Fstab webdav

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. This article will explain how to setup such WebDav share on an existing Apache2 server. Sign up or log in to customize your list. To disable, edit config. Your webdav access is now fully operationnal and, as it is seen as a part of your filesystem, is should be transparent to any type of program.

Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Retrieved from " https: To avoir it, you will need to declare your server certificate to davfs.

Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators.

For some reasons, I need to access some of my home server files from outside when I am on the move. Some of these accesses can be very restrictive, allowing only web access port 80 and only and some can also even check your user agent my 3G data plan.

This share will be accessed by using the HTTPS protocol on port As a matter of fact, it should be allowed with no restriction by any access type. This article will explain how to setup such WebDav share on an existing Apache2 server. It will also explain how to setup a Windows and a Ubuntu client to be able to use that access.

This setup has been done on Debian Squeeze, but it should be compatible with any following version. The following guide suppose that you are connected as root. If not, you should start all the console commands with sudo. The first step is to create the SSL certificate and SSL key needed by your Apache server. These will be used to secure the transmission. The SSL certificate will have a.

To create these to files, you first need to create your local authority file by shooting these commands:. It is very important that you define the Common Name CN with your server public URL yourserver. As your Webdav share will be accessible from Internet, the CN should be set with your public IP address or better, with your public DNS name DynDNS for example. For security reasons, the file should not be accessible from the webdav shared directory.

So we will create it in the home directory of the www-data user. You will be asked to type in a password for the user test. The -c switch creates the file as it does not exist.

Then, change the permissions of your new password file so that only root and the members of the www-data group can access it:. For your Webdav share to be accessible from Internet, you have to configure your router accordingly. As the Webdav share will be accessed thru the HTTPS protocol, you should configure your router to forward port TCP to your Webdav server.

Your browser should inform you that you need to accept a certificate. Under Linux Debian, Ubuntu, This step is too simple to be described. But this method has actually a main drawback: It is not handled properly by Nautilus while opening an Open Office document. To avoid these troubles, the best approach is to mount the WebDav share as a filesystem in your home directory. By default this package is installed so that only root can mount davfs volumes.

Then, you need to configure davfs so that members of the group "users" can mount davfs volumes. As you have generated a self-made certificate, without any trusted authority, you will get this type of message when you will try to mount your webdav share on a Linux client:. The server might be faked or there might be a man-in-the-middle-attack. Accept certificate for this session? To avoir it, you will need to declare your server certificate to davfs. First thing is to place your server certificate server.

One more step is to pre-declare the WebDav share login and password in the davfs configuration. Once done, you will be able to mount the share with davfs handling automatically the authentification process. At this point, you need to restart your computer for all these configurations to become operationnal. Your webdav access is now fully operationnal and, as it is seen as a part of your filesystem, is should be transparent to any type of program.

Any shortcut on your desktop to a script with that command will allow your to mount the share in one click: If you plan to use it under Windows, prefer to use NetDrive. The built-in XP WebFolder client is very difficult to setup and seems not to accept the Basic authentification protocol. This article is published "as is", without any warranty that it will work for your specific need. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Debian - Setup HTTPS WebDav share and client configuration By Nicolas Bernaerts Creation 28 Apr

WebDav and fstab | Linux Sagas

Consider it an alias. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts by email. Sign up using Email and Password. I wanted it to mount on my filesystem as opposed to just using it in nautilus so that I could use meld to copy files to it.

The thread I read mentioned using the users group. I replaced staff with my username, which is my default group. The built-in XP WebFolder client is very difficult to setup and seems not to accept the Basic authentification protocol. It will also explain how to setup a Windows and a Ubuntu client to be able to use that access.

Post was not sent - check your email addresses! So we will create it in the home directory of the www-data user. WebDav and fstab September 9, — Stephen aka DigitalEagle This page has moved. Post as a guest Name.

linux - How to reach a WEBDAV mount in a NFS4 export - Super User

As you have generated a self-made certificate, without any trusted authority, you will get this type of message when you will try to mount your webdav share on a Linux client:. I have a WEBDAV mountpoint to a remote server, the according user mountable directory is created in a directory, which i export via NFS4. First, I looked up the Cadaver Linux WebDAV client. You would have to import the private certificate and then open the https: Then, change the permissions of your new password file so that only root and the members of the www-data group can access it:.

MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Privacy policy About ArchWiki Disclaimers Mobile view. Get neon and compile it Get davfs and compile it Configure davfs, mount the WebDAV directory and so on Important note for SLES This step is too simple to be described.

It is not handled properly by Nautilus while opening an Open Office document. Any shortcut on your desktop to a script with that command will allow your to mount the share in one click: By default this package is installed so that only root can mount davfs volumes.

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