did you like our site?

And your gratitude will be our reward. The template is based on a simple-to-use Warp 7 Framework. A rich set of tools for flexible configuration by Joomla Websites!

Responsive template design offers maximum flexibility to adapt a website for mobile devices with different screen resolutions. Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery, Bootstrap 3. Get started in minutes using the installation template with pre-configured extensions styles and demo content. Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.

Joomla Templates and Extensions. Enter your username and password if you are already registered on the site. You can login through popular social networks: Home Templates Extensions Join Now Clubbing Together Favorites.

YOOtheme Finch - Joomla Template. Template Description The rich structure of the template makes it easy to create a blog tourism destination or a travel site because of the adaptability of the template it is not necessary. The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!.

The presence of PSD files for easy changes to the design template. QuickStart package - to quickly launch a fully customized site as a demo. Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL. Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website. Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1. The theme contains a selection of 6 colors to the layout of the site.

The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters. Advanced typography for a custom design content. Several types of menus, Mega Menu, Dropline Menu, CSS Menu, with smooth animation effects. Includes support for CCK component of content management K2 and powerful designer catalogues ZOO, as well as an integrated component Widgetkitand other popular extensions.

Demo package with support version of CMS Joomla! Demo Download Joint Purchase. Warp Framework The template is based on a simple-to-use Warp 7 Framework.

Responsive Design Responsive template design offers maximum flexibility to adapt a website for mobile devices with different screen resolutions. Quick Start Get started in minutes using the installation template with pre-configured extensions styles and demo content. SEO optimization Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.

Completed YOOtheme - Standard Joomla Membership All Club Templates. Includes Monthly Releases and Regular Updates. The collection of contributions completed. Subscription for 12 months. How to participate in a joint purchase? Joomla Templates Home Page Templates separator Joomla Templates Templates for Joomla Versions separator Templates Joomla 2. Joomla Extensions Home Page Extensions separator Joomla Extensions Extensions for Joomla Versions separator Extensions Joomla 2.

SEARCH BY FILTER Template studio: BonusThemes GavickPro HotThemes IceTheme JoomlArt JoomlaBamboo Joomla-Monster JoomlaPlates JoomlaXTC JoomShaper JoomlaShack JoomlaShine OmegaTheme RocketTheme Shape5 SmartAddons ThemeXpert ThemeForest TemplateMonster TemPlaza VirtuemartTemplates Vtem YOOtheme YouJoomla ZooTemplate Other Studios Template theme: Yellow Orange Green Lime Blue Light Blue Turquoise Purple Brown Gray White Black Multicolors Red Pink Version of Joomla: Free Premium Filter By.

YOOtheme Uniq - Joomla Template. YOOtheme Avion - Joomla Template.

YOOtheme Finch

Choose an option 1 month updates Lifetime updates Clear. SEARCH BY FILTER Template studio: YooTheme Finch — is a responsive WordPress Theme, suited for business websites, agencies and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site.

You must be logged in to add a product to your favorites. WooCommerce support Slideshow and Slideshow Panel widgets Compatibility with WordPress All Versions Theme Version 1. Recent Posts ThemeForest Kreativa — Download Photography Theme for WordPress July 21, Best regards, CmsDude Team. Important Words About CmsDude - No backlinks! To join our community you need only to make a fast registration where you will indicate your username, password and email

Finch - YOOtheme Template v | Joomla

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This sophisticated theme provides tons of custom options and additional features to make browsing through your website a true experience. Hi dude can you update to the last version of….

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