
As always enjoy the update, Ken Patch Notes: Log in or sign up in seconds. Almost There 1 September, - Incandescent Games. Community Community Newsroom Blog Publishing news Forums Games hub. Free to Play Early Access Demos Virtual Reality Steam Controller.

Do you need some programmation class to play this game? All Dance Projects Performances Residencies Spaces Workshops. Check him out on SoundCloud or Newgrounds. LogicBots Folge der schwarzen Linie - by MisterFlagg. And overcome the puzzles that we put, in most of the game we will control the robots that we build but in other occasions the robot must be operated only to be able to surpass the level.

If you design a robot, it will appear in any level where it is appropriate and will be available in the sandbox level see stretch goals. This game has to have a translation in Portuguese-Brazil because I do not understand anything I found this very interesting game Translate: View LogicBots in the store Store page.

They will appear within each of the levels in that area and on the level selection screen. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Again, you will receive a digital download of the level so that you can test it out and make any changes you wish within reason. Official YouTube Channel Get LogicBots Steam Store Incandescent Games LogicBot Rules Reddiquitte and general rules apply Please keep conversation civil No threats or rude behavior.

Add a review now. LogicBots Walkthrough A01L01 - Smooth Black Line Video Walkthrough youtube. Popular user-defined tags for this product:

The robot you build has to be able to make decisions and finish the puzzle completely on its own. Each level consists of three distinct modes; Construction ModeWiring Mode and Live Mode.

First comes Construction Modein this mode you have to build your robot from scratch by selecting and connecting together modular parts. The first part you place is always a Main Body part which is the housing of you circuit board and contains useful parts such as motors for driving your robots wheels.

You then join together all the other parts your robot needs to complete the task such as wheels, sensors, hinges, pistons, etc. Once you have built the physical part of your robot you switch to Wiring Mode. In this mode you give your robot its brains by wiring together the inputs and outputs of your robots main body. There are a selection of logic, comparison, maths and functional gates which you can wire together to process the inputs giving your robot its behaviour.

This may be, for instance, turning left when Sensor 1 detects an object within 30cm, or firing a projectile when a laser sensor is tripped. Once you have constructed and wired your robot you hit the start button and go to Live Mode. In this mode your robot has to complete the puzzle on its own, all you can do is watch. The puzzles will include getting your robot to follow a line to the finish, navigating a maze, retrieving objects, catching other robots, manoeuvring over physical objects and much more.

If your robot fails the puzzle, or you think it will, recall your robot, make changes, and then send it on its way again. On each level you will be scored under three distinct categories, Time, Simplicity and Cost. The Time category is self explanatory, this will be a set completion time which your robot has to be able to complete the puzzle in.

The Simplicity category will be a maximum number of gates you can use when wiring your robot and finally the Cost category will be the total cost of your robot as each part you place when building your robot will have an associated cost. As with a lot of puzzle games there will be a gold, silver and bronze target for each category and it may take more than one robot design to get gold in all the categories.

There will also be a special objective for each level, logicbots, such as completing the level not using certain parts or carrying out an additional task. There will be five areas within the game ranging from easy to difficult, each consisting of eight levels. There will also be optional tutorial levels at the start of the game along with bonus levels which unlock once the game has been completed. These bonus levels I aim to make extremely difficult and may in fact be impossible.

In total, I expect to complete approximately fifty levels. The soundtrack for the game will be made by Brandon Penney aka Neon-Bard. Shivershade Mountain and Idealistic Ambience are two of his tracks which I have used as background music in the video above. His musical style can be described as a unique blend between electronic and classical genres with a heavy influence drawn from video games. He will definitely be doing some of the game music if I get funding but hopefully I will be able to afford for him to do a complete soundtrack.

Check him out on SoundCloud or Newgrounds. I have chosen to put my game on Kickstarter for two main reasons. Firstly, although much of the programming for the game mechanics is done a lot of content for the game still needs to be made and the interface needs a lot of work.

The funding would mean I could go full time on the game and be able to add all the content that is needed to make this a great game. The second reason is interest. I want to know if you guys want the game! The rewards are mainly self-explanatory, however I will explain some of the rewards and conditions in more detail:. I am hoping to be able to get the game on Steam Greenlight.

If this is the case you will get your copy of the game on Steam. However if not, you will receive a standalone copy of the game for PC via digital download. I am hoping the Beta version will be available in August, but it will be made available as soon as the Alpha testing has finished. The Beta version will be a digital download which will be updated with changes as and when they occur. The Alpha testing will hopefully start late June or early July and will be an unfinished and unpolished playable version of the game.

If you are an Alpha Tester you will get access to the Alpha forums on the Incandescent Games website where you will be able to post any glitches you have found or your ideas to tweak parts of the game.

I will be closely monitoring these forums so your comments will have a large impact on the final game. Like the Beta version, the Alpha version will be a digital download which will be updated regularly with changes. Poster and boxed version of LogicBots: The poster will be an A1 poster x mm and will be a high resolution version of the LogicBots blueprint logo.

The artwork for the box version is not finalised but it will have a blueprint theme. Level and Robot Designer: If you design a robot you will be designing the Main Body of the robot. You will get to test and tweak your robot as I work on it. To do this you will get a digital download of a sample level with your robot to test it on.

If you design a robot, it will appear in any level where it is appropriate and will be available in the sandbox level see stretch goals. If you design a level it will feature in the game as a bonus level. Again, you will receive a digital download of the level so that you can test it out and make any changes you wish within reason.

The area characters, which will be designed around you, will feature within each of the five level areas. They will appear within each of the levels in that area and on the level selection screen.

As this is my first full video game title the biggest risk is reaching the November release date that I have set as I am not entirely sure how long this game will take to finish and polish.

However, I have been conservative with my release date and if I get funding I WILL complete this game. Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ. You will receive a digital copy of the game for PC upon release and your name in the credits as a Kickstarter backer. You receive a digital copy of the game for PC upon release and your name in the credits as a Kickstarter backer. Additionally you will be invited into the early Beta version to test the game out. Along with the private forums you will have access to the Beta forums once the Beta version is released.

You receive a digital copy of the game for PC upon release and your name in the credits as a Kickstarter backer and Alpha tester. You will also be invited into the limited early Alpha version of the game and your feedback will be taken into account.

You will get Beta access to the game too. Along with the private forums you will have access to the Beta and Alpha forums once each of the versions are released. You will receive a special version of LogicBots which allows for multiple pc installation for educational purposes. You must be able to prove that you are part of an educational organisation.

This is NOT a student version of the game this is for educational bodies only. You will get to design a special level for the game. This can be done from a drawing or a written description which I can then discuss with you so I can create the level you want. You will get to see the level through its creation and be the first to test it out!

You will also get your name in the credits for your level design. You will get to design your own unique robot for the game.

This can be done from a drawing, or a written description which I can then discuss with you so I can create the robot you want. There will be limitations on what can be created such as size and complexity but I will be as flexible as I can be. I will also let you do the paint job for your robot if you wish or I can work from your sketch. You will get to see the robot through its creation and be the first to test it out!

You will also get your name in the credits for your robot design. All above awards including Level Designer and Robot Designer. You get one of the area characters designed in your likeness and named after you see rewards for more details and you will also receive an exclusive LogicBots t-shirt. Mar 1, - Mar 31, 30 days. Sign up for our Happening email for all the inside info about arts and culture in the Kickstarter universe and beyond.

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All Theater Projects Comedy Experimental Festivals Immersive Musical Plays Spaces. Artisanal Bikes DIY Innovation Just for Kids Kickstarter Gold LGBTQ Public Benefit Robots RPGs Sci-Fi and Fantasy STEM Virtual Reality. Share this project Done. Tweet Share Pin Email. Design, build and wire up your own unique robot to complete challenging logic puzzles. Rewards Campaign FAQ 3 Updates 30 Comments 67 Community. Notify me on launch. Edinburgh, UK Video Games. How does the game work?

Wiring logic gates on the circuit board. A robot navigating a maze in Live Mode. Support this project Select this reward. A huge thank you. Estimated delivery Apr Kickstarter is not a store. Learn more about accountability. Estimated delivery Nov Ships to Anywhere in the world. You will also get all of the above rewards. You will also get all of the above rewards, except Robot Designer.

You will also get all of the above rewards, except Level Designer. Funding period Mar 1, - Mar 31, 30 days. About us What is Kickstarter? Who we are Impact Jobs Press Stats Newsletters Spotlight Drip Kickstarter Live The Year In Kickstarter: Hello Happening Company Blog Engineering Blog The Creative Independent.

LogicBots on Steam

Bailey 22 Aug, 7: Then you add the other parts such as wheels and sensors, these parts can be added wherever you like, so long as they fit. In this mode you give your robot its brains by wiring together the inputs and outputs of your robots main body.

Wednesday, February 8, Will output its current rotation in degrees from 0 to Sign up for our Happening email for all the inside info about arts and culture in the Kickstarter universe and beyond. Password Forgot your password? Hope this goes to ther platforms linux. You will get to design a special level for the game. If you believe your item has been banned mistakenly, please contact Steam Support.

SSE2 instruction set support Memory: Art All Art Projects Ceramics Conceptual Art Digital Art Illustration Installations Mixed Media Painting Performance Art Public Art Sculpture Textiles Video Art. In this mode your robot has to complete the puzzle on its own, all you can do is watch.

It is only visible to you. Support this project Select this reward. Or can you learn easily and is there a tutorial? It is up to the player to design, build and wire their LogicBot to meet the requirements of the level. I will also let you do the paint job for your robot if you wish or I can work from your sketch.

On 22 September LogicBots will be released on Steam Early Access!

Steam Greenlight :: LogicBots

All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. You will also get your name in the credits for your level design. The Time category is self explanatory, this will be a set completion time which your robot has to be able to complete the puzzle in. Buzz is not available for this game. All Journalism Projects Audio Photo Print Video Web. You will get to design a special level for the game. Visit the website View update history Read related news View discussions Find Community Groups.

The funding would mean I could go full time on the game and be able to add all the content that is needed to make this a great game. Information on this page may be out of date, since all the action has moved to the areas noted above. This can be done from a drawing or a written description which I can then discuss with you so I can create the level you want.

If your robot fails the puzzle, or you think it will, recall your robot, make changes, and then send it on its way again. Enter Search Log in Sign up. There will also be a special objective for each level, such as completing the level not using certain parts or carrying out an additional task. The Simplicity category will be a maximum number of gates you can use when wiring your robot and finally the Cost category will be the total cost of your robot as each part you place when building your robot will have an associated cost.

Customer notes Customer notes. Buy It On The Steam Store Welcome! You will receive a digital copy of the game for PC upon release and your name in the credits as a Kickstarter backer. Each level consists of three distinct modes; Construction Mode , Wiring Mode and Live Mode. This may be, for instance, turning left when Sensor 1 detects an object within 30cm, or firing a projectile when a laser sensor is tripped. I will be closely monitoring these forums so your comments will have a large impact on the final game.

Let's Play: LogicBots

9574 :: 9575 :: 9576 :: 9577 :: 9578 :: 9579